
El Camino College Inter-Club Council
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 12:00pm
Cafeteria Stadium Room
Call to Order/Welcome
Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 12:07 pm.
Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet
Cabinet Members
1. I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez
2. I.C.C. Vice President: Ana Safazada
3. I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera
4. I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Brandon Davis
5. I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim
6. I.C.C. Historian: Ashley Smith
7. I.C.C. Secretary: Jennifer Lee
Voting Club Representatives
1. Alpha Gamma Sigma(A.G.S): Wendy Jimenez
2. Anthropology Club: Andrew Meyers
3. Circle K International(C.K.I): Steven Guhr
4. Contemporary Theater Club: Kimberly Cewan
5. E.C.C. Society of Music: Monica Bruno
6. F.D.L.A: Kyle Murray
7. Gay-Straight Alliance(G.S.A): Mervin C, Lucy Rivera
8. Iota Kappa Chi (Nurses): Julia Farfan
9. Muslim Students Association(M.S.A):Hafsah Qidwai
10. Persian Culture Society (P.C.S): Yasamin Komeilizadeh
11. Political Science: Pedrom Adeli
12. Puente Club: Monica Mun oz
13. Rotaract: Talia Ben-Ora, Ana Safazada, Jennifer Lee
14. Science Club: Hashim Tyler
15. S.G.I: Sonya Ueno
16. Shepherds Club: Samuel Flores
17. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (S.H.P.E.): Victor Tafolla
18. Sociology Club: Mina S.
19. Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim
20. Vision 218: Stacey Yamada
I.C.C. Adviser
1. Janice Watanabe
1. Jeff Marvan (KECC)
2. Philip Stokes (ASO)
3. Damien McDowell (College Republicans)
4. Edgar Lopez (Puente)
5. Katie Holmes – Relay for Life, American Cancer Society
6. Ji Eun Lee- A3M Bone Marrow
Approval of I.C.C. Minutes
February 28, 2009 minutes – correction: date of minutes is Feb 25th 2009.
Motion to approve minutes was made by Rotaract. Second by Tailor Made.
Motion approved.
December 3, 2008 (Tabled)
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Announcements and Introductions- New clubs must fill out Information Sheet
A. Club Announcements
1. A.G.S - Wendy Jimenez
- Meetings: Every other Tues 1-2pm SOCS-106
2. Anthropology Club - Andrew Meyers
- Meetings: Thurs 1pm in MUS 202
- Events: Spring Student Symposium 5/15/09, Submissions by end of April
3. C.K.I – Steven Guhr
- Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm, in Music 134
4. College Republicans: Damien McDowell
- Meetings: In Process
5. Contemporary Theater Club: Kimberly Cewan
- Meetings: In Process
6. E.C.C. Society of Music - Monica Bruno
- Meetings: Thurs, 1-2pm MUS 202
7. F.D.L.A. – Kyle Murray
- Meetings: Once a month
8. Gay-Straight Alliance – Melvin C.
- Meetings: Tues, 1pm in ARTB 317
9. Iota Kappa Chi – Julia Farfan
Meetings: Mondays in Nursing Dept 205
10. KECC – Jeff Marvan
- Meetings: Thurs., 1-2pm in TA-106
11. M.S.A – Hafsah Qidwai
- Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tues, 1-2pm in HUM 307
12. P.C.S - Yasamin Komeilizadeh
- Meeting: In Process
13. Political Science – Pedrom Adeli
- Meetings: Thursdays 1-2m in Soc Sci 104
14. Puente Club - Monica Mun oz
- Meetings: PE 229
15. Rotaract – Talia Ben-Ora , Ana Safazada, Jenn Lee
- Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm in Admin 208
- Events: Book Drive to Uganda, Africa
16. Science Club – Hashim Tyler
- Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in NATS-206
17. Shepherds Club - Samuel Flores
- Meetings: Tues 1pm in HUM 112
18. S.G.I - Sonya Ueno
- Meetings: Tuesdays 1:00-1:50 pm in CHEM-101
19. S.H.P.E. – Victor Tafolla
- Meetings: Tuesdays 1pm in Math 108
20. Sociology Club: Mina S.
- Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thurs 1-1:45pm in ARTB 317
- Events: Raising money for Spring Sociology Conference in San Diego
21. Tailor Made – Michelle Rahim
- Meetings: Thursdays 1-2pm in TechArt
22. Vision 218 - Stacey Y.
- Meetings: Thurs 2:15pm
A. Officer Reports
1. President – Walter Mendez
 Commissioner of Finance- Brandon Davis
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Approval of Motion: FDLA
Second by: Tailor Made
2. Review Board – Michelle Rahim
 Ignite Christian Club to be chartered Tues 3/10/09 as new club
 Persian Club to be reactivated
B. Club Rush – Michelle Rahim
1. 23 tables despite rain
C. Adviser Report – Janice Watanabe
1. Eligibility requirements for ICC cabinet & club reps
 Must complete 6 units, 2.0 GPA, must purchase ASB sticker
2. ECC @ Compton Community College enrollment up!
ECC: 27,148 students Compton Community College: 4,247 students
Business Items
A. Approval of Cabinet Appointment – Walter Mendez
B. ICC sponsorship of A3M Bone Marrow Drive
1. March 24-26 (during ICC Bloodmobile)
2. Location: Library Lawn near entrance to Bloodmobile
3. Ji Eun Lee, A3M (3 min.) - 1 in 300,000 chance for bone marrow match.
Motion to approve Bone Marrow Drive was made by Political Science Club.
Second by Science Club. Motion approved.
Information Items
A. Club Mixer – Walter Mendez
1. Fri, March 13th from noon-2pm in Act. Center East Lounge
B. 3-Day Bloodmobile – Brandon Davis, Jenn Lee, & Michelle Rahim
1. March 24th – 26th
2. 1 pint saves 3 lives! Goal: 360 pints
3. Sign up online! www.givelife.org Sponsor code: ECC
C. Spring Games – Brandon Davis, Walter Mendez & Lucy Rivera
1. Friday, April 24th noon-2pm
2. Planning Committee
3. Suggestions: Frisbee football, water balloons, triathlon style, eating contest
D. Relay for Life of Torrance
1. Katie Holmes, American Cancer Society (3-5 min.)
2. 24 hour walk-a-thon – Before 1 in 10 cancer patients survive. Now 1 to 2 ratio!
3. www.relayforlife.org
VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 9th at 12pm in I.C.C. Office.
Club Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due by Friday, March 6th
(see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures)
B. General Meeting – Wed., March 11th at 12pm in Cafeteria Stadium Room
Open Discussion
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by MSA. Second by Rotaract. Approved by
President Walter adjourned the meeting at 12:32pm.
Minutes recorded by: Jennifer Lee
Verified by:
Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President
Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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