Title of Book: Minnie’s Diner Author: Dayle Ann Dodds Publisher: Candlewick Press (2004) ISBN: 076361736-9 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 3rd Grade TEKS (3.4) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student recognizes and solves problems in multiplication and division situations. The student is expected to: (A) learn and apply multiplication facts through 12 by 12 using concrete models and objects Brief Summary: This story is about a father who orders his sons to get to work on the farm. Minnie’s kitchen wafts a smell that gets the boys anxious to go, and one by one, they succumb to the call of that sweet aroma. Each son arrives at Minnie’s twice as hungry as the last one and looking for twice as much food. Materials needed: Minnie’s Diner book 1 Dice for each student Smart Board Computer Suggested Activity: 1st Activity1. Call for one volunteer to go to the front of the classroom. 2. Ask the students, “How many ears does _______ have?” 3. Ask another student to come to the front. 4. Ask the students, “How many ears does the second student have? (wait for response) How many ears are there now all together?” (wait for response) 5. Repeat Step 3. 6. Ask the students, “How many ears does the third student have? (wait for response) How many ears are there now all together?” (wait for response) 7. Repeat Step 3. 8. Ask the students, “How many ears does the fourth student have? (wait for response) How many ears are there now all together?” (wait for response) 9. Ask the students if they notice a pattern and what type of pattern. 2nd Activity1. Divide the students into group of 3-4. 2. Give each student 1 dice. 3. Tell each student to toss the dice and write their number that they got on the first blank line. 4. After they write it, tell them to double it. 5. Tell the students to create both an addition problem and a multiplication sentence. (Ex. If they tossed the dice and got a five, they would write 5+5=10 and 5*2=10. 6. Once they are done, tell them to do it again for the rest of the problems. 7. After they are done, tell them to add all their numbers from step 1. 8. Students will share and compare their answers to their group members. The student who has the highest number in step 4 is the winner. 3rd Activity (If there’s time) 1. Play Break the Wall on the Smart Board References and or websites: Great math games for the Smart Board. http://www.theteachersguide.com/InteractiveSitesMathSmartBoard.htm Adapted by Roxana Garcia, 2012