December 9 , 2010 Activities Center East Lounge

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
December 9th, 2010
Activities Center East Lounge
I. Call to Order
Meeting Called to Order at 1:06 pm – Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet
Executive Cabinet
o President: Jessica Lopez
o Vice President: Tim Linehan
o Director of Academic Affairs: Dalal Budri
o Director of Finance: Ryuichiro Enomoto
o Student Trustee: Johanna Zamora
o Student Services: Chloe Smith
o Public Relations Officer: Nicole Reinertsen
o Region 7 Representative: Meg Panlaqui
Senators by Division
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Ryanchase Balthazar
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Damien McDowell
o Business: (Senate Leader) Jameel Younis
o Health Sciences & Athletics: Melina Mossberg
o Humanities: Lisa Brown
o Humanities: Jasmine Hormati
o Mathematical Sciences: Paul Hiney
o Mathematical Sciences: Vito Iaia
o Fine Arts: Heather Barone
o Natural Sciences: Gabriela Lopez, Noor Bala
Commissioners (Non-Voting)
Present: Cesar Ordaz, Ariel Manjarrez, Sharon Asher, Rebekka Asher, Jack DeMont,
Lena Yamaguchi, Shyh-Herng Lo, Kevin Dono, Samuel Barke, Lynn Tran, Kenji
Administrative Assistant
Present: Kevin Paxton
Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Harold Tyler, Jeannine Barba
Absent: Janice Watanabe
Present: Patrick Mondestin-Howard, Cindy Valdez, Andre Portilla, Azucena Valadez,
Alex Button-Golic
III. Approval of the Minutes
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Jameel Younis stated that he had said during his member report, Mondays from 1-2pm
was going to be the meeting of Senators.
Johanna Zamora stated during member reports that the member petitions were not
accepting applications.
Jasmine Hormati’s major is not English but Biology.
Motion to approve the minutes as amended for December 2, 2010 made by Chloe
Smith. Seconded by Vito Iaia. Motion passed.
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Counseling Appointment reform, with Damien McDowell, needed to be added under Old
Business as 6.1.
Environmental Awareness Proposal, with Jasmine Hormati, needed to be added under
New Business as 5.5.
Motion to approve agenda as amended is for December 9, 2010 made by Chloe
Smith. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati. Motion passed.
V. New Business
5.1 Finance Items
There was no Finance meeting, but will discuss more in 5.7
5.2 Mocktail Event
Rebekka Asher stated that there needs to be a vote on the budget for the Mocktail
event in order to begin preparations and to make tickets.
 Motion to approve the budget, of $480, for the Mocktail event, made by
Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Jessica Lopez.
Discussion: Harold Tyler said that he thinks the budget for this event should come
out of the Rep fee Advocacy; however, the senate needs a 2/3 majority in order to
accomplish this since the Finance meeting approved the funds elsewhere.
Rebekka agrees with Harold.
 Motion to approve up to $480 from Rep Fee Advocacy 836115-7670 for
the Mocktail event and all expenses made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by
Jameel Younis.
Damien McDowell abstains
Motion Passed
5.3 Appointments/Removals
Jessica Lopez said that the candidates will present themselves now; first was
Cindy Valdez, Lena Yamaguchi, and Rebekka Asher was last.
o Cindy said her major is History, and that this is her 3rd year at El Camino
College. She used to be president of the Science club, and Feminist club.
Cindy has experience helping the community, for 4 years she has been
helping disabled people.
Lisa Brown stated that both clubs are inactive and asked how Cindy she
will be able to handle the large responsibility for this position.
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o Lena Yamaguchi believes she is right for the position, she has done well
as commissioner of math even though it is not her major. She has attended
the SB1440 meetings, Region 7 meetings, and wants to bring awareness of
El Camino back.
Vito Iaia asked how she will spread awareness, she replied by helping
with SB1440 and the math contest.
o Rebekka Asher is the current Commissioner of Activities. She has had a
lot of experience already with planning out the Mocktail event. She likes
planning events outside of the ASO and schedule to work completely
around the position of director.
Jameel Younis asked if she always wanted to be director. She replied with
yes, she originally wanted to be director when she first joined ASO but at
the time only commissioners were being appointed.
Voting took place
Cindy Valdez: 2 votes
Rebekka Asher: 2 votes
Lena Yamaguchi: 11 votes
Motion to appoint Lena Yamaguchi as Director of Student and Community
Advancement made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Rio Enomoto.
Jameel Younis Abstains
Motion passed
5.4 Committee Appointment
 Motions to appoint Nicole Reinertsen to each of the following: Public
relations committee chair, Activities committee chair, Network committee
chair and Web committee chair, made by Jameel Younis. Seconded by
Chloe Smith, all motions passed.
 Motion to appoint Jasmine Hormati as Recycle committee chair made by
Jameel Younis. Seconded by Johanna Zamora. Motion passed.
 Motion to appoint Meg Panlaqui as Fund raising committee chair.
Seconded by Jessica Lopez. Motion passes.
 Motion to appoint Chloe Smith as Activities committee vice chair made by
Jameel Younis. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Motion passes.
 Motion to appoint Vito Iaia as Web committee vice chair made by Jameel
Younis. Seconded by Rio Enomoto. Motion passes.
 Motion to appoint Jasmine Hormati as networking committee vice chair
made by Jameel Younis. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Motion passes.
5.5 Environmental Awareness Proposal
Jasmine Hormati wants the ASO to go paper light, or go green because a lot of
paper is used during each meeting and only for the meeting. She has sent out
emails discussing this problem, and also said the price for paper is increasing.
Jasmine suggests that we use emails instead of making copies for everyone to use.
This way everyone already knows the issues before the meeting begins and this
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will hopefully decrease the time of the meetings since each meeting always goes
over the time limit.
Lisa Brown asked if we could use projectors instead of individual copies then.
Jessica Lopez replied that we could use different rooms that have projectors in
them to accomplish that.
 Motion to adopt the resolution of ASO going green, made by Jasmine
Hormati. Seconded by Chloe Smith. Motion passed
5.6 Senate Meeting Schedule
Jessica Lopez discussed the issue of each senate meeting going over the time limit
and how to attempt to fix it. There are two solutions, first to continue having the
senate meeting once every two weeks and extend the meeting by 30 minutes; the
other, to change the current schedule to have the meeting once every week and
stay at the length of one hour.
Jack DeMont said he thought the meeting will still be too long even with the
changes, Jameel Younis replied saying each meeting could have less items if done
once a week. Harold Tyler stated saying if meetings begin to overlap, have
representatives attend the meetings for you.
 A Vote was taken
 13 voted to extend the current schedule meeting time
 8 voted to change the schedule to one meeting every week
 Motion to approve the extension of the currently scheduled Senate
meetings by 30 minutes to a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes from 12:30pm every 2nd and 4th Thursday made by Jessica Lopez .Seconded my
Meg Panlaqui. Motion passed
5.7 End of Semester Pizza Giveaway
Meg Panlaqui said that the event will take place on Tuesday the 14th from 1-2pm.
She hopes that everyone will be there to help out. The society of Music will be
there as well.
VI. Old Business
6.1 Counseling Appointment Reform
Damien McDowell wants to have more time to talk about this issue and moves to
 Motion to table Counseling Appointment Reform until next Senate
Meeting made by Damien McDowell. Seconded by Jessica Lopez Motion
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
 Chloe Smith, scholarship is closing in February no food or drinks in the Library.
 Vito Iaia talked about an engineering workshop in the spring time.
 Johanna Zamora stated that she is going over the 1C guidelines; they are very
strict on time stamps, also reviewed candidates for the Broad of Trustees. 3
people will be voted on and only one can be taken. The meeting will be held on
December 13th, above the Bookstore.
7.2 ICC Reports
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Damien McDowell Reports that ICC had its last meeting yesterday, the 8th and that
they honored Harold Tyler. The gift wrapping charity event will be tomorrow.
7.3 AGS Reports
AGS reports that they will not meet in winter semester. Point sheets due December
7.4 Committee Reports
Vito Iaia reported Faculty Steering Committee
There will be a STEM center in the Library sometime during fall 2011- spring 2012.
7.5 Adviser Reports
Harold Tyler applauded the ASO on the Senate; it’s the biggest in number of
members in all the time he has been here at El Camino
VIII. Public Comments
 Nicole Reinertsen stated that Andrew Torii a student of El Camino is missing and wants
ASO to help spreading awareness to the other students hoping someone knows something
about what happened to him.
 Meg Panlaqui said that Harold Tyler’s retirement party will be on Tuesday from 3-6pm.
 Dalal Budri reminded members to pay for their classes.
 Kevin Paxton said he will be sending out emails on ideas for supplies to get for the
offices, and hopefully get it taken care of before spring semester.
IX. Adjournments
 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 2:20pm, made by Damien McDowell.
Seconded by Jessica Lopez. Motion passed.
Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
Jessica Lopez, ASO President
Rebecca Cobb, ASO Adviser
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