Houston Community College Social Science Division Government 2301 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM I DR. SANDERS ANDERSON, JR. Office Hours: By Appointment Telephone: (713) 718-6063 sanders.andersonjr@hccs.edu TEXTBOOKS The Struggle for Democracy with Texas Government: Policy and Politics (Custom Edition for Houston Community College Central). Taken from: The Struggle for Democracy: Ninth Edition by Edward S. Greenberg and Benjamin I. Page Texas Government: Policy & Politics: Tenth Edition by Neal Tannahill and You Decide! 2010: Current Debates in American Politics: Edited by John T. Rourke . OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to assist the students in the attaining of knowledge of American Government from the national, state and local levels. We will study the American principles of government, the constitution, public opinion, socialization, interest groups, political parties and local government. Particular attention will be given to state and local government in Texas. After having taken this course the student should be able to: 1. Understand the setting of American National government and Texas government. 2. Understand constitution making at the federal and Texas level. 3. Know the structure and functioning of local government in Texas. 4. Understand the role that political socialization and public opinion play in the government process. 5. Understand how interest groups and parties articulate citizen concerns to government. There will be four (4) examinations including a final examination all of equal value. Missed exams can be taken with a proper excuse and at the discretion of the instructor. Attendance is compulsory. More than 4 unexcused absences may result in failure. Dropping the class is the responsibility of the student. The use of electronic devices or cell phones will be not allowed during the examination and their use is discouraged during class. 1 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM I DR. SANDERS ANDERSON, JR. GRADING SCALE EXAMINATIONS-4 = 360-400 320-359 280-319 240-279 239-BELOW = = = = = 400 A B C D F In the event that unscheduled quizzes are given, further division might be necessary. Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encourage to, report to Disability Services to make necessary arrangements. The office can be reached at 713-7187910. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. DISCUSSION TOPIC I. INTRODUCTION A. What is Political Science? B. What is Politics? C. Why study Government? II. THE SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND THEORETICAL SETTING A. Who are the people of the U.S.? B. What is the nature of the economic system? C. What are the ideological underpinnings? D. What is the Texas political culture? Required Readings: The Struggle For Democracy Chapters 1, & 2 Texas Government, Chapter 20 & 21 You Decide p. 11-15 TEST 1 III. FEDERALISM AS A FORM AND ITS CHANGING NATURE A. The Nature of Federalism 1. Unitary System and Confederacy 2. The Power Distribution Patterns 3. The New Federalism 2 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM I DR. SANDERS ANDERSON, JR. B. Constitutional Limitations on the State Government 1. The Bill of Rights 2. Other Restrictions on National and State Government 3. Absolute Restrictions on State C. Obligations of the State and National Government 1. A Republican Form of Government 2. Protection from Form of Government 3. Other Obligations D. Interstate Relations 1. Full Faith and Credit Clause 2. Interstate Renditions 3. Privileges and Immunities 4. Interstate Discrimination 5. Interstate Cooperation E. The Changing Character of Federalism 1. The increase in Nation Power 2. Reagan’s Attempts as Reversals 3. The Present Character of Federalism Required Readings: The Struggle For Democracy Chapter 3 Texas Government – Chapter 22 & 23, You Decide, Debate 2 F. Local Government and Politics 1. What are the types of local government? 2. What are the forms of city charters? 3. What are county government/? 4. What are measures for reform of local government? Required Readings: Texas Government – Chapters 31 & 32 TEST 2 IV. POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION AND PUBLIC OPINION AND MEDIA A. How does one learn about government? B. What factors determine one’s beliefs? C. How is opinion measured? D. What factors affect political beliefs? 3 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM I DR. SANDERS ANDERSON, JR. V. POLITICAL PARTISIPATION A. What are the forms of participation? B. What is the history of participation? C. Campaigns and elections Required Readings: The Struggle For Democracy Chapters 5, 6, 8, 10 Texas Government – Chapter 24 & 27, You Decide, Debate 6 and 7 TEST 3 VI. INTEREST GROUPS AND POLITICAL PARTIES A. What are political parties? B. What are interest groups? C. What is the difference? D. How do they exercise their influence? Required Readings: The Struggle For Democracy Chapters 7, & 9 Texas Government – Chapter 25 & 26, You Decide, Debate 8 and 9 Final Exam OTHER READINGS MAY BE ASSIGNED 4