El Camino Community College Learning Resources Unit Council Meeting March 20, 2007

El Camino Community College
Learning Resources Unit Council Meeting
March 20, 2007
Persons present: Kerry Bossin KB, Alice Grigsby AG, Ed Martinez EM, Howard Story HS,
Claudia Striepe CS.
The meeting was convened at 3:22 P.M. by AG.
The minutes of the November and December 5, 2006 meetings were previously distributed.
Item # I: Unit Activities: Special Committee on Use of Staff Room Recommendation was that
the Staff Room be available to all employees during their work shifts and that student workers
must wear badges and not bring in friends. AG advised all to keep the proposal in mind until the
next meeting when a quorum would be present.
Item # II: Planning Activities 2006-08: AG distributed a handout on comparisons of three
different approaches to SLOs. CS reported there was no feedback yet on the Unit’s course level
and there was no need to do program, but we must implement our course assessment. AG
advised it may be helpful to start looking at departmental SLOs and that Don Brown gained
some information from participating on the accreditation team that went to Orange Coast.
Item # III: ID Card Issue/Friends of the Library: AG reported there was nothing new to add.
She will e-mail “Non-Student Use of the Library” to appropriate parties. HS added that as of
today, there would be two part-time persons in Distance Education until June. He hoped that this
would continue after June.
Item # IV: Program Review Guidelines: Program Review: AG reported that Barbara Perez sent
one used by Student Services and that it appears to be close to what we need and is dependent on
student surveys. She added that everything is data based but also that data requires
interpretation. HS, who had taken the new temporary staff members on a tour of the LRU,
pointed out the full usage of the Media Center.
Item # V: Other: Budget Issues: AG reported that the LRU is over in staffing because of
difficulty when growing. The shortfall is in a special account for full and part-timers who work
during the summer. She advised that money will come through the overlap from the summer of
two fiscal years. Staffing Issues: AG distributed the draft, “Temporary, Non-Classified Service
Employees Hiring Information” and asked all to review and give feedback. Discussion took
place on Temporary Non-Classified Employees: hourly rates, enrollment requirements, Board
approval, starting levels and title (Instructional Services Aide I-IV). HS pointed out the need for
clarification of personnel who have technical experience. All agreed that the attempt to hold
down costs will present difficulties in hiring qualified people. AG added that the LMT IV
position will be filled. Next meeting she will bring the budget for consideration of needs. With
the new building scheduled for completion winter 2007-08, staffing needs will have to be written
in. EM advised of the desirability to purchase a digital camera to photograph both graffiti and
the lobby art displays. He added that thanks to CS, the Unit Retreat will involve Toyota on May
11. He will put in a request for two vans.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:12 P.M.