November 18, 2004

Planning & Budgeting Committee
Minutes – November 18, 2004
David Vakil, Chair
Susan Taylor
Cheryl Shenefield
Lance Widman
Carolee Casper – Alternate
Pam Fees – Staff Support
Victor Hanson – Staff Support
Arvid Spor – Staff Support
1. Requests in Q-Builder – Personnel, Technology, Equipment, Staff Development, and
Miscellaneous (6 pages)
2. Memo from the President’s Office dated August 18, 2004: Final Budget 2004-2005
(7 pages)
David Vakil called the meeting to order at 1:07 pm.
Accomplishing High Priority Items – All PBC participants
Based on the list that was developed at the November 4th PBC meeting under PBC Duties and
Responsibilities, the PBC members were asked to prioritize the list from high priority (1.) to low
priority (8.). The following list is in the order of priority:
Review Q-Builder
Program Review (3 VP areas)
Mid-Term Accreditation
3 year cycles
Prioritize Action Plans
Budget Fundamentals
SLOs – Student Learning Outcomes
- Top Priority
- # 2-5 have similar priority levels (medium)
- # 6-7 have similar priority levels (low)
-Lowest Priority
During the discussion, 2 questions were addressed:
1. What should PBC do for Program Review and Accreditation?
a. Look at the models,
b. Review the similarities and differences, and
c. Make recommendations.
2. How do we tie in the matrix to augmentations and enhancements in the budget? This
question was not answered during the meeting.
After reviewing the priority item list above for PBC, it was decided that maybe in January or
February, something could be presented during a flex day regarding budget fundamentals.
Under Accreditation, the 3 Vice Presidents have completed their information for the
Accreditation Team. For the Mid-Term Report, PBC would like to review a draft of the report
that will be presented to the Board and give comments and suggestions.
Funded Projects from Plans – Victor Hanson
A report was distributed to everyone by Victor Hanson listing all the requests for enhancements
or augmentations for 2004-2005 that have been submitted through Q-Builder. The list was
divided into 5 categories: Personnel, Technology, Equipment, Staff Development, and
Miscellaneous. The Vice Presidents have tried to identify and cross-reference the items with
President Fallo’s August 18, 2004 memo to show how the Q-Builder items were included in the
memo. Under personnel, all faculty, staff, temporary classified, and part-time support are
included. Teaching faculty had already been employed; that was separate from Q-Builder.
Everyone that submitted a request for some type of personnel item that was found in Q-Builder
was on the list. The Q-Builder list will probably be revised on a yearly basis. The idea is to link
planning and budget development. A question arose during the discussion: “If an area loses a
person to retirement, would that position be submitted to Q-Builder? Answer: It depends on the
needs of the department at that time.
Every division manager should build his/her plan through Q-Builder for 2005-2006, and if a
position is vacant, it must be stated in the plan how it is necessary for the position to be filled or
if there are additional positions that are necessary to achieve the goals of each division. Of those
areas that request funding, PBC should review the requests and make recommendations to the
president as to what areas should get funding and at what level. If PBC is looking at the different
requests, then we should review the 7 goals for the budget and determine which projects or areas
are meeting those goals.
It was suggested that there should be a planning retreat to update individuals who attended the
prior planning retreat. The main focus of the retreat would be to review the Comprehensive
Master Plan.
Additional Questions:
1. Is the plan to change Q-Builder so that it may be more comprehensive and include the
budgeting goals for the campus?
Answer: The college’s 7 goals are already included in Q-Builder.
2. Is the regular budget for each division found in Q-Builder?
Answer: No, the budgets for each division are not located in Q-Builder. They are in
Colleague and on the Infonet.
Reviewing the Q-Builder requests, the numbers in parentheses are the actual amounts that were
funded. The other dollar amounts are the original requests by the divisions. By showing the
divisions requests in this manner, this is evidence for the Accreditation Team that we are making
progress. In this report, there was no time to specify which positions or items were funded
through the Bond, PFE, or different funds. The General Fund-unrestricted was the focus for this
meeting. Eventually, the positions that are approved for hire must be prioritized to determine
when they should be filled.
Agenda Development – David Vakil
This item was not discussed during the meeting.
Approval of Minutes – David Vakil
The minutes from the October 21, 2004 meeting were approved by the committee with the
following correction:
Under Approval of Minutes - #1 regarding the Computer System – “The demands on the
computer system allow for very little down time for maintenance. When the system is up for
several days all the memory is used up, causing a slowdown, or freezing of certain computer
applications. To resolve this, the computer system must be brought down and restarted to free up
the memory.”
After the October 21st minutes were approved, there were additional questions from the minutes:
1. Is the money for overcap growth a part of apportionment.
Answer: We do not know exactly how much is overcap, but it will come into the base at
some point. Apportionment, as stated in the minutes, is principal apportionment, and that
would be a part of the base. We cannot state whether the overcap growth is a part of the
principal apportionment until we receive a notice from the state at the end of January.
2. What is P2?
Answer: P2 is a report that details the credit and non-credit FTES. It was suggested that
a timeline should be created to reflect the deadlines and types of reports that are sent to
the state regarding student attendance.
3. What are the realistic expectations for this committee because there are several planning
and budgeting issues that need to be addressed?
Answer: Arvid referred everyone to the Budget Book and asked what are PBC’s
priorities. He suggested that PBC look into Accreditation and Program Review, and then
make recommendations, more specifically, “what to do, how to do it, and when.”
4. What are the constituencies for each member of PBC?
Answer: You can find the PBC constituency representatives in the Budget Book. The
constituencies should be stated on the agenda.
5. Would the PBC specifically want to get recommendations from the constituencies
through the PBC representatives?
Answer: Yes, that is what the representatives should do.
The minutes from the November 4, 2004 meeting were approved by the committee with the
following correction:
Under PBC Duties and Responsibilities – “Q-Builder is not a true project management and
control system software package. It does not allow for scheduling resources and
interdependencies, and contingencies over all projects which are interdependent. It cannot
produce a PERT chart to show progress of all projects and tasks, or scheduled and actual start
and end dates.”
After the November 4th minutes were approved, there were additional comments regarding the
1. Based on the presentation given by Leonid Rachman and Bo Morton regarding the Center
for International Education (CIE), it was suggested that the needs for CIE should be
written in a report and submitted after the first of the year since the needs of the program
are small and the generated revenue would be high.
2. Arvid Spor stated that at one point there was a request for an 8% set-aside for ISP funds
allowing ISP to reinvest its money so that the program would not have to continuously
ask for money. When CIE was established, the 8% was not adopted.
Non-Agenda Items – All PBC participants
The next PBC meeting (Thursday, December 2, 2004) will be held in the Training Room located
in the West Basement of the Library. Q-Builder will be reviewed.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Note Taker: Renee Dorn