


Created by: Amanda Quintanar

October 9, 2001

OP 380

Dr. Tom Foster

Boise State University


What will be covered:

• What is Prototyping?

• How can Prototyping be used in business?

• The nuts and bolts of Prototyping

• How Prototyping works

• An example of how Prototyping is utilized in business

• Summary


An Exercise

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• Close your eyes.

• Imagine a vehicle with four doors

• Imagine the road you are driving on

• Imagine the music playing on the radio


An Exercise

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• Of course everyone one of us imagined a different vehicle

• Everyone of us imagined different scenery

• Everyone imagined different music playing


An Exercise

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• Prototyping can help everyone visualize the same end result.

• There is no ambiguity

• Everyone is on the same page


What is Prototyping?

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• A prototype, according to Webster’s dictionary, is “an original model after which other similar things are patterned.”

• This definition is “an iterative approach to design in which a series of product mock-ups are developed until the customer and designer agree on the final design.”


What is Prototyping?

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• There are several types of


• (i.e. Rapid Prototyping, Basic

Prototyping, CAD,Paper


• Different industries use different techniques


What is Prototyping?

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• Utilized by virtually every business

• Tool to help businesses stay on top of the competition in terms of new products

• Aids companies in developing quality products by allowing the prototype to be but through rigorous testing before production on the product take s place to ensure that it is durable and reliable


How can Prototyping be used in business?

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• Virtually every business uses


• A wide range of business use prototypes from airplane manufacturers to toy producers to computer system developers

• Prototypes are one of the most useful and cost-effective quality tools businesses have


How can Prototyping be used in business?

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• Prototypes can be a source of creativity

• Prototypes allow the user to interact with the product so the developer can receive feedback.

• Prototyping is not limited to product development.

• Can also be used as process development.


How can Prototyping be used in business?

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• Every department can use prototypes to help them excel

• For example, marketing departments use prototyping to determine why consumers buy products.


Benefits of prototyping

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• Allows all departments to be on the same page

• A model allows them to see, touch, and handle the product

• Clarifies communication

• Effective project management tool

• Handy at design reviews

G Thomas Clay. “Rapid prototyping accelerates the design process.”

Machine Design, Cleveland; Mar 9, 2000; Vol. 72, Iss. 5; pg. 166, 4 pgs


The nuts and bolts of


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1. Planning and goal setting

2. The design process

3. Prototype construction

4. Analyzing the concept

5. Prototype rollout

6. Evolution of the design


The nuts and bolts of


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There are 6 basic steps to developing a prototype

1. Planning and goal setting

• Sets the tone for the rest of the process

2. The design process

• Important to pick one distinct prototype technique and stick with it.

3. Prototype construction

• Cost and timelines are very important in this stage


The nuts and bolts of


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4. Analyzing the concept

• This is primarily measured by focus groups and technology

• Benchmarking

5. Prototype rollout

• Always have a backup plan

• Changes can be made to design as it becomes apparent which aspects work and which do not


The nuts and bolts of


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6. Evolution of the design

• Communication is essential in this final stage.

• Feedback should be given on the prototype and suggestions on how to improve

Anonymous. “Prototypes: From concept to rollout.” Chain Store

Age, New York; May 1999; Vol. 75, Iss. 5; pg. 199, 1 pgs.


How Prototyping works

• Several types of Prototypes

• Depending on the industry/product different techniques are used


How Prototyping works

Basic Prototype

• “Nonworking mockup of the product that can be reviewed by customers prior to acceptance.”

• Sometimes these basic prototypes are used at trade shows

• For example, the auto industry refers to them as concept cars.

Foster, Dr. Thomas. Managing Quality: An integrative Approach. New 18

Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001.

How Prototyping works

Paper Prototypes

• Series of drawings that are created by the developers that are used to obtain the acceptance by decision makers.

• For example, sticky notes are used when designing Graphical User

Interfaces so users can see the proposal

Foster, Dr. Thomas. Managing Quality: An integrative Approach. New


Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001.

How Prototyping works

Rapid Prototyping

• Rapid Prototyping is used to accelerate the design process

• Leads to high quality, defect free products and reduces risk

• This technique has proven essential to market leaders such as Microsoft, Intel and Cisco


How Prototyping works

CAD System and Multi-user CAD

• CAD-computer aided design

• Can be used to design anything

• Improve ability of designers

• Simplify process of prototyping

• Reengineered the innovation of global manufacturers


An Example of how Prototyping is utilized in business :

Microsoft and Internet Explorer 3.0

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• Behind in the development of an internet browser

• Started development November 1,


• Made the project a “company –wide emergency”

• Needed architecture that allowed parallel development in order to reach target date


An Example of how Prototyping is utilized in business :

Microsoft and Internet Explorer 3.0

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• March 1996-Feedback was received with only 30% of system was complete

• April 1996-Beta version was dispersed to general public

• Customers could give input on the product

• Integration of new features continued through final weeks


An Example of how Prototyping is utilized in business :

Microsoft and Internet Explorer 3.0

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• Successful because of the techniques used developing the software and “componentizing the product”

• Obviously, Microsoft was very successful with this product

• Able to maintain quality standards

Alan MacCormack. “Product-development practices that work: How

Internet companies build software.” MIT Sloan Management

Review, Cambridge; Winter 2001; Vol. 42, Iss. 2; pg. 75, 10 pgs



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• Prototyping allows all departments and key personnel to see the same vision

• There are many different techniques to use

• Six basic steps for whatever the technique may be

• Great quality tool to utilize



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Brian Wansink. “New techniques to generate key marketing insights.”

Marketing Research, Chicago; Summer 2000; Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pg.

28, 9 pgs

Charmaine Jones. “Perfecting the prototype.” Appliance Manufacturer,

Troy; Aug 2001; Vol. 49, Iss. 8; pg. 49, 2 pgs

Donna Mitchell. “Virtual prototyping.” Printed Circuit Design, San

Francisco; Dec 2000; Vol. 17, Iss. 12; pg. 26, 3 pgs

Jim Holt. “Prototype power.” Management Review, New York; Jan 2000;

Vol. 89, Iss. 1; pg. 14, 1 pgs

Tom Mueller. “ Rapid prototyping = risk reduction.” Molding Systems,

Dearborn; Apr 1999; Vol. 57, Iss. 4; pg. 40, 7 pgs

Bill Schweber “Prototyping tools transform design dreams into reality.”

EDN, Boston; May 13, 1999; Vol. 44, Iss. 10; pg. 75, 6 pgs

Alan MacCormack. “Product-development practices that work: How

Internet companies build software.” MIT Sloan Management

Review, Cambridge; Winter 2001; Vol. 42, Iss. 2; pg. 75, 10 pgs



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Wilhelm Hasselbring “Programming languages and systems for prototyping concurrent applications.” ACM Computing Surveys,

Baltimore; Mar 2000; Vol. 32, Iss. 1; pg. 43, 37 pgs

Tom Kelley “Prototyping is the shorthand of innovation.”Design

Management Journal, Boston; Summer 2001; Vol. 12, Iss. 3; pg.

35, 8 pgs

Michael Schrage. “How prototypes can change your business.” Across

the Board, New York; Jan 2000; Vol. 37, Iss. 1; pg. 43, 5 pgs

Anonymous. “Prototypical solutions.”; Chain Store Age, New York; Jul

2001; Vol. 77, Iss. 7; pg. 96, 2 pgs

G Thomas Clay. “Rapid prototyping accelerates the design process.”

Machine Design, Cleveland; Mar 9, 2000; Vol. 72, Iss. 5; pg. 166, 4 pgs

Anonymous. “Prototypes: From concept to rollout.” Chain Store Age,

New York; May 1999; Vol. 75, Iss. 5; pg. 199, 1 pgs.

Foster, Dr. Thomas.Managing Quality: An integrative Approach. New

Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001.

