May 24, 2011

Unit Council Meeting
May 24, 2011
Student Learning Outcomes
Claudia Striepe reminded all team captains of the need to update information for the end of the semester
report. Striepe also shared the success she has had in using clickers as an assessment tool in various
orientation sessions for the pre and post test. Teams will need to review future plans for inclusion in the
Unit’s program review to be completed in 2011-2012.
Unit Survey Discussion/Analysis
The recently completed 2011 Learning Resources Unit Satisfaction Survey was discussed. The council
recommended that Research disaggregate the faculty/staff comments and results from the student
Each department was asked to look at relevant comments and address with the staff in their area. Follow-up
documentation will be provided to the Unit Office. It was also recommended that a Comment box be placed
in a public area to solicit concerns and accolades. A continuing challenge is noise in the lobby and specific
reading rooms. Suggestions were made regarding additional ways to address this issue including placing
noise absorbent wall hangings in the north reading room.
Tracking System Follow-up
Information Technology has informed us that they will not be using the CI Solution tracking software as
referenced in the April Council minutes. Instead, they are using an in-house developed system to track
computer use in all labs. A sample printout provided by ITS reflects the building name, room number,
computer name, login time, logout time and the users ID. The fields can be sorted to provide significant use
Other concerns that emerged in the discussion will be referred to ITS including the need for regular memory
clearing to keep the workstations operating efficiently.
Planning for 2011-12
Unit Program Review (Due SP12)
Don Brown volunteered to serve as the Program Review Co-Chair for 2011-2012. Other volunteers
are being solicited.
Board Policy 6160
Moon Ichinaga shared the general discussion regarding the draft administrative procedure for policy 6160,
ECC District Computer and Network Use Policy”. The unit’s representatives on the Academic Technology
Committee and the campus Technology Committee will share identified concerns during their discussion.
Present: D. Brown, R. Cash, L. George, A. Grigsby, M. Ichinaga, E. Martinez, C. Striepe
Absent: A. Cornelio, K. Bossin