El Camino College Inter-Club Council Minutes Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 12:00pm

El Camino College Inter-Club Council
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 12:00pm
Cafeteria Stadium Room
Call to Order/Welcome
Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 12:04. Quorum was
Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet
A. Cabinet Members
1. I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez
2. I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera
3. I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Igor Letitchevski
4. I.C.C. Commissioner of Fundraising: Stirling McKenzie
5. I.C.C. Commissioner of Publicity: Nicole Teixeira
6. I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim
7. I.C.C. Historian: Ashley Smith
8. I.C.C. Secretary: Ana Safazada
9. I.C.C. Senate Rep: Brandon Davis
B. Voting Club Representatives
1. African American Students Society: Kimberly Davis
2. African Club: Garcel Zardes
3. Alpha Gamma Sigma: Ashley Sladek
4. Anthropology Club: Damaris Olaechea
5. Architecture Club: Juan S. Guillen, Javier Quintero and Kirstin Nguyen
6. Concert Choir Club: Monica Bruno
7. ECC Society of Music: Monica Bruno
8. Gay-Straight Alliance: Lucy Rivera
9. History Club: Eladio Garcia
10. International Business Club: Sergio Guerra
11. Muslim Students Association: Hafsah Qidwai
12. Native American Club: Ana Barba
13. Rotaract: Ana Safazada, Talia Ben-Ora
14. Science Club: Hashim Tyler
15. Veteran’s Club: Michael Chesnut
C. I.C.C. Adviser
1. Janice Watanabe
D. Guests
1. Jeff Marvan - (KECC)
Approval of I.C.C. Minutes
A. October 8, 2008 – tabled until the next meeting
Announcements and Introductions
A. Club Announcements
1. Anthropology Club – Damaris Olaechea
 Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm, ARTB 334
 Events: Day of the Dead on Oct 28th.
2. Alpha Gamma Sigma – Ashley Sladek
 Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in room 106 Soc Sci bldg.
 Events: Car Wash: Oct. 25th
3. KECC – Jeff Marvan
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 Meetings: Thurs., 1-2 in TA-106
4. MSA- Hafsa
 Meetings: Every tues at 1in Humanities.
 Upcoming event: Bake Sale on tues oct 28th.
5. History Club – Eladio Garcia
 Meetings: Every other Thursday, 1-2pm in SOCS-207
6. International Business Club – Sergio Guerra
 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday in Business-5
7. Science Club – Hashim Tyler
 Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in NATS-206
 Events: Upcoming event in Nov 26th.
8. Rotaract – Ana Safazada
 Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm in Admin 208
 Events: Soda Cap Collection reminder.
9. Gay-Straight Alliance – Lucy Rivera
 Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in ART-317
10. Architecture Club – Juan Guillen, Javier Quintero, Kirstin Nguyen
 Meetings: Tues & Thurs, 12:45-2pm in room TA 253
 Past Event: BBQ on Oct 14th at the library lawn
11. Native American Club – Ana Barba
 Meetings: Every Thurs 1-1:50pm in SOCS 205
12. African American Students Society: Kimberly Davis
 Meetings: Thurs in SOCS 112 at 1:00pm
 Events: Bake Sale on Oct 29th from 1-2 at the Library Lawn.
13. Environmental Club – Justin Daté
 Meeting: Thursday at 1:00pm in NS-205
 Petition passed out to approve recycling on campus.
14. FDLA – Kyle Murray
 Meetings: Once a month, 1-2pm in PE-27
15. Veterans Club- Michael Chesnut
 Meetings: Fri, once a month from 11-12 in special resources meeting
B. Other Announcements – none
A. Officer Reports
1. ASO Senate – Brandon Davis
a) ASO Report: On Campus smoking was discussed on thurs to decide on
designated areas for smoking.
b) Recycling on Campus.
c) Upcoming: Motivational Speaker.
2. Review Board – new clubs - Michelle Rahim
a) The Review Board met and discussed the constitution and paperwork of
the Veteran’s Club. The club has been recommended for approval.
b) The Asian Club is also pending, but not ready for approval
B. Adviser Report – Janice Watanabe
1. Priority Registration
a) The Inter-Club Council cabinet and club reps who have turned in their
I.C.C. Member Information Sheets to the adviser may be eligible to receive
priority registration. I.C.C. participants are encouraged to use this priority to
schedule their classes around the I.C.C. meetings in the spring.
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Business Items :
A. Approval of New Clubs – Michelle Rahim
1. Michael Chesnut from the club provided some information about the club’s
purpose and upcoming plans to schedule a resource fair on campus.
 It was moved by Anthropology Club and seconded by Architecture Club
to approve the ECC Veterans Club as a new campus club. Motion
Information Items
A. I.C.C Homecoming- Nicole Teixeira
1. Information packets were distributed to the club reps.
2. Clubs were encouraged to sponsor Homecoming Queen and King candidates
from their organization and participate in the club banner contest.
3. Spirit week will be from Nov 11th-13th that week with the following days:
a) Tues: Warrior Spirit Day,
b) Wed: USC Vs. UCLA,
c) Thurs: Cerritos Nerd Day.
4. Tickets for the dance are $8 with ASB, $10 without ASB, and $20 for VIP
with all-you-can-eat buffet.
5. Auditions this afternoon are open for the talent show that will be held in the
Homecoming dance
6. Contact Icchomecoming@gmail.com for more info.
B. I.C.C. Children’s Holiday Party – Walter Mendez
1. Forming a Planning Committee for the event on December 5th – Brandon
Davis, Hashim Tyler, Ana Safazada and Kirstin Nguyen volunteered to be on
the committee.
VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, October 20th at 12pm in the
I.C.C. Office. Club Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due
on Friday, October 17th (see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures)
B. General Meeting – Wed., October 22nd at 12pm in Cafeteria Stadium Room
Open Discussion
A. Nicole Teixeira1. Please show your support for the Homecoming talent show by attending and/
or auditioning for it.
2. Great way to hype-up the show. Auditions will take place at the activities
 It was moved by M.S.A. and seconded by A.G.S. to adjourn the meeting. Motion
passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:35pm.
Minutes recorded by: Ana Safazada
Verified by:
Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President
Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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