Science Fair Example

Science Fair Example
Question: (State your problem)
Research: (use as many pages as you need) (get information about your
problem) See the How To Cite The References Use this handout. IS NOT a correct citation!!
Make an educated guess, using the information
you got during the research, about what the answer might be to your
problem.) Try to put it in an if…then…..because …. statement.
Example: If I put hot water into the freezer it will then freeze slower
than cold water, because it will take longer for the molecules of water to
slow down.
Variables and Controls:
Independent Variable: (This is what you are changing as the scientist in
your experiment. Example: When I timed the hot water verses the cold
water the independent variable in my experiment is cold and hot water.
When making a graph this would be on the x-axis.)
Dependent Variable: (This will be your results. Example: This would be
my time it took for the cold and hot water to freeze. When making my
graph this would be on my y-axis.)
Controls: (These are the things that you keep constant during an
experiment. This is to make sure you are keeping everything the same
except for your variable. Example: I will use the same freezer to
perform all three of my tests. I will use the same amount of water in
each test. I will use the some container to freeze the water in.)
Materials: (be specific, all the stuff you will
need to conduct your experiment)
Procedure: (a step-by-step description of
how to do the investigation, a recipe, if you like)
Add as many steps as you need
Data/Graphs/Charts: (graphs and
charts/tables taken from your observations as recorded on the meline)
Results: (put the data into words, explain what
Conclusion: (use words, state whether your
hypothesis was supported or unsupported, then analyze
the results to explain what happened and why.
There is no right or wrong answer here, just what
happened in your investigation, make sure you
include the effect your variables had on the
outcome and why the uncontrolled variables do
not matter)
Future Question: (were any new questions
raised by your investigation? Maybe this can be
your project for next year)
How does this apply to the real