Paint Terms 1. Airbrush The Airbrush tool works like a spray can 2. Brush The Brush tool is similar to the Pencil tool. It looks like a paintbrush and lets you draw on the page by holding down the left button as you drag the mouse. 3. Circle A circle is a shape drawn by holding the Shift key while you draw using the Ellipse tool 4. Curve The Curve tool allows you to draw smooth curved lines 5. Edit A menu in Paint which allows you to undo, make changes, and select your entire picture 6. Ellipse The Ellipse tool allows the user to draw circles and ellipses 7. Eraser/Color Eraser This tool allows you to rub out any errors or work lines 8. Pick Color The color picker tool looks like an eye dropper and allows the user to choose a color from your work page 9. Fill Color The Fill With Color tool looks like a spray can lets the user fill the inside of a shape with a solid color 10. Free-Form Select The Free-Form Select tool allows you to select odd shaped figures 11. Image A menu in Paint which allows you to flip, rotate, stretch or skew your picture 12. Line The Line tool lets the user draw a straight line from one point to another 13. Magnifier The Magnifier tool lets you zoom in to get a more detailed view of your work 14. Pencil The Pencil tool lets you draw using the mouse 15. Polygon The Polygon tool allows you to create two dimensional figures 16. Pick a color The color selection box allows you to choose an appropriate color. At its most basic level simply left click inside the color of your choice 17. Pixel Dots of light which make up the Paint screen 18. Rectangle The Rectangle tool lets the user draw a box 19. Rounded Rectangle This tool allows the user to draw rectangles with rounded corners 20. Select This tool selects a rectangular area 21. Select all Edit command used to choose everything on the screen or in your picture 22. Square Shape drawn by holding the Shift key while you draw using the Rectangle tool 23. Text This tool allows text to be added to a page 24. View Menu in Paint which gives you access to the Tool Box, Color Box, and Zoom settings