Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes Watch the Youtube mock interview. • XtKY • Ink Blot and other Tests courson-884902-flowers-for-algernon-teststhat-charlie-took/ Do you remember? What is the meaning of psych? What is the meaning of ology? Put them together and you have ___________ which means ___________. How about ist? What does ist mean? Use ist, logy, and psych to make a word that means the person who studies the mind. One more. You know psychology. You know psychologist. What does psychiatric mean? On Your Own Now that you know these word parts, write in your vocabulary journal. List the following word parts and their definitions. psych: logy: ist: ic: psychology: psychiatrist: psychiatric: After Reading Analyze Plot PLOT = CONFLICT Internal conflicts involve a character’s inner struggles. External conflicts pit a character against society, nature, or another character. Response Journal List at least six conflicts found in Flowers for Algernon External Conflicts Internal Conflicts .