January 20, 2004

Staff attending: Rita Bruce, Delores Buerger, Josie Cheung, Stephanie DeWitt, Momi Elliott, Janice Ely, Pamela
Fees, Angie Gardea, Joyce Hopkins, Miriam Ifill, Celia Kang, Estella Lee, Jill McTarsney, Chintana Mainous, Gay
Malpede, Nina Marshal, Petie Moura, Bill Schneider, Luukia Smith, Marie Stokes, Hong Tran, Gary Turner,
Catharina Uebele, Lisa Webb
The meeting was opened at 10:35 a.m. by Celia. Minutes of December 16, 2003, were accepted as written.
Safety Report Topic “SAFETY 2004! PLAN YOUR FUTURE!”
The safety report was e-mailed to everyone on campus. Basically, if you see a safety hazard, report it.
There is a new State law that prohibits smoking within 20’ of a main entrance or operational windows. The
on-campus means of enforcing this is to designate smoking areas clearly marked as 20’ away from a
building. The receptacles will be moved away from building entrances.
Committee Reports
There were no committee reports.
Thanks were extended to all who worked with the auditors from Vicenti Lloyd & Stutzman to complete the
audit. Copies of the finished audit are available for review. Some of the auditors’ findings are beyond the
control of our area. Officers will have copies for discussion at unit meetings.
The 2003-04 final budget books have been reprinted. Contact Delores if anyone wants a copy.
Update on move – Pam has been taking before and after pictures. Plans seem to be on schedule with
painting until January 21 and carpeting on January 22 and 23.
Petie, Luukia, and Cat need computers hooked up, everyone else is connected.
The painters said to remember to be careful of putting anything up with tape. If it is to be something
permanent, see if it can be secured in a different manner. This also applies to the cashier windows.
Regarding the emergency telephone tree prepared last year, everything should be in place and information
be current. If there is any change, advise Delores. It is also important to have addresses updated. W-2’s
will be going out this week and wrong addresses will cause returns and delays.
Pam will call Don Treat and check on 911 accessibility.
The likelihood of community colleges receiving a COLA adjustment in the May revise was discussed. If
there is one, it appears it would be 1.84%. There is little change from what is already known. The
governor’s main message is that everything regarding budget hinges critically on the passage of props 57
and 58. One is linked with the other, they are written so that both must pass or both will fail. It is
important to get this message out.
An increase from $18 to $26 for the enrollment fee is still being discussed for Fall 2004. It is also possible
there will be an increase of fees for people who already have bachelor degrees or higher. It will not be
known if the $26 fee goes into effect until after the budget is passed.
Agenda Development
Chintana will chair the February meeting.
The meeting closed at 10:55 a.m.