Arvid Spor
Sharonda Barksdale, Luis Barrueta, Liz Fernandez, Lorena Garcia,
Debbie Kyte, Julieta Ortiz, Chloe Smith
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 9:00am.
Division Council members were introduced to Dr. Jeanie Nishime, who attended today’s
Review October 15, 2010 Minutes
1. Minutes were approved with no changes.
Follow-up/updates on items discussed on 10/15/10
1. According to Tom Brown from Facilities, second floor signage will be provided by vendor
by next week Monday or Tuesday. A. Spor will inform Council on signage updates.
2. Testing’s new door sign will be made in-house by Ellen Lorenz in Public Information.
3. A work order was placed to move Financial Aid’s electronic sign to their new entrance.
4. According to ITS, the kiosks around the Information Desk are working again with the
exception of one with a damaged LCD screen.
a. ITS thinks there is high demand for the kiosks and wants to keep them in place during
the next registration cycle. According to Information Desk staff, kiosks are seldom
b. Students need to be reminded they don’t have to register on campus. Suggestion was
made to open up the LRC computers for registration and staffed by trained student
ambassadors and/or A&R staff normally stationed in the Activities Center during few
weeks before and during the add/drop period. A. Spor will contact the LRC unit. Will
discuss this topic at an Enrollment Management meeting.
c. Plasma monitors in the SSC lobby can advertise available computer labs used for
registration and add/drop. There are over 1,000 computers on campus enabled for
registration and add/drop – Financial Aid lab computers are blocked from this
d. Will keep the kiosks around the Information Desk through this registration cycle.
Can they be moved upstairs? Would have to check to see if there is enough room and
if there is sufficient power connection.
e. Info Desk kept tallies during the past four weeks - J. Ortiz could ask the staff to
monitor kiosks’ usage and technical problems at various times during the day.
5. Student Services Center offices will open earlier the first few days for Welcome Week.
Opening earlier during Welcome Week will not alleviate current lines. Counseling
appointment lines are forming now because of early registration for HTP students.
6. Verified with Facilities there is an eight second delay before generators turn on emergency
lights during a power outage. Emergency lights did not come on due to malfunction with
generators. Facilities will update status.
7. Will verify with Dave Snowden when “Chariot Races” evacuation chair practice drill is
scheduled- all Student Services Center staff and student ambassadors will be notified. Other
than assigned staff, anyone can learn how to use the second floor evacuation chairs.
8. A. Spor spoke to various deans about sending event/workshop information to the Info Desk
but received the response that the information is already sent out campus-wide. Suggestion
was made to use the Online Calendar, which is easy to use and frequently utilized by Student
Development, Fine Arts and Outreach. How do you get everyone to post their events? One
suggestion was to ask Public Relations to set up a campaign. Another suggestion was to
discuss this in Council of Deans meeting. There is a problem with many activities taking
place around the same time at the end of the year and the online calendar can help prevent
overlapping schedules. Suggestion was made to make it a requirement to post events to the
online calendar. A. Spor will ask to add this topic to the Council of Deans agenda – maybe
include a demo – and will find out if special access to the online calendar is required.
9. Follow-up on academic calendar: one open forum took place last Thursday and two more
sessions (11/30 at ECC and 12/2 at CEC) are scheduled. ASO President notified ASO about
the open forums. A fair number of students attended the first session.
Title V Graduation Initiative
1. Five-year federal grant was awarded to ECC to help increase number of graduates.
2. Three main components of the grant:
a. Get Ready – involves Financial Aid, Testing, and Counseling.
b. Get Set – involves Math and English departments to promote student success.
c. Go for the Degree – will hire two evaluators to assist students close to receiving a
degree or transfer.
3. Part of the grant involves publicity campaign to promote the value of earning an associate’s
degree. Graduation petition deadline is March 5, 2011. Would like to see campaign launched
by February 2011 – need to order banners and posters soon.
4. Hired Al Solano as Interim Title V Director.
Area Council Representative
1. Requested a division council representative to attend SCA Area Council meetings to report
division news (from the division council newsletter) to area council and bring area council
information back to the division council.
2. Area Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month, from 10:00am-11:30am.
3. Opportunity to meet other department staff and hear first-hand what’s happening on campus.
4. Suggestion was made to rotate division council members alphabetically each month on a trial
basis. Mattie Eskridge will send L. Nelson meeting information to forward to all members.
Problem with rotation is in reviewing previous meeting minutes - previous attendee should
review minutes and give feedback to representative attending next meeting.
Open Forum
1. Outreach and ambassadors are meeting today to discuss winter and spring welcome week.
The new Director of Student Development was informed she will be involved in Welcome
Week planning activities.
2. Tuesday’s SI sessions and classes will be videotaped to air December 2nd through the end of
January, 8:30am-2:00pm every day on ECC’s cable program on Time Warner, as part of a
student success program campaign.
3. On November 17th, L. Garcia attended a Matriculation conference on early assessment.
California is looking into developing common assessment tests. L. Garcia will send her notes
to Division Council - contact her for any questions about the handouts. Methods for students
to prepare for placement tests include links to practice websites on Testing web page, books,
online diagnostic tests, and Plato and New Century computerized diagnostic testing in
Learning Resources. Part of the Title V Graduation Initiative grant will fund development of
a student workshop and diagnostic testing to identify weak areas and ways to improve weak
areas. Once the workshop is designed, high school students could be mandated to take it at
the high schools. Placement testing at the high schools will begin in February. A math boot
camp will take place in the summer.
Through the Chaffee grant, Foster Care arranged for a Los Angeles County Department of
Probation Officer to service Foster Care youth applying to ECC. The officer will be in SSVC
216 every Thursday from 10:00am-2:00pm. Foster Care students can receive resources
linked to other campus programs (i.e. EOPS, FYE) to help prepare them for college. Foster
Care is arranging to bring in a social worker on Tuesdays.
Cal Grants scheduled for disbursement on November 23rd. Actual checks will be mailed –
not issued to debit cards. Financial Aid Assistant position was posted. D. Kyte will transfer to
Fine Arts as their division Senior Clerical Assistant. There is a three- to four-week delay reissuing funds on debit cards for students with discrepancies in their information. If there are
no problems, debit card disbursement is quick and smooth process.
ASO conducted interviews to fill Director of Student and Community Advancement position
and will bring to the Senate vote on Thursday. Rebecca Cobb was hired and will start on
January 7, 2011 as the new Director of Student Development. She was Coordinator of
Student Development at Pasadena City College for the past 19 years. ASO does not know
Harold Tyler is retiring – okay to let them know. Harold Tyler will be the graduation
commencement speaker. Discussion about retirement parties.
The Director of Title V Grant and Interim Associate Dean positions will be posted.
Dr. Nishime welcomed suggestions to improve customer service. Requested reports on
volume of phone calls received during various periods of time. Data will determine if there is
a need to set up a call center, different queuing methods, increase staff, etc.
The meeting adjourned at 10:02am.
Next meeting is scheduled on December 10, 2010.