EL CAMINO COLLEGE Vice President – Academic Affairs

Vice President – Academic Affairs
August 11, 2011
Present: C. Gold, I. Graff, E. Martinez, G. Miranda, B. Mulrooney, J. Nishime, S. Rodriguez,
J. Shankweiler, R. Smith, A. Spor, J. Wagstaff, C. Wells
Other Guests: A. Grigsby
A. Notes of 7/14/11: Distributed.
Follow-up discussion on I-A (Student Success and Retention):
 Course Management Map: Note from J. Wagstaff: ETUDES has launched two
new features for faculty and students. Course Map shows students all of the
activities they must complete in the course. The Activity Map shows faculty
which students have completed the activities and when and for how long. Course
Map prompts students as activities come due. Both of these tools were deployed
in early May 2011. Everyone using the ETUDES course management shell has
access to these tools. ETUDES believe their CMS can boost course retention and
completion rates.
 Faculty Initiate Early Alert: Note from J. Wagstaff: ITS licensed Datatel Early
Alert module. It is intended for faculty, counselors, coaches, and anyone else
interested in the mission of student success. Deployment requires those intending
to use the product to meet first to decide what student behaviors will be monitored
and who should get the alerting email. Everyone should understand that the tool
is not reactive. Properly deployed it can prevent student failure.
 Should class orientation that is offered through DE be mandated?
Additional information will be provided by R. Smith.
 Do students know they have access to FAQs?
It is recommended that faculty include information on syllabus.
B. Compton Update: No CEC Update.
A. Revised Distance Education Proposal: The committee recommended moving forward
with the proposal to support online faculty: (1) Faculty Institute and (2) online tutoring.
Faculty teaching online courses have gone through basic training to utilize the Etudes
Course Management. The proposed budget is $20,500 which includes the Faculty
Institute for $10,500 and online tutoring for $10,000.
The Faculty Institute will hold two sessions in the fall and spring. L. Motley and
F. Vasilomanolakis will plan the sessions focusing on areas that will help faculty in
student retention and success. It was suggested in lieu of having one faculty member
attend the Etudes Conference, participation incentives can be an annual subscription to
survey monkey and/or camtasia studio. (Note: the participation incentive will not be
referenced as an opportunity drawing as stated on the proposal.) The online tutoring will
use CCC-Confer. One course selected to test this effort will be CIS. A survey will be
taken to determine the best available time for students to access the tutoring service.
I. Graff shared the results of a 2010 distance education survey which included the
responses from students on why they enrolled in online courses, most important feature in
selecting a course, why they dropped the course, and why they did not successfully
complete the course.
The next meeting is scheduled on September 8.