MTH 306F 2005 Fall SYLLABUS Text 1: (Required) Blanchard, Devaney and Hall, Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd edition, Brooks/Cole, 2002 Text 2: (Required) Coombes, Hunt, Lipsman, Osborn and Stuck, Differential Equations with Maple (3rd edition), John Wiley & Sons Topics: Portions of chapters 1-3 and 5. Other material as time allows. See the Lecture Schedule below for more detail. Exams and other required work: Two Exams during the semester and a Final Exam. Math Lab assignments. Homework: Weekly homework assignments will be posted on the course web page. Math Labs: Weekly Math lab assignments will be posted on the course web page. Grades: First Exam 25%. Second Exam 25%. Math Lab Reports 25%. Final Exam: 25% . +/- grades will be assigned. Math Lab Assignments: Guidelines for Math Labs: 1. Your Name, ID# and assignment # should appear on your cover page, and all attached Maple worksheets. 2. Indicate on each Maple Work Sheet which problem, and problem part appears on the sheet. 3. Show all Maple commands and the results of executing them. 4. Math Lab assignments that are submitted after the due date indicated below may be rejected or subject to a grading penalty. GENERAL INFORMATION Recitations will begin the second week of class. Students with Disabilities: If you have a diagnosed disability (physical, learning or psychological) which will make it difficult for you to carry out the course work as outlined, or requires accommodations such as recruiting note takers, readers, or extra time on exams and/or assignments, please advise me during the first two weeks of the course so that we may review possible arrangements for reasonable accommodations. Making up an Incomplete in mathematics: To make up an incomplete, you must... 1. Not re-register for the course — You are making up an incomplete in your original course. 2. Appear in person at the Mathematics Building, Room 244, ask for Rosemarie Marciniak and ask her to initiate an incomplete petition form for you. 3. Sign the petition. 4. a) If your original instructor determined that the work was to be completed with him/her, take the approved petition form to your original instructor for his/her signature. b) If your original instructor determined that the work was to be completed by your repeating the course, take the approved petition form to your new instructor for his/her signature. 5. Return the petition form to Rosemarie Marciniak in Room 244 Mathematics Building by the last day of drop/add (Friday, September 2). Repeating Course: If this course is being taken to repeat a course previously taken at UB, it is important , for financial aid purposes, to be registered for 12 credit hours in addition to the course which is being repeated to be considered full time. Important Dates: Friday, September 9: Last day to drop course –no record appears on transcript. Friday, September 9: Last day to file "Petition to make up an incomplete" with the Department of Mathematics for Fall 2005 class attendance. Friday, October 31 Last day to "resign" Fall 2005 courses. A grade of "R" appears on transcript. (One semester UB students have until November 11 (3 WEEKS LATER) to resign with an "R" provided they have contacted their advisor about this option prior to November 11 to discuss this option.)