Title: Cook-a-doodle-doo! Authors: Janet Stevens & Susan Stevens Publisher: Harcourt Brace Publishing Date: 1999 ISBN: 0152019243 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 3-5 TEKS: (4.11) Measurement. The student selects and uses appropriate units and procedures to measure weight and capacity. Brief Summary: Big Brown Rooster is sick of chicken feed. So along with his friends--Turtle, Iguana, and Potbellied Pig--he sets out to make the most magnificent strawberry shortcake in the whole wide world. But there’s one problem: none of his friends knows how to cook! The team bravely forges ahead, and with Roosters help, they learn how to measure flour (not with a ruler) and how to beat an egg (not with a baseball bat). But can they keep Pig from gobbling up all the ingredients? Materials: Data sheet for measuring worksheet, pencils, newspaper or plastic to cover table, measuring cups, measuring spoons, dry ingredients such as rice, beans, or corn, and water. Activity: 1. Table will be covered with newspaper or a plastic tablecloth. 2. Using measuring cups and measuring spoons, students measure dry ingredients such as rice, corn, or beans, and/or water. Students will record their findings on their worksheets. 3. Students should answer the following questions: How many tablespoons of rice equal 1/4 cup? 1/3 cup? 1/2 cup? 1 cup? Repeat the same measurements for the corn, beans, and/or water. How many 1/4 cups equal a 1/2 cup or 1 cup? How many 1/3 cups equal 1 cup? Ambur, D. . (n.d.). Can you measure up?. Retrieved from http://artsedge.kennedycenter.org/content/3801/ Adapted by Kristian Arredondo, 2010