El Camino College Inter- Club Council Minutes Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 12:00pm Location: Activities Center West Conference Room I. Call to Order/Welcome –Ana Safazada President Ana Safazada called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm and welcomed everyone. Quorum was established. II. Roll Call – I.C.C Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in A. I.C.C. Cabinet 1. I.C.C. President: Ana Safazada 2. I.C.C Activities Commissioner: Ryanchase Balthazar 3. I.C.C Finance Commissioner: Nicholas Mitchell 4. I.C.C Senate Rep: Raven Sevilleja 5. I.C.C Secretary: Nisha Ram 6. I.C.C. Commissioner of Publicity: Kathy Tang B. Voting Club Representatives 1. Alpha Gamma Sigma – Dan Garrett & Nick Mitchell 2. American Red Cross Club: Hussein Kadiri & Xu Han 3. Anthropology Club: James Glenwright 4. Circle K: Jonathan Arcangel 5. EC College Republicans: Damien McDowell 6. ECC Society of Music: Maria Portillo 7. Future Disabled Leaders Association (F.D.L.A): Kyle Murray 8. Hands of Friendship: Wakeelah Lawson 9. Hip Hop Club: Marcelo Hugo 10. History Club: Juan Davila 11. International Business Club: Asma Rasikh 12. Italian Club: Devin Turner 13. 12.Native American Club: Juan Gutierrez 14. Science Club: Jaypril Cabillan & Cindy Valdez 15. South Pacific Islanders Club: Emilyann Kaveinga & Peter Malufau C. I.C.C. Advisor: Janice Watanabe D. Guest: Phillip Stokes (A.S.O.) III. Approval of I.C.C Minutes A. Meeting on March 17, 2010 Motion made by EC College Republicans to approve the minutes of March 17, 2010. Seconded by the Science Club. Motion passed and the minutes were approved. IV. Announcements and Introductions A. Club Announcements Alpha Gamma Sigma Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 1-2pm in Math 100 A, Car Wash on Saturday from 10am-2pm, donations. Page 1 of 3 American Red Cross Club Meetings: Tuesdays at 1-2pm in Chem. 105 - volunteering for blood drive next week Anthropology Club Meetings on Thursdays in Art 334, trip to zoo postponed, event on May 7th in Haag Recital Hall, collecting donations for Kenya Children charity Circle K Meetings: Thursdays, in Mu-134 EC College Republicans Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thurs, 1pm in Tech Arts 154 ECC Society of Music Meetings: every Tuesday at 1-2pm in Music 2 F.D.L.A Meetings: 1st Monday, 1-2 pm in front of Special Resource Center Hip Hop Club Meeting: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1-2pm in PE South 233 History Club Meetings: 1-1:50 International Business Club Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 1-2pm Italian Club Meetings: Every Thurs., 11:30, beginning this Thursday in H-209 Native American Club Meetings: Tuesdays 1-2pm in MBBM137, Frybread fundraiser today and Powwow on April 3 and 4, fliers distributed. Volunteers needed to help out at the powwow. Science Club Meetings every Tues 1-2pm in NS 206, upcoming trip to Sequoias South Pacific Islander Club Meetings: Monday, 1-1:50 in H-311, Fundraiser at Brudda’s, Dance Competition in April B. Other Announcements - none V. Reports A. Officer Reports 1. ASO Reports - Raven Sevilleja reported on ASAC Conference in Washington DC, Senate meeting in Board Room tomorrow 2. Review Board Report – Janice Watanabe New clubs pending review: “El Camino Salsa”, “Get Higher GPA in ECC”, “El Camino College International Collective (IC) Students Without Borders” VI .Business Items A. Appointments- Ana Safazada 1. President appointed Nisha Ram as ICC Secretary. Motion made by A.G.S. to approve Nisha Ram as ICC Secretary. Seconded by the Circle K. Motion passed. Page 2 of 3 2. President appointed Kathy Tang as ICC Commissioner of Publicity Motion made by History Club to approve Kathy Taing as ICC Secretary. Seconded by the EC College Republicans. Motion passed. B. Approval of ICC Finance Committee Recommendation- Ana Safazada Motion made by A.G.S. to approve up to $346.11 for “Loathing in Vegas” publicity from I.C.C. Major Fall Activity Account #836505 . Seconded by the History Club. Motion passed. VII. Information Items A. Upcoming Events 1. Red Cross Blood Drive March 30, 31, April 1st Can Volunteer (Clubs) Need to sign up online To register 2. Loathing in Las Vegas April 2nd 2010 7pm – 12am (midnight) Flyers have been sent out Ticket Sales have started At Marsee Auditorium Lobby & North Patio Formal Event VIP is 1 free meal but unlimited drinks & more poker chips VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings A. Cabinet & Finance meeting Monday March 29th at 12:00pm in the ICC office. Club budget requests are due Friday, March 26th for items to be approved at the next I.C.C. meeting (See I.C.C. Club Budget Request Procedures) B. General Meeting Wednesday, March 31st at 12:00pm in Activities Center West Conference Room. IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment Motion made by EC College Republicans to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by the Science Club. Motion passed. Ana Safazada adjourned the meeting at: 12:56 pm Minutes recorded by Nisha Ram Minutes verified by: ____________________________________ __________________________________ Ana Safazada, I.C.C. President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser Page 3 of 3