El Camino College Associated Students Organization Senate Meeting Minutes March 28, 2013


El Camino College

Associated Students Organization

Senate Meeting Minutes

March 28, 2013

Administration Room 131



Call to Order

Dillan Horton called the meeting to order at 1:02pm.


Roll Call

Voting Members of the Senate – Present:

Dillan Horton (Chairperson), Brooke Matson, Derrick Moon, Nathan Wofford, Tiffany Tran, Sarah Hafiz,

Jasmine Hormati, Alejandro Ventura, Luis Mendez, Daniel Carvalho, Marisa Tam, Valencia Clark, Aysha

Shaikh, Gustavo Garcia, Emma Robertson, Sarah Rednour, Rachel Tamashiro, Sean Borden

Voting Members of the Senate – Excused:

Simone Montague-Jackson

Voting Members of the Senate – Absent:

Kelly Ng, Felix Chan, Priscilla Young


Rebecca Cobb, Breanna von Stein


William (Bill) Mulrooney, William Garcia, Regina Smith, Miguel Cordova


Approval of the Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of March 14 th as is made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Aysha Shaikh. Motion passed.


Approval of the Agenda

Because Michael Cordova will not be able to come until the end of the meeting, Item 6.1 will be moved to be the last item.

Motion to approve the agenda of March 28 th as amended by Brooke Matson. Seconded by

Tiffany Tran. Motion passed.


Old Business



New Business

6.1 – Summer & Fall Registration/Enrollment Priorities – Dillan Horton

Currently, students are registered for Fall and Summer sessions at the same time. What is being talked about at Enrollment Management is whether to split this registration.

Bill Mulrooney stated that it would be mid-April for Summer registration and mid-July for Fall registration. In addition to the pros and cons of the split, there are also new revisions to the title and requirements for orientation, assessment, and educational plans for students to get priority registration. Mandated state groups are still coming first, in-district groups are next, continuing students follow after, and the students with the last priority are students with 100 units or more excluding basic skill courses and students who are on probation level two. The very last group is

K-12 students. How registration is scheduled is determined by the District.

Jasmine asked if other colleges have Fall and Summer registration separate. Bill Mulrooney stated that more colleges have them separated than together.

Regina Smith stated that from a counseling perspective, they make sure what is working based on the culture of the campus and that students at El Camino have access to services. She is considering where there will be most impact, and in which if registration is maintained the way it is, it would be counseling as they would see more students. During the Summer, faculty are now only 10-month faculty and it would limit access to students if the Fall/Summer registration were to be separated. Another mandate is changing the way matriculation services are provided and that

with SB 1456, new students will be required to participate in the matriculation services.

Will Garcia stated that from a financial aid perspective, there were technical issues with Datatel as well as compliance issues. The position of financial aid is to keep Fall and Summer registration together because there may be insufficient amount of time to disperse aid to all eligible students.

Jasmine asked about the pros to separating the registration. Bill Mulrooney stated that in terms of operations, there will be a longer time frame to serve students, but the issue is that there aren’t any resources for that time frame. There will be a 30-day deadline prior to registration. If students are registering in mid-April, the drop-dead date will be in mid-March. Jasmine stated that her concern with having everything done by March is that high school students won’t know where they have acceptances to. William Garcia stated that more serious students that are considering El Camino will do what they need to do for priority registration. Regina Smith stated that with the outreach, students will be more informed in terms of what college to attend.

 Valencia asked the guests if their standpoint was a “no” for the college. William Garcia and

Regina Smith stated that it was a recommendation. Bill Mulrooney stated that it will be a formal vote and if it is a split vote, it will be included in the recommendation to the Cabinet and that it is an administrative procedure.

Motion to suspend the orders of the day to go to Item 6.6 made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by

Brooke. Motion passed.

6.6 Introduction from Miguel Cordova

Miguel Cordova, Senior Field Representative for Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi, introduced himself and passed out his business card along with an information brochure concerning his services. Part of his job is to travel in the district to handle specific issues. When his office is called concerning an issue, he can help directly if it is not a state issue. His boss is the chair of

Veteran Affairs Committee in Sacramento and Miguel helps deal with In-District Veteran Affair issues in the LA County. He also has issue areas where he specializes in business and labor, and is taking the lead on an internship program.

Tiffany asked in what ways Miguel can advocate for El Camino in Sacramento terms of higher education. Miguel stated is that help show you how to advocate for yourself. In reality, the issues that are important to the assemblymember are the issues important to the community. If students speak up, voice opinions, and write letters to Al Muratsuchi, Congressmen, the Senator, and city representatives, the issue can be dealt by Al Muratsuchi himself. Miguel gave out his personal contact number if people want to become more involved.

Motion to return to the order of the day made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Sarah Hafiz.

Motion passed.

6.2 – 2013 SSCCC Spring General Assembly

Brooke stated that Dillan had to opportunity to be funded by Region VII to attend

SSCCC. No ASO funds are used for this.

Motion to authorize the use of funding from Region VII to send Dillan Horton to SSCCC by Nathan Wofford. Seconded by Brooke Matson. Motion passed.

6.3 – Finance Items – Derrick Moon

6.3.1 Spring General Assembly

On the agenda, it said to approve $130, but there were additional costs due to the increased hotel price per night.

Motion to approve $300 for Spring General Assembly from Rep fee Conference Account Number (72-

55229-836115-7670) made by Derrick Moon. Seconded by Brooke Matson.

Discussion: Brooke state the reason why the hotel price went up was because blocked rooms ran out and the fee was raised to the full price.

Motion passed.

6.3.2 HSA Health and Safety Fair

Motion to approve $270 for the Health and Safety Fair through AS General Division Account Number (71-

836365) made by Derrick Moon. Seconded Brooke Matson. Motion passed.

6.4 – Changes to Honor Program – Sean Borden

With the Honors Transfer Program, there will be a change to the five Honors course requirement. They are discontinuing the two STEM classes that count for Honors credit and that from now on, anyone joining

HTP will not be able to do this anymore due to state-wide changes. Also, UCLA does not like the amount of stem students in HTP at El Camino. There is a 45% STEM major body in the program. To change this,

El Camino will now offer classes like Chemistry 1A, Physics 1A, Math 190 and Biology in the Fall 2013 as honors credit.

Derrick asked if preexisting credits apply. Sean stated that if you have already taken the class, it will stay the same; changes apply just to new students. Jasmine stated that you are grandfathered in unless you get kicked out.

Tiffany asked if math 160 would count as an Honor or if there is a separate class. Sean stated in September, you have to take specific classes that count as honors.

Brooke stated that when they make the STEM courses Honors, she cannot see how honors will make calculus due to the written portion. Sean stated that research papers are written for exams in Biology 101 &

102 and lab write-ups are for Chemistry, but it is uncertain for Calculus.

Gus stated math and science is become an Honors course because they have no other choice. Sean stated not many people would join HTP because of the two other classes.

6.5 – Office Hours – Brooke Matson

She stated that an email was sent out concerning office hours and received responses from only a few. She needs people to respond to the email and send in two hours within the week they are available. Office hours are times in which students can contact you.

Aysha asked if it would be two hours per week for Senate and Exec. Brooke confirmed and stated that Division Council members and Commissioners are not required.

Emma asked if there was a way to advertise the office hours. Brooke stated that as mentioned in

Cabinet meeting, if there will be office hours, we need to get the word out to students. The hours will be displayed on the website and the page, as well as the bulletin board and word of mouth.

Aysha asked if the pictures taken at the beginning of the semester would be up so that students know who to look for. Brooke stated that your name, picture, and office hours will be posted.



7.1 ASO Member Reports

Aysha: Passed out the Health & Science Fair sheet. The 4pm – 6pm slot may be cancelled due to lack of volunteers staffing the booth.

Brooke: Gun safety training will be held Wednesday during Spring Break from 8am – 6pm. It will be instense, but beneficial. If interested, you must contact Rachel and sign up.

Alejandro: Sent out an email to Senators about meeting with him. His schedule is provided.

7.2 ICC Reports

Luis: Dillan went to the Cabinet meeting and things were cleared up. The proposal is going back to the drawing board. International World Tour Festival is on April 18 th .

7.3 AGS Reports

Brooke: Permanent applications were due this past Tuesday.

7.4 Committee Report

7.4.1 Activities Committee

7.4.2 Fundraising Committee

Nathan: There will be a meeting on Wednesday at 9pm in the Executive office.

7.4.3 Policy Committee

Dillan: They have not met but will meet next week.

7.4.5 Public Relations Committee

Tiffany: They will have a meeting tomorrow and discuss ways to publicize the Health Fair and the Hair


7.4.6 Sustainability Committee

Dillan: They had a short meeting in the past week. They are still in the process of discussing plans for recycling and Earth week.

7.5 Adviser Reports

7.5.1 Rebecca Cobb

7.5.2 Breanna von Stein

Washington DC was a good trip and the students who went represented ASO really well.


Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

Michael asked about the extraction of additional money from the accounts and if there is interest in the account. Brooke stated that interest is not earned for the accounts. Derrick stated that they are not accounts at the bank and that they are accounts allocated at the beginning of the year.



Motion to adjourn the meeting 1:55pm by Aysha Shaikh. Seconded by Valencia

Clark. Meeting is adjourned.

_________________________________ _________________________________

Brooke Matson, ASO President Rebecca Cobb, ASO Adviser
