September 30, 2013

El Camino College
Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
September 30, 2013
Alondra Room
Public Participation: Members of the Public are invited to speak concerning any item of business on this agenda prior to or during the
Cabinet/Senate’s discussion of the item, and always prior to the Cabinet/Senate taking action on the item. For matters not listed on this
agenda that are under this Body’s jurisdiction, members of the public are invited to address the Body during Public Comment. Please, limit
your comments to no more than 2 minutes.
Call to Order
1.1 Meeting called to order at 12:00 pm.
Roll Call
Brittany Hubble, Gregory Sonnen, Jonathan Sharp, Tatiana Medina, Avery Marshall, Luis Mendez, Glafira Carr (Alpha Gamma Sigma), Misael
Valle (Anthropology Club), Jesse Gomez (Architecture Club), Lila Rosito (Astronomy Club), Felicia Mack (CARE/PAHE Club), Tim Rambach
(Christians on Campus), Dercy De La Cruz (Circle K International), Matthew J. Boone (Concert Choir), Anna Hirst (ECC Student Chapter of
American Chemical Society), Willy Coveci (El Co Salseros Club), Angie Taylor (GSA), Daniel Cameron (History Club), Alan Corrales-Cortez
(Honors Transfer Club), Luigi Almonte (Ideas Art Club), Dafna Pazos (International Club), Danish Voorani (Muslim Students Association),
Dajhar Johnson (Philosophy Club), Dezhanai Reed (Project Success Club), Dafna Pazos (Puente Club), Brandon Marshall (Robotics Club), Duk
P. Chong (Science Club), Yuji Nakatsaka (SGI Club), Studio 2 Street (Rosemarie Lulomino), Maria De Gracia (Teachers Club), Brandon
Marshall (Technology Club), Estefania Gigena (USGBC United States Green Building Council), Rita Ebo (Women in Technology), Loren Mata
(Society of Women Engineers), Anna Kusher (Sociology Club), Matthew J. Boone (Cheer Club)
Advisor: Breanna von Stein
Approval of Agenda
3.1 Motion made to approval the agenda by Felicia Mack. Seconded by Angie Taylor. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
4.1 Motion made to approve the minutes with spelling corrections by Ivan Alcantar. Seconded by Glafira Carr. Motion passed.
New Business
5.1 There was none.
Old Business
6.1 Discussion of Homecoming
6.1.1 The Cabinet/Council discussed the Homecoming activities. Luis Mendez discussed the Pep Rally. Tatiana Medina discussed the Homecoming Information Table and the Homecoming Dance. Brittany Hubble mentioned that Homecoming King and Queen candidacy is open to everybody and that the applications are due on
October 9. She also discussed the Halftime Show. Gregory Sonnen mentioned the Homecoming Dance workgroup. Avery Marshall discussed the Homecoming Carnival and the necessary paperwork. Jonathan Sharp discussed the Pep Rally. Breanna Von Stein further discussed the Food Concession Forms. Brittany Hubble urged clubs to discuss the Carnival with their clubs and to turn in their paperwork in a timely manner.
Finance Items
7.1 Approval of combining the Der Duetscher Club Account (81-29520-00-842270-7670) with the German Club Account (8129520-00-842334-7670).
7.1.1 The Cabinet/Council voted to approve the combining the Der Duetscher Club Account (81-29520-00-842270-7670) with the German
Club Account (81-29520-00-842334-7670). Motion made by Angie Taylor. Seconded by Duk Chong. Motion passed.
7.2 Approval of combining the International Collective/Students Without Borders Account (81-29520-00-842354-7670) with the
International Students Club Account (81-29520-00-842352-7670).
7.2 The Cabinet/Council voted to approve the combining the International Collective/Students Without Borders Account (81-29520-00842354-7670) with the International Students Club Account (81-29520-00-842352-7670). Motion made by Dafna. Seconded by Glafira Carr.
Motion passed.
8.1- ICC Member Reports
8.1.1 Jonathan Sharp discussed the Blood Drive and urged the Council to share Blood Drive information with others.
8.1.2 Avery Marshall announced that forms were available for clubs interested in the Homecoming Carnival.
8.1.3 The GSA president discussed Anti-Bullying Awareness Day.
8.1.4 Maria De Gracia announced the first Teachers Club meeting.
8.1.5 Ivan Alcantar announced that the Society of Music is hosting a student recital. He also mentioned that Society of Music is willing to
work with any other clubs who are interested in performances.
8.2- ASO Report
8.2.1 Luis Mendez announced that ASO would be having a meeting.
8.3- Finance Report
8.3.1 Jonathan Sharp announced that there is $250 in the New Club Support Account, and $7000 in the Club Support Account.
8.4- ICC Adviser Reports
8.4.1 There were none.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items (2 minute max)
9.1 There was none.
10.1 Motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:24 pm made by Angie Taylor. Seconded by Brandon Marshall. Motion passed.
Minutes created by Avery Marshall
Minutes Verified by:
Brittany Hubble, ICC President
Breanna von Stein, ICC Adviser