Expanding Sentences

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________ Hour: _____
A verb shows action or state of being. The children ran.
An adverb describes (modifies) a verb. Example: The children quickly ran.
An adjective describes (modifies) a noun. Example: The happy children quickly ran.
Directions: Write out each sentence on your own sheet of paper. Skip a line and then expand
the sentences. Add at least 1 VERB and 3 descriptors, ADVERBS or ADJECTIVES, to each
1. We ate burgers.
Revised: We slowly chomped on juicy burgers while letting the ketchup drip out the
overflowing sides of the bun.
2. The cat scratched.
3. The spaceship hovered.
4. The boy slept.
5. The girl left home.
6. The dog ran.
7. A baby cried.
8. Some men worked.
9. His dad drove.
10. A kid yelled.
11. She walked.
12. The team tried.
13. The pep assembly was fun.
14. Friends talked.
15. We played video games.
16. It seemed impossible.