July 14, 2011

Vice President – Academic Affairs
July 14, 2011
Present: I. Graff, C. Lee, G. Miranda, J. Nishime, D. Reid, D. Rowan, J. Shankweiler, A. Spor,
C. Wells
Other Guests: A. Grigsby
A. Notes of 6/9/11: Distributed.
Follow-up discussion on II-B (Student Success and Retention):
 Winter Institute: The institute may need to be completed prior to the Winter
 Course Management Map: New Etudes has more features that faculty may want
to try out, especially if it can show good student success and retention results. It
was suggested that M. Brown be asked to pilot this. Etudes is in the process of
getting an institutional license which will soon be available to faculty who are not
teaching online but want to use the system. It was noted that approximately 60%
of faculty who teach online use Etudes.
 Faculty Initiate Early Alert: ITS bought the Datatel version but additional work is
needed to customize it and then to determine who needs what. A. Spor will
follow up with J. Wagstaff.
 What are faculty doing for those that have a high retention rate in his//her class?
I. Graff will assist in finding out what faculty are doing in order to have high
success and retention rates. There have been more complaints received from
students who are not getting feedback from faculty.
 Should class orientation that is offered through distance education be mandated?
This could be done by online orientation; may need to find a combination of ways
to meet the needs of online students. Orientation is not just about the class but
also includes online counseling and other services. I. Graff noted that there is no
way to capture students’ ID to see if they participated in orientation and if that
had any impact. This would be possible if it could be linked through MyECC and
is something we might want to address in the future. A. Spor and I. Graff agreed
to work with registration staff to modify what is already in place.
 What are faculty doing for those that have a high retention rate in his//her class?
A presentation promoting student success could be offered on Flex day by
Latonya Motley and Francine Vasilomanolakis but more than an hour may be
 Provide an online tutor for students to be more successful.
A. Grigsby agreed to follow up and report back to the committee.
 Do students know they have access to FAQs?
The question was asked if this can be mandated for DE faculty to include FAQs
on the course syllabus. A. Grigsby noted that the template for a syllabus can
include this with the expectation that it should be included in their syllabus. CEC
has the same template. FAQs would need to be part of the student orientation and
should include information on how to access it.
A. Online Student Success Proposal: Committee reviewed and discussed two proposals
requested for support of a special program to improve DE student success and retention.
Comments were noted as follows:
Proposal #1:
-- Stipends are inappropriate if the activity is scheduled during the work week.
-- Need to talk with D. Manno regarding the cost for presenters.
-- Invitation to participate should be reserved for faculty teaching online; other
faculty will be invited if there is space.
Proposal #2:
-- Members saw value for online tutoring and suggested that the two proposals
be combined into one.
A. Grigsby agreed to make adjustments in costs that will not include stipends. She will
re-work the two proposals into one and forward to A. Spor. It is anticipated that the
request and recommendation can be finalized at the August 11 meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled on August 11.