7th Grade Syllabus

Mrs. Stiles’ Class
Seventh Grade Reading
Brink Jr. High
11420 S. Western
(405) 735-4540
School Hours: 7:40-2:16pm
Mrs. Stiles’ Plan Time:
3rd hour 9:45-10:40 am
Welcome to seventh grade. Communication between student and teacher is very important
to your success. In order to make communication easier for you, please feel free to contact me
through my email at mariastiles@mooreschools.com if you have any questions. I look forward to
having you in class this year.
Required Reading Supplies
 Writing utensil (pencil with eraser
 Novel for independent reading (daily)
 Library card (local library)
 Folder or something to keep graded
papers and handouts
 Composition notebook (teacher
 Agenda (Brink will sell one through
 Summer Reading: Out of My Mind
by Sharon Draper
Items: items of need for Mrs.
Sharon Draper.
Stiles Reading Classes
Clorox Wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Small sticky notes
Novels for class see attached list
(amazon.com gift card also
welcome to purchase books)
Student Signature____________________ Parent Signature_____________________
Please sign and return by Friday, August 21.
Bell Schedule
First hour
Second hour
Third hour
Fourth hour
Fifth hour
Sixth hour
1st Lunch
2nd Lunch
3rd Lunch
Negative Reactions:
Positive Reactions:
1. Teacher/student informal conference
2. Detention with parent contact
3. Formal conference with the
*Severe classroom disruption may
result in an immediate office referral.
Rewards and benefits...... stickers, homework
passes, smiles, and laughter
Bragging Rights...... the authority to brag with
pride to other classes
Pride in yourself.....your awesome letter grade
Phone Calls/Email...... positive phone call/email
Grading Scale
A= 89.5 to 100%
B= 79.5 to 89.4%
C= 69.5 to 79.4%
D= 59.5 to 69.4%
F= 0 to 59.4%
Grades will be averaged on a point basis. Final
grades will be based on the following categories:
Daily Assignments = 60%
Assessments/Projects = 25%
Semester Test = 15%.
Tardy Policy
Tardies are not productive. Students should be in assigned classes on time. **Two tardies equal one
absence. The following policy will be enforced and supported by intermittent lockouts:
1st Tardy
Teacher will give verbal warning of tardy with documentation.
2nd Tardy
Teacher assigns one day of detention (A.M. or P.M.)
3rd Tardy
Teacher assigns two days of detention and contacts parent or guardian to apprise
them of the problem and explain the rest of the policy and consequences.
4th Tardy
Office referral (Typically, student will be assigned 3 days of detention and
parent/guardian will be contacted).
5th Tardy
Office referral (Typically, student will be assigned 5 days of detention and
parent/guardian will be contacted).
6th Tardy
Office referral (Typically, student will be given additional detention or ISS and
parent/guardian will be contacted).
7th Tardy
Office referral (Typically, student will be assigned ISS or be suspended).
8th Tardy
Office referral (Suspension; parent conference will be required for the student to
return to school).
Basic Information
Bring a novel daily for independent reading (It is like a textbook).
If you are absent, refer to the calendar on the wall and retrieve any make-up work from folders. It is your
If you experience faulty printer problems or do not have a working printer at home, please email me your
assignment as an attached document on due date.
Students should use time in between classes to use the bathroom, go to lockers, sharpen pencils, and talk to friends.
All assignments are due on the following day after they have been assigned unless told otherwise.
Bring novel, writing utensil and composition notebook DAILY. Composition books may be stored in the classroom
Appropriate classroom behavior is expected. Cussing, bullying of any kind, popping gum, passing notes, talking out
of turn and texting are unacceptable. Listening to IPODS or other devices are NOT allowed unless teacher
permission is given.