August 24, 2015 Dear Parents, Welcome to Sixth Grade. This is going to be an exciting year for your child. We will be learning new things everyday so please make sure your child is in attendance as much as possible. We will be learning with interactive notebooks in both reading and math so it will be very hard for students to make up this precious learning time. Mrs. Dowell will try to post as many journal entries as she can on the website to help with students who are not able to be at school on certain days. In addition to completing the interactive notebook in class, Ms. Harris requires students to read 20 minutes each night. Students will be expected to earn AR points each nine weeks based on your child’s individual reading level. Our discipline policy is very simple. We have a code of conduct located at the back of the room that we expect the children to follow. Basically it is to respect the teacher, other teachers, other students and themselves. They are to be friendly, truthful, honest, and polite to others. They should be ready for each new school day. They should always strive to do their best. This year in 6th grade you will get to be a part of a classroom economy. An economy is a money system within a certain community. You will be able to earn money for how well you do your job, coming to school, and spend your money on extra privileges throughout the year. This is a great way to incorporate all your math skills you have learned up to this point, and learn how our actual economy works. You will be responsible for renting your desk each month, paying taxes to help those who cannot, donating to a charity of your choice, and of course adding to your savings account for an end of the year special. You must pay for these things before you can pay for extras. Some of the extra things you may be interested in are: Fun Friday- bring your own snack, homework point pass, lunch buddy pass, and free lunch Friday. Just like in any economy nothing is free, so choose wisely on your purchases. Good luck!! As the oldest students in the building, our 6th graders have a great responsibility to set the standard of good behavior for the younger students at Timber Creek Elementary. We will be rewarding our students for wonderful behavior through our economy system. The better disciplined they are with academics and behavior the more money they will earn. They will have plenty of fun opportunities to spend their money throughout the year. We have two online resources available to students at home. The reading resource is and the math resource is We are getting all our students set up in these systems so please be on the lookout for their login name and password. We believe that open communication between parent and teacher is necessary for this year to be successful. The best time during the day to contact us is during our plan time-10:00-10:40. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail. Again welcome to sixth grade. This is an exciting time in your child’s life and we look forward to partnering together with you to make this a successful year for all of our 6th grade students! Mrs. Dowell and Ms. Harris