2015 Course Syllabus

Mrs. Raprich’s 8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus
FOR SUCCESS : We must all work to stay organized and considerate of others around us, so we can all be effective for the
time that we are together. This will be an interactive class with many activities so it is essential that you become and
stay organized. Thus, you will be required to have a 3 ring binder for this class. You must bring this binder and all other
necessary materials to class every day. By Monday, August 24th, you must have a binder set up
Binder Organization
Class Supplies:
1. Vocabulary
1 binder, pencils, 1 folder, 1 package of binder dividers,
2. Reading Journal
paper, 1 box of tissue, colored pencils *can be used in
3. Writing Handouts
other classes as well
4. Notes you take
*optional pencil bag for binder
5. Graded Work
6. Blank Notebook Paper (You will need paper every single day!)
 Be respectful of yourself, others and your school
· Step 1 -Verbal Warning
 Be on time to class
· Step2– Teacher/Student Conference
 Be prepared
· Step 3– Lunch detention
 Be cooperative with all school staff
· Step 4-Before/After school detention and/or
parent contact
 Follow all policies and procedures outlined in the · Step 5- Office Referral
school handbook
**Severe misbehavior such as fighting, open
defiance of authority, vulgarity, or conduct
which threatens the safety of others, will result
in an immediate referral to the principal.
MISBEHAVIOR WITH A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER: If a student’s name is left by a substitute for any misbehavior, two detentions will be
assigned and parents will be notified.
I am a Highland West Panther.
I am a leader.
I will stand up for what I believe.
I am a unique person and a positive role model for others.
I have the ability to learn, to take in all the knowledge placed before me, and to meet any goal I set.
I think before I act and choose to accept the consequences of my actions.
I am honored to be a Highland West Panther.
Raise your hand. Take turns. Use your words in a kind way. Follow the school expectations above.
If you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings, quietly sign the tardy sheet and then get to work.
If you need to get out of your seat or leave the room, please wait until independent work time. To leave the
classroom you must raise your hand and have a hall pass ready to be signed.
Do not disrupt my teaching or the presentations of your fellow students.
I value our time together and when it is over, I want to say goodbye. I will dismiss you when your area is clean,
your materials are properly stored, and you are quiet.
ABSENT? It is important that students take responsibility for work and grades. Students must refer to the class
calendar for missed assignments. There is also a labeled hanging folder with copies of handouts from each
day. Students will need to ask for clarification if there are any questions. Bell work may be copied from the Bell
Work Binder immediately following the absence. It will also be posted on my website weekly as a reference.
Bell work is due every Friday.
LATE WORK: Late work will be accepted for 1/2 credit until the next progress report is issued (dates below). If you
are absent before a due date you will not receive an extension. Your best shot at success is to be at school
every day!
CELL PHONES: Phones must be turned off/on silent and put away. Failure to follow this expectation will result in
the phone being taken away until the end of the day and picked up at the office. School outlets cannot be
used to charge phones. Phone privileges at school are lost after the 3rd offense.
DURING A TEST: Talking during a test or quiz is not permitted. Infractions will result in your paper being taken as is
and detention assigned.
BOOK CHECKS: Students must bring a library book to class to read each day. Failure to have a book will result in a
deduction in reading journal grade.
MY WEBPAGE: My webpage, accessed under my name within “Our Staff” on the school website, is updated
weekly. It contains bell work and major assignment as well as a calendar of scheduled assignments. Students
are responsible for printing any missing assignments; I will NOT print extra copies of class work.
CONTACT: You may reach me by e-mail at mistyraprich@mooreschools.com or by phone at 405-735-4600. I will
return e-mails and telephone message as soon as possible. Students may come in before or after school any
day to receive extra assistance or tutoring. I want to help you succeed!
GRADES + PROGRESS REPORTS: I will notify parents of student progress by updating Parent Portal and by progress
reports. Progress reports are given to students every 3 weeks, and it is the student’s responsibility to give this
to the parent. If you are not yet on Parent Portal, please contact the counseling center for your login and
password. Please retain this schedule so that you will know when to expect these reports.
September 11, 2015
October 2, 2015
October 30, 2015
November 20, 2015
January 22, 2016
February 12, 2016
March 11, 2016
April 15, 2016
May 6, 2016
Language Arts is one class that spans over two class
periods and because of this students will receive two
grades. The grade marked English will cover:
vocabulary bell work, tests, essays, reports, and
quizzes. The grade marked Reading will cover:
reading journals, class work, participation, and
homework. Both categories will include a semester
test worth 20% of the overall grade.
MRS. RAPRICH’S SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich for a 10 point grade. Both the student
and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s
syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ___________________________ Class Period: __________ Date: _______________
(Student Signature)
(Parent Signature)
MRS. RAPRICH’S SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich for a 10 point grade. Both the student
and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s
syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ___________________________ Class Period: __________ Date: _______________
(Student Signature)
(Parent Signature)
MRS. RAPRICH’S SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich for a 10 point grade. Both the student
and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s
syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ___________________________ Class Period: __________ Date: _______________
(Student Signature)
(Parent Signature)
MRS. RAPRICH’S SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Detach and return to Mrs. Raprich for a 10 point grade. Both the student
and parent signature must be completed. Please sign your first and last name. No initials will be accepted.
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the content of Mrs. Raprich’s
syllabus and agree to follow all course expectations.
Student’s Printed Name: ___________________________ Class Period: __________ Date: _______________
(Student Signature)
(Parent Signature)