Spring Semester Review Study Guide

Spring Semester Final Study Guide
1. Judicial Review
2. Purchase of Louisiana
3. Results of the War of 1812
4. Lewis and Clark expedition
5. Thomas Jefferson’s response to Sedition Act
6. Jefferson’s Inaugural Address 1801
7. Supreme Court rulings where federal power grew and conditions for economic growth were
8. “the People’s President”
9. State’s rights
10. Gibbons v. Ogden
11. Monroe Doctrine
12. Irish Immigrants
13. Fight against slavery in 1808
14. Slave codes
15. Eli Whitney and interchangeable parts
16. Cotton producing states
17. Manifest Destiny
18. Texas annexation
19. Significance of the Alamo
20. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
21. Admission of California as a state
22. Compromise of 1850
23. Lincoln Inaugural Address
24. Attack on Fort Sumter
25. South response to Lincoln’s election as President
26. Lincoln-Douglas debates
27. Dred Scott decision
28. Emancipation Proclamation
29. Battle of Bull Run
30. March to the sea
31. Total War
32. Radical Reconstruction
33. Lincoln’s Ten-Percent Plan
34. Fourteenth Amendment and “equal protection of the law”
35. Jim Crow Laws
36. Lincoln’s main goal for Reconstruction
37. 13th Amendment (read and study)
38. “Separate but equal” role in denying African Americans their civil rights
39. Missouri Compromise
40. Declaration of Sentiments
41. Marbury v. Madison
42. Civil Rights Amendments