Aristotle: Rhetoric

Aristotle the Greek philosopher:
was the first to classify areas of human
knowledge into distinct disciplines such as
mathematics and biology.
considered the Father of logic.
was the first to develop a formalized system
for reasoning.
observed that the validity of any argument
can be determined by its structure rather
than its content.
Age of Enlightenment: Democracy
urged many to favor argument as an
effective means of decision-making.
This “arguments” took the form of
political debate and speeches.
Rhetoric: the art of speaking or
writing effectively as a way to
persuade or influence people.
Aristotle divided the means of
persuasion into three categories-Ethos, Pathos, Logos.
Ethos (Ethical appeal) convincing by the
speaker’s character. We tend to believe people
whom we respect.
Pathos (Emotional appeal) means persuading
by appealing to the reader's emotions.
Logos (Logical appeal) means persuading by
the use of reasoning. Giving reasons is the
heart of argumentation.
Rhetorical devices are devices used to
manipulate the language to effectively
persuade an audience.
Figurative language such as metaphor
and personification are also considered
rhetorical devices.
Ethos (Ethical appeal)
Pathos (Emotional appeal)
Logos (Logical appeal)
“Rules to Stop Pupil and Teacher From Getting Too
Social Online”
• With a partner, read the article.
• Using a highlighter, highlight and label the
argumentative appeals used by the author.
• For each appeal, write 1-2 sentences explaining
if the argument was effective or not.
• In 3 paragraphs, write an opposing argument.
Use all three appeals which you should highlight
as well. Be sure to give an effective rebuttal
stating your opinions why students and teachers
should be allowed to have conversations via
cellphones or online platforms.