October 7, 2004

Planning & Budgeting Committee
Minutes – October 7, 2004
David Vakil, Chair
Miriam Alario
Dawn Reid
Susan Taylor
Patricia Caldwell – Staff Support
Susan Dever – Alternate
Mike D’Amico – Staff Support
Cheryl Shenefield
Lance Widman
Pam Fees – Staff Support
Arvid Spor – Staff Support
1. Enrollment Report – August 23 and 27, 2004, and September 20, 2004
2. Winter Session Memo - November 12, 2002
3. Recommendations from the PBC, 2003-2004 Academic Year
4. Chancellor’s Office Memo regarding Adoption of Regulation Establishing
Criteria for Allocation of Funds – September 13, 2004
5. Memo titled, “Fed Up with Spam” – September 28, 2004
6. Revised Final Budget Book for 2004-2005
7. 2005-2006 Budget Calendar
8. Student and Community Advancement new Organizational Chart – October 2004
David Vakil, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:05pm.
Approval of Minutes:
The Minutes of September 2, 2004, page 2, paragraph 4, were amended to read: The
current adopted budget for 2004-2005 will not reflect any growth income for the current
year; instead growth income shown in the ending balance is from the 2003-2004 year.
The ending balances on page 58 have shown a 5.5 – 6.6 percent growth income. Minutes
Remarks by the Chair
David Vakil, newly appointed chair of the Planning and Budgeting Committee, outlined
the following issues, which will be discussed on an on-going basis by the PBC:
 How well is the PBC performing and is it meeting required expectations?
 An evaluation will be conducted on the effectiveness of the committee in the
 The previous evaluation will be reviewed to see what was accomplished.
 The PBC will focus on planning and budgeting for the college
Budget Update – Pam Fees
Pam Fees distributed the revised Budget Book for 2004-2005 and the Budget Criteria for
2005-2006. The letter “F” has been included on the inside back cover page of the 20042005 Budget Book to distinguish it from the previous book distributed in August. There
are some minor changes, which came about as a result of the closing of the books for
2003-2004. The following issues were highlighted regarding the budget:
 This coming month, the auditors will review the books for 2003-2004.
 The 2004-2005 Budget Book reflects information gained at the September 7, 2004
statewide meeting.
 The 2005-2006 preliminary budget will be provided to PBC on December 2.
 The impact of the CPR reviews. This is a type of program review that the
government has initiated to look at the effectiveness of all programs to determine
how we are doing and whether or not we are duplicating processes.
 The budget is basically a spending plan.
The 2004-2005 Budget shows a growth rate of 4.22% that is shown on Page 28 in the
Budget Book and is also reflected in the August 18 letter President Fallo provided to the
Board of Trustees. Our 2003/2004 allowed growth rate was 2.12%. The target FTES for
2004/2005 is 19,900, including allowable growth and a cushion. Details are outlined on
page 28 of the Budget Book. Pam Fees explained this information is not to be confused
with the funding rate. Our funding rate is based on what happened the previous year.
We started 2004/2005 with 18,424 credit FTES as our base. We are allowed to grow
4.22%, which will generate another 777 credit FTES. Based on those numbers, we
targeted certain FTES in each of our sessions, for example - summer 2004 – 1,800, fall
2004 – 8,550. We are working with estimates. Our estimate is if we have the ability to
reach the target 19,900 this funding is what we should be looking at. We are allowed to
grow 4.22%, but it is not certain we will receive that amount. It depends on what
happens statewide. We are spending from last year’s base of 18,424 and our actual base
for the incoming year has not been determined as yet. Growth money was not included
in the current year’s budget. Until we are certain we can reach the 19,900 and are
guaranteed funding for that amount, we cannot spend the funds.
Other Issues
The PBC looked at several issues raised by Lance Widman. Pam Fees and Pat Caldwell
provided information to the PBC, as shown below:
1. Spending income from Paramount Pictures - a lot of discussion from committee
members, the College Council, and the Cabinet have gone into the development
of priorities and the spending plan for income such as that received from
Paramount Pictures.
2. Enhancements and Augmentations – These areas were addressed in President
Fallo’s memo of August 18, 2004. Most of the requests came from information
provided in Q-Builder requests from various divisions and departments. The Vice
Presidents reviewed all requests and priorities were assigned which were shared
with the Cabinet.
Following this review, additional priorities were developed and the final decision
was made. It was determined by the Cabinet that funding was available to place
counselors back into the high schools.
3. Equalization Funding – Since the finalization of the budget, it has been
determined that El Camino College will receive money from equalization
funding. The College had hoped for more permanent funding for P4E, which
could become a part of the base. P4E was already equalized. El Camino College
preferred having this funding put into P4E rather than equalization. Two reasons
include: it could become part of our base, and P4E was already equalized. We did
not change our position, but we accepted the money.
4. Registration and Student Growth – Bill Mulrooney and Arvid Spor have been
preparing weekly reports for the Cabinet during registration regarding student
head count and registration numbers. A system has been developed to look at
day-to-day numbers rather than date-to-date. Reports dated August 23 and 27,
and September 2, 2004, were shared with the committee. It was explained that
the percentages in head count and FTES change often during this time. We
usually look at the final report, which comes out after the census enrollment. The
report showed our head count was down 7% and FTES also down at 0.6%.
However, we stand a good chance of the figures becoming even by the end of the
semester with the addition of 8-week classes and positive attendance we gain
from the paramedic and fire training programs. Currently, we have 148 sections
scheduled for the 2005 Winter Session. The number of units a student is enrolled
in contributes to FTES, depending on the number of lecture and lab hours. If you
have more full-time students as opposed to part-time, this increases the FTES.
The State’s measure for a full-time enrollment is 15 units per semester.
5. Large Class Sizes – Memo dated August 11, 2003 from the PBC with a
recommendation regarding large class sizes was distributed. Large class sizes
have been reduced and there are no plans in the immediate future to change this.
6. Computer System – The article, “Fed Up with Spam”, was distributed. Many
colleges throughout the state, including the Chancellor’s Office, are experiencing
this problem. For example, the Chancellor’s Office had to shut down their entire
system for two days. El Camino College deals with a tremendous amount of hits
each day on the college’s server. Spam ties up the server and there are times
when the server is brought down for needed maintenance. Cheryl Shenefield
explained that the longer it stays up more memory is active and the system slows
down. The system is brought down to free-up memory space. She feels we need
a larger computer system. It was pointed out that $210,000 in bond money has
been allocated for a new computer system, including a server with a larger
memory capacity. However, it is important to have the correct specifications
before the system is ordered. There is also the need for more staff, which would
include a Network Supervisor. There are several ITS positions on the VP’s
Priority List for hiring this year.
Staffing and Funding Decisions
Due to uncertainty of things at the state level, the current hiring will be phased in.
In response to discussion that rather than deal with hiring to fill positions of one
particular category, the PBC originally took a position to look at positions that
specifically impacted service to students first, rather than deal with hiring to fill
positions of one particular category. Pat Caldwell explained that division deans
and directors were given an opportunity to include any staffing requests in their
Q-Builder reports. When the VPs reviewed the Q-Builder reports, these were the
positions the VP’s considered.
Pam Fees pointed out that funds are available for any software upgrades (see
pages 68 and 69 of the Budget Book).
With respect to Block Grant funds, the Cabinet is the decision-making body
regarding these funds. These funds are usually allocated to the academic
divisions and Student and Community Advancement. Student and Community
Advancement is included because some of the programs within the Area are
instructional, such as 1) Learning Communities, 2) Supplemental Instruction, and
3) Contract Training.
Reorganizations – The new organizational chart for Student and Community
Advancement was distributed. Pat Caldwell outlined the changes:
 The creation of a new department – Center for International Education
(CIE), which will bring all programs that have an international element
into this department such as International Programs, Study Abroad,
ECLA, and international exchange programs. Programs that are currently
scattered throughout campus will be brought into this department. Bo
Morton has been selected to serve as the Acting Director. The Center will
be linked to Admissions and Records, Center for International Trade
Development (CITD), and Behavioral and Social Sciences.
 The Director of Admissions & Records will now report to the Vice
President of Student & Community Advancement.
 International programs will move from Admissions & Records and be
assigned to CIE.
 Bill Mulrooney is to work with ITS to get all processes automated in
Admissions & Records, all credit forecasting on-line, phase-in to assume
the role for Attendance Accounting and the preparing of the 320 Report
and FTES.
 First Year Experience is moving from Resource Development to
Enrollment Services
 Student Development is moving from Counseling and Student Services to
Enrollment Services.
 Counselors are being put back into the high schools
 The Inglewood Center is moving from the Vice President-Student and
Community Advancement to report to the Dean of Community
We are no longer providing services through the Torrance One Stop.
The Inglewood One Stop is still functioning.
Bo Morton’s position as Director of Resource Development is now vacant
and will be filled by a temporary contractor consultant, Phil Sutton, who
will work on campus 3 days as week as the grant writer.
John Means, Dean of Community Advancement, will assume temporary
responsibility for the Foundation’s fiscal operations to backfill for Bo
Nelly Rodriguez is the Coordinator for the Community Action for Student
Achievement (CASA) program, under Title V but is assigned to Resource
The Director of Research and Planning position is to be filled this year.
The two vacant positions of Analyst will remain unfilled for now.
Arvid Spor will continue his planning assistant position this year.
In response to a request for an update regarding the International Student Program at El
Camino College, Bill Mulrooney and Bo Morton will be invited to provide a presentation
to the PBC regarding these programs.
With respect to the hiring of casuals and temporary staff, Pam Fees reported that Marcy
Wade provided a presentation to management and administrative assistants’ staff
regarding the requirement. AB 500 is very specific in that casuals are not to begin work
until after the Board has approved them to work. In view of the concern expressed by
Susie Dever of the need to bring casuals on board expeditiously, it was pointed out that
the District is aware of the need to expedite the process; however, we are required to
abide by the law. Academic divisions received $300,000 for the hiring of casuals and
temporary employees. The funds were not distributed across the board, but were based
on actual need.
The meeting adjourned at 2:35pm.
Note Taker: Mattie Eskridge