November 11, 2010

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
November 11th, 2010
Activities Center West Conference Room
I. Call to Order
Meeting Called to Order at 1:08 pm – Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet
Executive Cabinet
o President: Jessica Lopez
o Vice President: Tim Linehan
o Director of Academic Affairs: Dalal Budri
o Director of Finance: Ryuichiro Enomoto
o Public Relations Officer: Nicole Reinertsen
o Region 7 Representative: Meg Panlaqui
o Student Trustee: Johanna Zamora
o Student Services: Chloe Smith(excused)
Senators by Division
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Ryanchase Balthazar
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Damien McDowell
o Business: Jameel Younis
o Health Sciences & Athletics: Melina Mossberg
o Humanities: Lisa Brown
o Mathematical Sciences: Paul Hiney
o Mathematical Sciences: Vito Iaia
o Natural Sciences: Noor Bala
o Natural Sciences: Gabriela Lopez
o Fine Arts: Heather Barone
Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Harold Tyler
Absent: Janice Watanabe, and Jeannine Barba
Present: Cesar Ordaz, Ariel Manjarrez, Kevin Paxton, Sharon Asher, Rebekka Asher,
Kenji Tomoda, Jasmine Hormati, Samuel Barke, Lena Yamaguchi, Lynn Tran,
Patrick Mondestin-Howard, Benjamin Tran, Mazen Alloush, Hector Morales, Habab
Budri, Nestor Rogel, Daniel Montga, Azucena Valadez, Kevin Dono, Andre Portilla,
Guadalupe Arias, Alex Button-Golic, Sohimar Flowers, Shyh-Herng Lo.
III. Approval of the Minutes
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Motion to amend the minutes of October 28th, was moved to later in the meeting
due to an error from the copy room made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Jameel
Younis. Motion passed.
Once the amendment continued, Nicole Reinertsen said an error was made under 5.3 it
was she and not Meg Panaqui whom said no.
Jameel Younis also revealed an error, saying that under the ASO member reports he said
to email him about join committees and becoming committee chairs and vice chairs.
Motion to approve the amended minutes of October 28, 2010 Senate meeting
made by Jessica Lopez. Motion passed.
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve agenda as is for November 11, 2010 made by Jessica Lopez.
Motion passed.
V. New Business
5.1 Appointments
 Motion to approve Samuel Barke as Commissioner of Humanities made
by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Lisa Brown.
Discussion: Vito Iaia asked Lisa Brown if Samuel is and has been working with
her. Lisa responded saying yes and that she is very impressed with him and that
his major is English, which is a good fit for the position.
Motion passed.
 Motion to approve Hector Morales as Commissioner of Justice and
Behavioral & Social Sciences made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Jameel
Discussion: Vito Iaia asked what he can bring to the ASO. The response was that
he has political science as his major and in high school he held a similar position.
Lisa Brown stated that its good Hector wants to be Chief Justice and wonders if
he can for fill the position of behavioral & social sciences as well.
Damien McDowell asked if Hector can handle the load of being two
commissioners at the same time. Jessica replied stating that the positions do not
require much work so it should not overwhelm him.
Hector Morales said that he wants to promote the position that is not as strong to
strengthen it and make it stand out better in the ASO.
Motion made a counted vote of 10-1-2 with Ryanchase Balthazar voting
no, Lisa Brown and Damien McDowell abstaining.
5.2 Alternative to the Mocktail
Meg Panlaqui wants to team up with the Society of Music and participate with
their food drive that they will be holding. She wants to set up a table near them at
college hour. December 16th 1-2pm.
Meg’s proposal entailed that in order to help promote the ASO at this event we
can give away free pizza, selling sodas for $1 and also giving away stickers that
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say A.S.O. Saying this will be cheaper than the Mocktail event being in the range
of $150-$200 whereas the Mocktail is $400-$450.
Jameel Younis asked how are we going to talk to the students. He believed that
the students will only be interested in the free pizza and leave without caring who
gave them the free meal. Also saying the Mocktail is held in a building and the
ASO has their attention for a couple of hours, and not a few seconds outside by a
table. Damien McDowell agreed with Jameel.
Lisa Brown agreed with Meg Panlaqui stating that the idea is great, music, food,
and during college rush hour should be able to grab a lot of student’s attention;
therefore, work better than the Mocktail event.
Lena Yamaguchi agreed as well saying it should work better and this way people
will know about the ASO and not have to pay to know us.
Vito Iaia said that the ASO does not have the money to be giving stuff away for
free, and that this year people have been responding well to the awareness of ASO
Nicole Reinertsen said that we should all participate for this event and also use it
to promote the Mocktail event.
Jessica Lopez agreed saying we should combine forces instead of competing, and
use this event to promote the Mocktail.
Jameel Younis said that two years ago Walter was able to have a really good
Homecoming event because it was promoted well and that is can happen again.
Damien McDowell said that the ASO should learn from ICC’s mistakes and
failures instead of using it as a fear to never commit to an event.
Motion to approve “The End of Semester Blast” made by Meg Panlaqui.
Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Gabriela Lopez Abstains,
Motion passed.
5.3 Publicity of International Festival
Lisa is promoting this event because it will bring together different culture clubs
to the festival to show what they: eat, wear, and drink.
The event will take place on December 2nd from 1-2pm and that it would be good
if the ASO has a table there to help promote our organizations awareness.
Nicole Reinertsen thinks if we help promote the event then it will put the ASO put
there also saying that we can make an online episode about it.
Motion for the A.S.O. to help with The Publicity of the International
Festival, and to help them set up and take down the Festival made by Lisa
Motion passed
The SSCCC General Assembly conference occurred on October 29-31. Meg
Panlaqui said that a majority of the 112 community colleges were in attendance
and were all working together to discuss and try to help solve problems that need
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to be faced at community colleges. A few measures were passed that are sure to
help. Such as the Stop gap Protection for Higher Education, that helped stop the
tuition increase at community colleges.
5.5 Affordable Textbooks
Jessica Lopez received a phone call from Washington about a campaign to
introduce a textbook free community college. This is an attempt to lower the cost
and burden on some students since text books are very expensive, and often are
not truly needed for a class.
This proposal offered the textbooks online or if the student wanted they could buy
the text book and or simply buy the chapters that they would need individually.
Jessica also said that if anyone was interested in more information to email her.
5.6 Winter Intersession Update
Jessica Lopez said that the petitions state we do not want the winter session to be
eliminated. So far the current count of signatures was 788. Teachers and other
staff are also passing around these petitions.
The faculty here at El Camino is also helping to create a resolution saying if the
Board of Trustees passes the elimination we could in fact make a lawsuit against
the school.
The data from the current research that Jessica had showed that the Winter
Intersession was in fact more productive for students and yielded a higher success
Dalal Budri said that today was the first open forum winter session calendar
meeting and that the next one would be held in the distance education center on
November 30th, a Tuesday from 1-2pm.
VI. Old Business
6.1 Enrollment Priorities
Jessica Lopez let everyone know that as an ASO member you have priority in
registering for classes, assuming that you completed and turned in an application
on time.
Harold Tyler said that this is so we can schedule around our meetings, since we
have to attend so many. Also that the registration dates for members of the ASO
should be the 24th of November. This will be the second day, Athletes and
disabled people are allocated the first day.
Jessica Lopez also mentioned that the Senate meetings during the spring time will
be extended by 30 minutes, due to the obvious that each meeting is too fast/ too
short and that more time is needed to comfortably complete the meetings.
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
 Jameel Younis wants people to respond about times with the Senate meetings,
Division Council meetings to email him with timing on schedules.
 Damien McDowell said that a work order is needed to replace the door stalls in
the bathrooms, and if you wish to place an order: first to tell Damien and he will
in turn tell Harold.
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Nicole Reinertsen said that we should have a “thanksgiving” sort of event like on
a Tuesday or Thursday.
 Jasmine Hormati reported that the recycle committee wants to create a task force
during the next meeting.
 Lupita described an event where donations are going to be given to cancer
7.2 ICC Reports
 ICC reports Homecoming King was Meg Panlaqui, and that the next party will be
the childrens holiday party.
7.3 AGS Reports
Jasmine reported saying that sheets for the AGS need to be filled out and are due
on December 14th.
7.4 Committee Reports
 Nicole Reinertsen suggested a thanksgiving mixer and maybe get multiple ASO’s
 Rebekka Asher created her committee promoting Mocktail and the meetings will
take place every Wednesday from 12-12:45pm. And that the event will promoted
next spring to the populous of El Camino during club rush and the event itself will
take place the week after club rush is over.
7.5 Adviser Reports
Harold Tyler reports that the last day to drop classes is the 19th of November.
Also Harold commended the Senate meeting and the ASO members saying that
we operate just like the Board of Governors when deliberating on issues.
VIII. Public Comments
There was an announcement that California’s Low Cost Auto Insurance wants to
provide the ASO will information about auto insurance. They are hoping to help
students who cannot afford insurance, a way to have auto insurance.
It is illegal to drive a car without automobile insurance, and they know the ASO is
looking out for the best interests of the students at El Camino; therefore, they
want ASO to promote this on Facebook and any other way possible. This would
possibly be another way to spread awareness about the ASO.
Harold Tyler said that the ASO cannot endorse this program; however, we can
share the information with the rest of El Camino College.
IX. Adjournments
 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 2:20pm, made by Jessica Lopez.
Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Motion passed.
Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Jessica Lopez, ASO President
Harold Tyler, ASO Adviser
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