10_21_14 Meeting minutes.docx

College Senate Technology Committee Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2014
Members present: Lara Beninca, Carolyn Jacobs, Kevan Weaver, Denise Keating, Jordan Bertke, Gary Ritter, and Kathy
QEP/STAR: Tracie Clark will attend to November committee meeting to discuss the questions/recommendations
from the team on the QEP reporting Gary sent.
Blackboard/Moodle: The committee discussed that some areas have experience an issue with graded work in
the inline grading on Blackboard being lost. Both English and Substance Abuse departments have reported this
issue. Kathy and Gary will bring this to the Solutions Team.
Kathy shared that with the committee an update from Elizabeth Forgionebarkas regarding Blackboard archiving
and program audits. Elizabeth has compiled a list of programs that have accreditation requirements and will be
working with each department to address their needs for storing information that appropriate amount of time.
Keven will follow up with Elizabeth concerning the location of archived courses.
Online Attendance: The committee reviewed a list of suggestions (see attached) on improving the online
attendance reporting system sent from Joel Moore. Gary and Kathy will schedule a meeting with Catalina
Ramirez, Libby Vagnoni, Edith McElroy and Susan Hunter to discuss implementing the recommendations. Others
members of the committee were invited to attend the meeting.
CPCC On-line Attendance System
Suggested changes
1. Horizontal and vertical scroll bars, date row position remains fixed on the screen, student name column position
remains fixed on screen
2. Provide a permanent option to prevent the pop-up about selecting “P” will mark all students present with a
blank in that date field.
3. Increase options for date of attendance column, i.e. 14 days, beginning of month, etc. (Only necessary if item #1
is not implemented)
4. The system does not pick up assignment submissions (documents etc.) as accepted assignments for attendance.
(Not sure if this is still applicable.)
5. Last but not least, speed-up response time, however, if the above is taken care of I can live with the system
being slow.
6. List beside each student what date was entered for Stopped Attending.
7. The 10% date of the current semester (spring 2014) was on Friday, 24 January 2014, by Monday the ability to
enter N/A for a student had disappeared, is that the way it is supposed to be? No, extensions after that date??
8. Attendance script should recognize ungraded submissions.
9. Faculty view should collapse to weekly.