Density Extra Credit

Density Extra Credit
Worth __50___ points
Make a 9 layer density column and float at least 3 things in the
Supplies: an empty 20 oz bottle or one liter bottle, lamp oil, rubbing
alcohol, vegetable oil, tap water, dish soap, milk, maple syrup, corn
syrup, honey, small cups (Dixie cups) , at least 3 items to float ( soda
bottle cap, plastic bead, grape tomato, board game die, popcorn kernel,
metal nut or boat or anything else you can think of), measuring cup,
food coloring, tape, white paper and marker
1. Research the density of the 9 liquids listed in your supplies
Measure out equal amounts of each liquid into small cups. Make
sure you write down the densities of the liquids you will need it
2. Color any liquid that you feel needs to be colored to make the
different layers easier to see.
3. Remove the label from the empty bottle.
4. Start your density column by pouring your most dense liquid in
first. Pour slowly and try and pour straight in the middle. You
want to avoid pouring down the sides. Repeat with the next dense
5. Once all your liquids are in the bottle you need to add your
floating objects. Once your minimum of 3 objects are floating put
the lid back on the bottle.
6. Cut a sheet of white paper so it can be taped to one side of the
bottle making a white back drop when you look through the
bottle. Before you tape the paper to the bottle you need to label
each layer. Include the name of the liquid and its density. Label
your floating items. Also put your name and hour on that sheet
somewhere. Tape the white paper to your bottle and turn it in.