Planning & Budgeting Committee Minutes Date: May 6, 2010

Planning & Budgeting Committee
Date: May 6, 2010
Jackson, Tom – Academic Affairs
Lopez, Jessica – ASO
Ott, Jonathan – Campus Police
Quinones-Perez, Margaret – ECCFT
Reid, Dawn – Student & Community Adv.
Shenefield, Cheryl – Administrative Svcs.
Spor, Arvid – Chair (non-voting)
Turner, Gary – ECCE
Tyler, Harold – Management/Supervisors
Widman, Lance – Academic Senate
OTHERS ATTENDING: Janice Ely, Jo Ann Higdon, Jeanette Magee, Luis Mancia, Emily Rader,
John Wagstaff, Satish Warrier
2010-11 Tentative Budget
Administrative Services Goals 2010-11; Office of VP/Academic Affairs
Recommendations from Plan Builder Goals; SCA Funding Priorities 2010-11
The meeting was called to order at 1:12 p.m.
Prioritized Area Planning Process
Administrative Services
1. All goals are tied to a strategic initiative and accreditation standard.
2. Unit lists were prioritized from program lists and presented at the Administrative Services
Managers Meeting. Each manager had a maximum number of votes to use for their own units.
Priority lists included no cost requests.
3. Priority #1 – ITS goal to keep technology current for the entire campus. This was also the #1
item on the VPs’ priority list. 80% of all inbound email is spam.
4. Priority #2 – replacement of police cars. Campus Police asked for three cars; VPs approved two.
5. Priority #3 – utility management. Replace vacant HVAC position with slightly different position.
6. Page 2, Custodial Operations – it was mentioned that the supporting information for the request
was well written.
7. Process consisted of interaction and support for other units. The chart format was very clear,
easy to follow and lists all requests (some with modifications) from Administrative Services. A
suggestion was made for all areas to use this format because it is easy to understand. This would
be difficult for other areas to use because of their large number of units and requests.
Administrative Services has a smaller number of departments (their organizational chart is
posted on their website). Each area used a different approach (i.e. focusing on requests that
required funding, using Survey Monkey to prioritize requests).
Draft Tentative Budget
1. Tentative budget will be presented to the Board next week before the May revise on May 14th.
2. Focused mainly on the unrestricted general fund. All information discussed at the last PBC
meeting is in the tentative budget.
3. Budget assumptions based on 18,910 FTES. No negative COLA. Full-time salaries based on
current staffing plan discussed last week. No COLA salary increases budgeted. Medical
premiums scheduled to increase 6%. Operating budgets funded at the 2009-10 level. A minimum
5% reserve will be maintained.
4. Did not include STRS increases. Increases are not expected until next year and require legislative
change. PERS increase is included.
5. Pages 1 & 2 lists all funds.
6. Pages 3 & 4 – details of expected revenue projections. Object code 8610 (part-time faculty
apportionment) cut more than half.
7. Pages 5 & 6 – general fund expenditures – utilities and liability insurance increased slightly.
8. Pages 7 & 8 – restricted funds – estimates. Carried forward revenue for this year to project
budget for next year. Will make adjustments in June and August.
9. Pages 9 & 10 – restricted fund expenditures.
10. Pages 11 & 11.1 – Fund 14 Compton related fund.
11. What is PBC expected to accomplish today? The tentative budget is like a ‘roadmap’ to get a
sense of what direction the college is headed. PBC is to review the tentative budget today, ask
questions and decide whether or not to recommend. PBC will have almost a full month to ask
questions and review the budget in greater detail and then make another recommendation if
12. Pages 11 & 11.1 – 1200 account (certificated, regular schedule) double from last year’s budget
because of additional costs for Compton positions (partial costs for #15 ECC Vice President and
#16 ECC Director – Community Relations, and full cost of #17 Compton Center Dean shown on
page 11.1). Page 11.1 shows allocations spent on Compton-related items from $1M (Fund 14)
State paid to ECC out of partnership agreement with Compton. 2100 account (classified-full
time) decreased because costs for Compton classified positions that were partially paid from
ECC budget (i.e. internal auditor, ITS, Facilities) is expected to be picked up by Compton next
year. Increase in 5800 account (Other Services) because of addition of #14 Oversight of
Compton Infrastructure Project and #18 Contingency on page 11.1. #17 Compton Center Dean
will not cover work done by #4 SSP-ECC Associate Dean of Enrollment Services.
13. Pages 12 & 12.1 – a request was made to add CalWORKs and zero dollars under ‘I’ on page
12.1 to show program is not receiving backfill. Would have to list all categorical programs not
receiving backfill. Suggestion was made to add asterisks and footnote on pages 7 & 8 to show all
categorical programs cut by the State not backfilled under 2010-11 tentative budget. Change will
not be made for tentative budget but will be ready for final budget.
14. Page 13 – Student Financial Aid – not known if budget will be affected by direct loans
requirement. Federal government can fund only accredited colleges – amounts with asterisks
include Compton students.
15. Page 14 – Workers’ Compensation fund
16. Pages 15 & 16 – Child Development fund – budget projected to be in the red, but salary
projections may be high. Revenues will not be sufficient in the current year. District will fund
$75K to the Center which lost funding support from the County this year.
17. Pages 17 & 18 – Capital Outlay Projects – includes PE storage and fields and Social Science
building remodel.
18. Pages 19 & 20 – Bond funds – Future Series (account 8940) are remaining voter-approved bonds
not yet sold. Account 5100 – consulting services amount appears high but is a small percentage
of $270M total. Includes architects, GSA services, testing services. Budget shows full amount of
bond dollars.
19. Page 21 – Property and Liability Self –Insurance fund
20. Page 22 – Dental Self-Insurance fund
21. Page 23 – Retiree Health premiums (includes GASB contribution).
22. Page 24 – Bookstore fund – sales continue to decline. This page may change dramatically by
23. Should be funding $1.38M to GASB according to the last State actuarial report. Total liability up
to $18.8M. Will have exact number for PBC minutes.
24. Handouts from last meeting (with handwritten page numbers):
a. Pages 1 and 2 are Fund 11
b. Page 3 – unfunded and is not part of the tentative budget
c. Page 4 – Fund 15 and Parking fund
d. Page 5 – Bond Capital Outlay. External grant is not part of the tentative budget.
e. Page 6 – is in the tentative budget
25. Are there any funds other than Fund 15 that could be used to backfill categorical programs? Only
if there are funds available. Other colleges are not backfilling any of their categorical programs.
ECC would not be able to backfill without the special funds.
26. Based on last week’s discussion on hiring a regular, full-time Matriculation advisor, calculations
show that a full time position cost only $2500 more than hiring an on-going temporary position.
The problem would be that the full-time (permanent) request would have to be prioritized with
other vacant full-time (permanent) requests, which would put the position at risk of not being
recommended for filling due to other higher ranked positions. In this economy, temporary
positions can be cut right away compared to layoffs, furloughs, bumping rights, etc. that affect
regular positions. It costs more to maintain and train temporary staff. May need to re-evaluate the
current system and conduct a staffing review.
27. PBC commitment for 2010-11 GASB funding is to stay at $900K. PBC wants to continue
discussion on this issue; the obligation will keep increasing.
28. PBC recommends making changes on pages 7 & 8: add asterisks by all categorical programs that
are not backfilled with footnote “categorical programs cut by the State but not backfilled.” Fiscal
Services indicated that it cannot be done in time for the tentative budget, but will be made for
final budget.
29. An above 6% minimum reserve level is stated in the President’s letter and a minimum 5%
reserve level on the tentative budget assumptions page. Should they be the same number? 5% is
absolute minimum level required by the State. Above 6% is a safer level to maintain.
30. Page 24 – Bookstore Building Improvements Capital Outlay is zero because building
improvements are paid by the Bond.
31. Can PBC make recommendation to use another account to backfill categorical programs? This
isn’t something PBC recommended before; need to determine rationale to make
recommendation. This discussion will be tabled for another meeting.
32. Vote to recommend the 2010-11 tentative budget as is with reservations on 1) GASB and 2)
backfill for categorical programs: yes – 7; no – 0.
33. Topics for the next meeting: discussion on GASB and categorical backfill; VP prioritization
process (bring handouts to next meeting).
The next meeting is scheduled on May 20, 2010.
The meeting ended at 2:37 p.m.