January 1, 2009

El Camino Community College
Learning Resources Unit Council Meeting
October 20, 2009
Persons present: Kerry Bossin KB, Don Brown DB, Alice Cornelio AC, Lisa George LG, Alice
Grigsby AG, Ed Martinez EM, Noreth Men NM, Claudia Striepe CS, Howard Story HS.
The meeting was convened at 3:05 P.M. by AG.
Item #1: With two revisions: “only one additional network” instead of two and ITS replacing
“IP,” the minutes of the September 22, 2009 meeting were approved.
Item #2: Student Learning Outcomes: CS reported that Jenny Simon said the LRU is well on its
way and to keep doing what we’re doing. She added that preparation for workshops is ongoing.
Item #3: Facilities: Great Shake-Out Follow-up and Thefts and vandalism in the building: EM
began by reminding everyone that all injuries on the job require promptly filling out an injury
report form. AG added that sometimes a seemingly minor injury could turn out to be serious.
EM pointed out that injury-related absences require a doctor’s release in order for the employee
to return to work. EM advised that he will get some forms and that they are also available in the
LRU office. EM reported that the LRU aced the Great Shake-Out, though the captains’
supplemental walkie-talkies didn’t work well inside the building. CS suggested adding a roll
call. EM said the captains check to make sure everyone is out. AG agreed there should be some
sort of roll call. EM then reported that LG had been the victim of a theft from her office and
reminded all to be aware of their surroundings and keep their office doors locked. AG warned
against accosting anyone because there might be a weapon. She also advised to make purses less
accessible. EM asked that suspicious persons be reported to him or campus police. AG noted
that the fire extinguishers have been removed and need to be replaced. EM noted that there will
be a demonstration on how to use the Evacu-Trac Emergency Evacuation Device at a safety
meeting. KB noted in regard to the Great Shake-Out, the need for tables or some kind of shelter
by the windows on the second floor of the library. During the Shake-Out she noticed that the
carrels had been full, and even if empty, students seated by the windows would have had to make
their way through the bookshelves to get to the carrels.
Item #4: Technology: AG advised although LRU has a lot of technology needs, we should use
care in our wording to avoid distortions. Regarding wi-fi access, HS said he would check the
access on campus. AG suggested a meeting of the Unit Technology Committee.
Item #5: Staffing: AG asked the Council for support in the resubmission of the Faculty Position
Identification form for a fulltime Learning Center Coordinator. The position is about 50%
faculty and 50% non-faculty. AG talked about the challenge of justification in light of codes,
laws, regulations requiring the presence of a certificated person. The Council’s support was
Item #6: Unit Plans2010-2011: AG reminded all of the mandate linking planning and budget.
She spoke of the handout on goals currently in Plan Builder and said that the feedback was not to
be so specific. General discussion followed. AG said that she would include current needs such
as software and security maintenance contracts. She pointed out that many of the goals came
from Program Review. She asked all to forward new needed items for the Goals list.
Item #7: Agenda Items November: General discussion followed about the Accreditation Team’s
visit October 27. AG advised that the library was not an issue. Discussion took place on finding
effective ways to use the FAQ software. NM said maybe the Technology Committee can come
up with questions to reduce student frustration. AC pointed out problems in unity of format. DB
spoke of his experiences on the Accreditation Team for Folsom Lake College which opened in
2000. He spoke highly of its shared governance, financial management, and commitment to the
arts. AG talked about ECC’s serving more students than the funding it’s getting and upcoming
class section cuts. She encouraged the idea of branding/marketing, and a sample label was
passed around.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 P.M.