March 31, 2010


El Camino College Inter- Club Council


Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Location: Activities Center West Conference Room

I. Call to Order/Welcome –Ana Safazada

President Ana Safazada called the meeting to order at 12:04 pm and welcomed everyone.

Quorum was established.

II. Roll Call I.C.C Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in


I.C.C. Cabinet

1. I.C.C. President: Ana Safazada

2. I.C.C Activities Commissioner: Ryanchase Balthazar

3. I.C.C Finance Commissioner: Nicholas Mitchell

4. I.C.C. Publicity Commissioner: Kathy Taing

5. I.C.C Secretary: Nisha Ram


Voting Club Representatives

African American Club: Christian Youmans

Alpha Gamma Sigma – Dan Garrett and Nicholas Mitchell

American Red Cross Club: Hussein Kadiri & Xu Han

Anthropology Club: James Glenwright

Circle K: Johnny Arcangel

E.C. College Republicans: Damien McDowell

E.C. Society of Music: Maria Portillo

Gay-Straight Alliance: Cecilia Fernandez

History Club: Juan Davila

Honors Transfer Club: Lily Kurosaki

I.D.E.A.S. Club: Lily Kurosaki

International Collective (IC) Students Without Borders Club: Vanessa Villegas

Italian Club: Devin Turner

Native American Club: Samantha Romero

Science Club: Jaypril Cabillan and Cindy Valdez

South Pacific Islanders Club: Emily Ann Kaveinga


I.C.C. Advisor: Janice Watanabe


Guests: none

III. Approval of I.C.C Minutes

A. Minutes for March 24, 2010

Correction was made by History Club: “Announcements: History Club meetings are

every other Thursday”.

Motion made by American Red Cross Club to approve the minutes of March 24,

2010 as corrected. Seconded by the History Club. Motion passed and the minutes were approved.

IV. Announcements and Introductions

A. Club Announcements

Alpha Gamma Sigma

Meetings: Tuesdays at 1-2pm in Math 100 A

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American Red Cross Club

Meetings Tuesdays at 1-2pm in Chem. 105

Architecture Club

Meetings: Thursdays at 12:30 -1:30pm in TA-252

Chorale Club

Meets M, W, &F 11:45 am -1:20 in Music 3

College Republicans

Meetings: 1st & 3 rd

Thurs, 1pm in Tech Arts 154

ECC Society of Music

Meetings: every Tuesday at 1-2pm in Music 2


Meetings: 1 st

Monday, 1-2 pm in front of Special Resource Center

Hip Hop Club

Meeting: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1-2pm in PE South 233

Ignite Club

Meeting Information undetermined

International Business Club

Meetings: 3 rd

Tuesday at 1-2pm in unknown

Muslim Student Association

Meeting Information undetermined

Philosophy Club

Meeting every Thursday 1-2pm in MBBM 131

Science Club

Meetings every Tues 1-2pm in NS 206

B. Other Announcements

V. Reports

A Officer Reports

1. ASO Reports

2. Review Board Reports

Two Clubs reviewed and are ready for approval:

a) Salsa Club

Motion made by Alpha Gamma Sigma to approve the Salsa Club as an official

ECC club. Seconded by the History Club. Motion passed.

b) International Collective (IC) Students Without Borders Club

Motion made by History Club to approve the International Collective (IC)

Students Without Borders Club as an official ECC club. Seconded by Alpha

Gamma Sigma. Motion passed.

c) Club Still Pending Review: “Get Higher GPA in ECC”

VI .Business Items

A. Approval of ICC Finance Committee Recommendations – Nicholas Mitchell

1. Anthropology Club Request

Motion made by I.D.E.A.S. Club to approve $100 from the I.C.C. Club Support

Account #836515 for partial funding of Inter Club Health Conference on

May 7, 2010 in ECC Recital Hall. Seconded by College Republicans. Motion passed.

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2. I.D.E.A.S. Club Request

Motion made by South Pacific Islander Club to approve $400 from the I.C.C.

Club Support Account #836515 to partially fund club members attending the

California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art in Davis, CA on

April 30-May 2, 2010. Seconded by History Club. Motion passed.

3. Approval of a loan

Motion made by Alpha Gamma Sigma to approve $2000 from the Interclub

Loan Fund account #842351 to the Inter-Club Council to cover anticipated expenses for the ICC Loathing in Las Vegas event on April 2 nd . Money to be paid back by ticket sales for the event and fundraising by the Inter-Club

Council. Seconded by History Club. Motion passed.

VII. Information Items

A. I.C.C. American Red Cross Bloodmobile – Usama Ehsan & Ryanchase Balthazar

B. I.C.C. Spring Activity –“Loathing in Las Vegas” Casino Night & Dance

a.) April 2 nd from 7pm to midnight in Marsee Auditorium Lobby and North Patio

b.)Tickets available at Marsee Ticket Office Reg: $15 VIP: $25

VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings

A. Cabinet & Finance meeting Monday April 5 th

, 2010

B. General Meeting Wednesday, April 7 th

, 2010

in Activities Center West Conference Room

IX. Open Discussion

More on Loathing in Las Vegas

Blood Mobile

X. Adjournment

Motion made by History Club to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by College

Republicans Club. Motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 1:01 p.m.

Minutes recorded by Nisha Ram.

Verified by:

______________________________________ _______________________________

Ana Safazada, I.C.C. President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser

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