El Camino College Inter-Club Council Minutes Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 12:00pm Cafeteria Stadium Room I. Call to Order/Welcome Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 12:08 pm. II. Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet A. Cabinet Members 1. I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez 2. I.C.C. Vice President: Ana Safazada 3. I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera 4. I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Brandon Davis 5. I.C.C. Commissioner of Publicity: Nicole Teixeira 6. I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim 7. I.C.C. Historian: Ashley Smith 8. I.C.C. Secretary: Jennifer Lee 9. I.C.C. Senate Rep: Philip Stokes B. Voting Club Representatives 1. Alpha Gamma Sigma (A.G.S.): Wendy Jimenez 2. Anthropology Club: Andrew Meyers 3. Architecture Club: Kirstin Nguyen 4. Chorale Club: Adrienne Fairley 5. Circle K International: Steven Guhr 6. Concert Choir: Méshelle Lee 7. Contemporary Theater Club: Lorne Stevenson 8. E.C.C. Society of Music: Monica Bruno 9. F.D.L.A: Kyle Murray 10. Gay-Straight Alliance (G.S.A.): Mervin Knowel I.Olaes, Lucy Rivera 11. Honors Transfer Club: Danielle Parsons 12. Iota Kappa Chi (Nurses): Julia Farfan 13. Muslim Students Association (M.S.A.): Hafsah Qidwai 14. Persian Culture Society (P.C.S.): Yasamin Komeilizadeh 15. Political Science Club: Pedrom Adeli 16. Psychology Club: Minslara Chavez 17. Puente Club: Monica Muñoz 18. Rotaract: Ana Safazada, Jenn Lee 19. Science Club: Hashim Tyler 20. Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim 21. Vision 218: Stacey Yamada C. I.C.C. Adviser 1. Janice Watanabe D. Guests 1. Jeff Marvan (KECC) 2. Adrienne Fairley (Chorale Club) 3. Jaime N. Aburto III. Approval of I.C.C. Minutes A. March 4, 2009 Motion to approve Minutes. Moved by Tailor Made. Second by G.S.A. Motion passed. B. December 3, 2008 - (Tabled) Page 1 of 3 IV. Announcements and Introductions A. Club Announcements: 1. Anthropology Club – Andrew Meyers Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm, ARTB 334 Events: Native American Powwow in April 2. Architecture Club –Kristen Ngyugen Meetings: Tues & Thurs, 12:45-2pm in room TA 253 Events: Preparing for San Luis Obispo competition 3. Circle K – Steven Guhr Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm, in Music 134 4. Concert Choir – Méshelle Lee Meetings Tues & Thurs from 11:30- 12:55pm in MUS 134 5. Contemporary Theater Club – Lorne Stevenson Meetings: In Process 6. E.C.C. Society of Music - Monica Bruno Meetings: Tues, 1-2pm in MUS 202 7. F.D.L.A. – Kyle Murray Meetings: Once a month, 1-2pm in PE-27 8. Gay-Straight Alliance – Lucy Rivera Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in ARTB 317 9. Honors Transfer Club – Danielle Parsons Meetings: Thurs 1-1:50pm in NAT SCI 218 10. Iota Kappa Chi – Julia Farfan Meetings: Mondays in Nursing Dept 205 11. KECC – Jeff Marvan Meetings: Thurs., 1-2 in TA-106 12. M.S.A. – Hafsah Qidwai Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tues, 1-2pm in HUM 307 13. P.C.S. – Yasamin Komeilizadeh Meetings: In Process 14. Political Science – Pedrom Adeli Meetings: Thursdays 1-2m in Soc Sci 104 15. Puente Club – Monica Munoz Meetings: PE 229 16. Psychology Club – Minslara Chavez Meetings: Tues 1-1:50pm in ARTB 334 17. Rotaract – Jennifer Lee & Ana Safazada Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm in Admin 208 Events: Please donate old textbooks for us to send to Uganda, Africa! 18. Science Club – Hashim Tyler Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in NATS-206 19. Tailor Made – Michelle Rahim Meetings: Thursdays 1-2pm in TechArt 20. Vision 218 – Stacey Yamada Meetings: Thurs noon V. Reports A. Officer Reports 1. President – Walter Mendez. Last open Cabinet position: Commissioner of Fundraising 2. Review Board – Michelle Rahim a) Ignite Christian Club & Medical Club to be chartered Tues 3/16/09 as new club Page 2 of 3 b) Clubs seeking reactivation: P.C.S, College Republicans, Legal Assistants Club C. Club Rush – Walter Mendez 1. Great turnout with 23 clubs despite rain 2. Feedback: Ana commends all clubs who stuck through rain D. Adviser Report – Janice Watanabe 1. Eligibility requirements for ICC cabinet & club reps a) Must be enrolled in at least 6 units, 2.0 cum. GPA, purchase ASB sticker VI. Business Items A. Approval of Cabinet Appointment – Walter Mendez Motion to approve Philip Stokes as I.C.C. Senate Representative. Moved by: F.D.L.A. Second by: Contemporary Theater Club. Motion passed. B. Approval of Finance Committee Recommendations – Brandon Davis 1. Approval of ICC 2008-2009 Budget Revisions Motion to approve $50 added to I.C.C. Fundraising Income Account #834220 and I.C.C. Banquet Account #836507. Motion by: Tailor Made. Second by: Rotaract. Motion passed. 2. Approval of up to $150 for ICC Office Supplies Motion to approve up to $150 from I.C.C. Supplies account #836501 for misc. supplies for the I.C.C. Office. Motion by: GSA. Second by: Science Club. Motion Passed. VII. Information Items A. Spring Fling Mixer – Brandon Davis, Walter Mendez, Nicole Teixeria 1. Friday, March 13th from noon -2pm in Act. Center East Lounge 2. Who can attend? Must RSVP 2 new members, 2 old members, ICC rep & advisor 3. Wear Easter colors B. 3-Day Blood Mobile – Brandon Davis, Jenn Lee, Michelle Rahim 1. March 24th, 25th & 26th 2. Presentation by Kim Davis, American Red Cross - Blood cannot be manufactured! Pizza Party for winning club 3. Information folders with sign-up sheets distributed at meeting 4. Sign-ups at Mixer & www.givelife.org VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 16th at 12pm in I.C.C. Office. Club Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due by Friday, March 13th (see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures) B. General Meeting – Wed., March 18th at 12pm in Cafeteria Stadium Room IX. Open Discussion A. Janice Watanabe – Bookstore/ Cafeteria to be renovated over the summer. 1. Will be moved into Act. Center East Lounge until November. Will be open July 5th. 2. Move ICC activities into West Lounge? X. Adjournment Motion to adjourn meeting at 12:32pm. Motion by: Contemporary Theater Club. Second by: G.S.A. Motion passed. Minutes recorded by: Jennifer Lee Verified by: ________________________________ Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President ______________________________ Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser Page 3 of 3