September 4, 2003

Planning & Budgeting committee
September 4, 2003
Miriam Alario-Wolski
Cheryl Shenefield
Thomas Jackson – Acting Chair
Susan Taylor
Bo Morton
David Vakil
Bernie Rang
Lance Widman
ALSO ATTENDING: Pat Caldwell, Carolee Casper, Pam Fees, Alex Kelley
Planning Definitions (Revised)
Decision-Making Matrix for Determining Budget Changes (Revised)
Budget Book 2003-2004
July 7, 2003 Memo of Proposed Budget Reductions
Tom Jackson, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00pm.
Bernie Rang announced that Susan Taylor would replace him as the Federation’s
representative to the PBC. Susan Dever will serve as the alternate.
Tom Jackson announced that due to computer problems, Item #4 on the Agenda,
Evaluation of PBC would not be available for today’s meeting. The item will be
discussed at the next scheduled PBC meeting.
Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Bernie Rang, seconded by Cheryl Shenefield that the minutes of August
21, 2003, be approved with necessary corrections. Motion carried.
Recap of President Fallo’s Report of August 21, 2003
Goals #1 – Optimizing FTES: Lance Widman referred to Goal #1 discussed by President
Fallo at the last PBC Meeting, Optimizing FTES, specifically areas of enrollment
management and the desire to stay close to Cap. He stated that the first week of the
semester he had already added ten students per class, which put him over limit in class
size. Pat Caldwell stated that the President’s intention remained the same as in the past
and that is to encourage faculty to add as many students as possible. We are currently
under Cap for 2003/04 and we won’t have further information until after the add process
has been completed. One hundred and fifty eight (158) sections were cut for fall 2002.
Pat Caldwell will also provide a future update regarding the vice presidents’ use of 1%
pool from the General Fund and will include whether or not there will be a 1% pool.
Goal #2 – Retain Regular Employees: Pat Caldwell explained funds couldn’t be justified
to hire new employees since the monies will need to be related to a goal. Any
commitment to new positions cannot be done as long as there is a hiring freeze.
In response to a question from Lance Widman regarding the technology needs of the
three vice president areas and who will be responsible for coordinating the meeting of
those technology needs, Pat Caldwell explained that the individual vice president areas
will not be responsible for the funding of technology needs out of their individual
budgets. Alex Kelley and the campus technology committee are working on a revised
technology plan that will reflect the needs of the entire campus. The Technology
Committee will focus on these needs and the impact on services, costs, program needs,
etc. The Technology Committee will submit a plan to PBC at a later date which will
include the total dollar cost.
Self-Evaluation of PBC - Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson stated that a recommendation was made at the last PBC for the committee
to conduct a self-evaluation. The purpose of the self-evaluation is to look and see how
well the PBC is doing, what we are charged to do, and whether those charges are being
accomplished. He explained that due to computer problems, the self-evaluation form
would be presented at the next PBC meeting.
Budget 2003-2004 – Pam Fees
Pam Fees discussed the 2003-2004 Budget and distributed copies to members of PBC.
The current book was printed August 22, 2003. The budget was printed prior to
receiving state information from the Chancellor’s Office about how things will be
affecting El Camino College. Some information was received from a recent Budget
workshop that she attended. This information will be reviewed and compared to our
current budget. Any adjustments that are necessary will be made. A budget workshop
was held on campus during Flex Day to review the 2003-2004 Budget where
approximately 67 people attended. Pam Fees explained that the second/final printing of
this document would contain the letter “F” on the last page of the book. An overview of
the Budget Book was provided. There have been no major changes since the Tentative
Budget was presented. Pam Fees discussed the student financial aid allocation, which
had been shifted from P4E. The total amount is $517,000 for this campus. These funds
have not been included in the 2003-2004 Budget and shouldn’t be used towards the hiring
of any full-time staff because the funds may not continue. We are required to contact as
many students as possible to inform them that financial aid is available. The funds are to
be used for outreach materials, and cannot be used for capital expenses or supplies.
The Committee discussed the issue of reserves for contingencies. There are concerns as
to why the increased limit to 5%. Lance Widman stated the 5% equates to about $4
million. It was explained the state requires 3%, but the Board has set the minimum limit
at 5%. Pam Fees explained if we get below a certain amount, we would be placed on a
watch list. One of the goals is to optimize FTES but it is too soon to state if we are under
cap. We need to wait until the add process is completed since students are still enrolling.
Pam Fees discussed the distribution of Prop 98 funds. She stated the majority of the
funding from Prop 98 funds for 2003-04 was allocated to K-12. There are considerable
reductions for community colleges.
Bernie Rang referred to page 50 of the Budget Book - Enrollment. He asked whether the
enrollment for fall and spring was based on FTES or head count and whether summer
was included. Pam Fees explained the totals were based on head count and it was further
confirmed by Alex Kelley that summer was included. He stated that several colleges are
significantly down in enrollment ranging from 10-15%, with Santa Monica down over
20%. This reflects reductions in classes and programs as well. Most students can deal
with reduction in classes, but the impact is much greater if programs are cut.
Decision-Making Matrix – Bo Morton
Bo Morton provided a report on a revision to the Decision-Making Matric for
Determining Budget Changes. She stated the suggested changes came as a result of
process previously implemented by Student and Community Advancement. The criteria
were group and the Matrix was subdivided into three parts. Financial (net income,
expenditures, matching cost requirement, enrollment or FTES, external funding)
 Student/Employee (student access/success, support services, etc.)
 Other (fulfillment of legal mandates, services to the community). Weighted
decision criteria are attached to each category, rated and a total score is given.
The Matrix can be used by managers/staff that bring information to PBC for review.
Following a review of the form, the committee agreed to add an additional column,
“Evidence Provided (Yes/No)”. It was further agreed that item #15, “Links to college
strategic goals and/or educational master plan” (from the previous report) be added. Bo
Morton will make the necessary revision and bring the form back for review and adoption
at the next scheduled meeting of the PBC.
The meeting adjourned at 2:16 p.m.
Next Scheduled Meeting
The next meeting of the Planning & Budgeting Committee is scheduled September 18,
2003, 1-2:30 p.m. in the Stadium Room.
Approved by Planning & Budget Committee – October 2, 2003