El Camino College Inter-Club Council Minutes Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 12:00pm

El Camino College Inter-Club Council
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 12:00pm
Cafeteria Stadium Room
Call to Order/Welcome
Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 12:07pm.
Quorum was established.
Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet
A. Cabinet Members
1. I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez
2. I.C.C. Vice President: Juan Rodriguez
3. I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera
4. I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Igor Letitchevski
5. I.C.C. Commissioner of Fundraising: Stirling McKenzie
6. I.C.C. Commissioner of Publicity: Nicole Teixeira
7. I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim
8. I.C.C. Historian: Ashley Smith
9. I.C.C. Secretary: Ana Safazada
10. I.C.C. Senate Rep: Brandon Davis
B. Voting Club Representatives
1. African Club: Garcel Zardes
2. African American Student Society: Kimberly Davis
3. Alpha Gamma Sigma: Ashley Sladek
4. Architecture Club: Juan S. Guillen, Javier Quintero and Kirstin Nguyen
5. Circle K International: Juan Rodriguez
6. Concert Choir Club: Monica Bruno
7. ECC Society of Music: Monica Bruno
8. Environmental Club/Recycling Coalition: Justin Date
9. Gay-Straight Alliance: Lucy Rivera
10. Honors Transfer Club: Ann Nguyen
11. International Business Club: Sergio Guerra
12. Rotaract: Ana Safazada, Talia Ben-Ora
13. Science Club: Hashim Tyler and Digna Camacho
14. Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim
C. New Voting Club Representatives
1. History Club: Richard Perez
2. N.A Club: Ana Barba
3. Sociology: Jose Cholico
D. I.C.C. Adviser
1. Jeanine Barba
E. Guests
1. Lauren S. Garcia
2. Jeff Marvin (KECC)
Approval of I.C.C. Minutes
A. September17, 2008
 It was moved by Circle K and seconded by Gay Straight Alliance to
approve. Motion passed.
Announcements and Introductions
A. Club Announcements
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1. Tailor Made – Michelle Rahim
 Meetings: Every other Thursday, 1-2pm
 Event: Guest Speaker next Thurs. All are welcome!
2. Circle K – Juan Rodriguez
 Meetings: Thursdays in 202
3. Honors Transfer Program – Ann Nguyen
 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 1pm in NatS-218
4. Alpha Gamma Sigma – Ashley Sladek
 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays – first meeting next Tuesday
5. KECC – Jeff Marvan
 Meetings: Thurs., 1-2 in TA-106
6. History Club – Richard Perez
 Meetings: Every other Thursday, 1-2pm in SOCS-207
7. International Business Club – Sergio Guerra
 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday in Business-5
8. Sociology Club – Jose Cholico
 Meetings: Thurs at 1pm in B-Sci.
9. Science Club – Hashim Tyler
 Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in NATS-206
10. Rotaract – Ana Safazada
 Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm
 Events: Masquerade Dinner on Oct 12th
11. Gay-Straight Alliance – Lucy Rivera
 Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in ART-317
12. ECC Society of Music- Monica Bruno
 Meetings: Tues 1-2pm
13. Concert Choir Club- Monica Bruno
 Meetings:
14. Architecture Club- Kirstin Nguyen
 Meetings: Tues and Thurs, 12:45-2pm, room TA253
 Event: BBQ on Oct. 14th
15. African Club- Garcel Zardes
 Meetings: Thursdays, 1-1:50pm
16. African American Students Soc- Kimberly Davis
 Meetings: Tuesdays 1-1:50pm, Soc Sci 112
B. Other Announcements
1. none
A. Officer Reports: None
B. ICC Mixer Report – Ana Safazada and Lucy Rivera
1. The Mixer was a huge success.
2. 52 persons attended the mixer, excluding most of the cabinet members.
3. Party games such as Balloon Popping, Limbo, Hula Dance, etc were played.
4. Food was provided.
Business Items
A. Approval of Finance Committee Recommendations – Igor Letitchevski
1. I.C.C Office Supplies- Approval of up to $400 from the I.C.C Supplies
account #836501 to purchase miscellaneous supplies for the I.C.C Office for
Fall 2008- Spring 2009.
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It was moved by Alpha Gamma Sigma and seconded by TailorMade to
approve up to $400 from the I.C.C. Club Supplies account #836501 to pay
for to purchase miscellaneous supplies for the I.C.C office for Fall 2008Spring 2009.
B. Approval of sponsorship of Marrow Registration Drive during Bloodmobile- Juan
1. Nita Thompson (Guest speaker) gave a quick presentation for the Bone
Marrow Registry.
2. She spoke about the benefits of donating and how many diseases it cures. She
also went over the procedure of signing up as a donor.
3. Thank-You coupons will be given out for signing up as a donor.
 It was moved by African Club and seconded by Rotaract to approve
sponsorship of Marrow Registration Drive during Bloodmobile.
Information Items
A. Blood Drive – Juan Rodriguez
1. Juan Rodriguez gave a thorough and informative presentation for the Blood
Drive mentioning the key points.
2. Volunteers are needed for more help at the blood drive, as well as
3. Sign-up sheets must be turned in ASAP. First come first serve.
VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, September 29th at 12pm in the
I.C.C. Office. Club Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due
on Friday, September 26th (see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures)
B. General Meeting – Wed., October 1st at 12pm in Cafeteria Stadium Room
Open Discussion
 It was moved by Alpha Gamma Sigma and seconded by Tailor-Made to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:30
Minutes recorded by: Ana Safazada
Verified by:
Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President
Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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