Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs EL CAMINO COLLEGE

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
FEBRUARY 14, 2013
Present: J. Anaya, R. Bell, C. Fitzsimons, W. Garcia, A. Garten, E. Geraghty, D. Goldberg,
D. Hayden, D. Horton, T. Kyle, T. Lew, G. Miranda, B. Mulrooney, R. Murray, R. Natividad,
J. Nishime, D. Patel, B. Perez, V. Rapp, S. Rodriguez, R. Shabazz, J. Shankweiler, D. Shrader,
R. Smith, D. Vakil
A. Notes of 2/14/13: Distributed.
 “Lunch with the Dean/Director” will match a group of students with a dean or
 Campus map – J. Nishime did not meet with group. There are remaining issues with
distribution of maps and signage which show as under construction or future MBA.
Student ambassadors have been helping students with direction on campus.
B. ASO Update: D. Horton provided an update.
 Training session for new student representatives was held on flex day. Some attended
the State of College address and flex day presentations.
 Two groups of students will meet with educational legislators in March in Sacramento
and Washington DC.
 The last day the ASO table will be open during Welcome Week is 2/14.
C. CEC Update: R. Murray and R. Shabazz provided an update.
 The beginning of spring semester is smooth despite parking issues.
 Faculty and classified negotiations ongoing.
 An email was sent to ECC faculty requesting volunteers to assist on CEC faculty
hiring committees.
 Growing numbers of student who inadvertently register for classes on the main
campus. This happens to approximately 30-40 students a semester.
D. PBC Update: D. Patel provided an update of the meeting on 2/7/13:
 I. Graff provided a brief report of program plans submitted on plan builder. More
discussion will be held on the logistics and planning process.
 Budget – the campus has not received P1 yet (apportionment from state).
 Continue to expect deferral of apportionment until next fiscal year.
 Take out TRANS of $16 million.
 Passing of Prop 30 increased deferrals this year but will improve funding for 2013-14.
 CDC closure – response will be provided at the February Board meeting.
 Linkage of Program Review and SLOs - recommendations need to go into plan
E. Announcements:
A. Cherry Blossom Festival will be held on March 7.
B. SSTARS breakfast will celebrate its tenth year on March 1. It provides a fundraiser
for student scholarships.
C. Black History Month: (1) Library reception on 2/15 (2) Panel discussion on “I Have a
Dream” speech on 2/19; (3) Film and discussion on “41st and Central” on 2/19; (4)
Keynote speaker Cecil Murray on 2/21; (5) Taste of Soul on 2/28.
D. Women’s History Month: (1) Women’s luncheon will be held on 3/8. Speaker will
be an FBI agent (2) Women’s Wall of Fame on 3/21 (3) book club discussion on 3/28
E. The upcoming ACCCA Conference will be on 2/20-22.
F. The MBA Open House will be on 3/6.
A. Accreditation: The Accrediting Commission placed the College on “warning.” The
warning was based on SLOs. The College was cleared on all other recommendations.
Linking program review to planning and budgeting was resolved. One issue was the fact
the College could not show linkage/alignment of SLOs for course level to program level
for every course. The college is not at 100% for SLO assessment which appears to be the
ACCJC standard for proficiency.
It was noted that J. Shankweiler has done a good job in follow up with the standard
teams. She will be attending team meetings to answer questions. The Steering
Committee meeting for team leaders from both locations will be held on May 8. Only
one team from CEC has not submitted an outline - 4A Leadership Governance.
M. Cheung has developed sample documents (ie. summary, self-evaluation with
recommendations). These models will help provide assistance to the teams.
The College will be evaluated on student achievement and success goals established and
how well the college achieves these goals. I. Graff reviewed the strategic initiatives and
will provide measureable outcomes on them which will be discussed this semester. There
will be a May summit at which time the institutional benchmarks will be presented.
The next Council of Deans will meet 2/28/13 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Adm 131.