August 12, 2010



Planning & Budgeting Committee


Date: August 12, 2010


Enomoto, Ryuichiro (Rio) – ASO

Ott, Jonathan – Campus Police

Patel, Dipte – Academic Affairs

Quinones-Perez, Margaret – ECCFT

Reid, Dawn – Student & Community Adv.

Shenefield, Cheryl – Administrative Svcs.

Spor, Arvid – Chair (non-voting)

Turner, Gary – ECCE

Tyler, Harold – Management/Supervisors

Widman, Lance – Academic Senate

OTHERS ATTENDING: Francisco Arce, Janice Ely, Connie Fitzsimons, Katie Gleason, Jo Ann

Higdon, Luis Mancia, Jeanie Nishime, Emily Rader


Other Colleges’ Categorical Backfill

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.

Approval of July 1, 2010 Minutes


The minutes were approved with no changes.

Categorical Backfill


Dr. Nishime developed a summary of what other colleges are doing to backfill their categorical program cuts. Most responded to her inquiry that backfill was primarily used to cover positions; some colleges cut positions. Some were more specific than others in their responses.


ECC shows large commitment to categorical programs.


Each college in LACCD handling categorical cuts differently. LACCD gave ‘categorical backfill’ to each of their colleges, but each college also allowed using funds any way they want.

2010-11 Budget Update


State level shortfall remains at $19B. Tax swap proposal to raise state income tax but lower sales tax – many will not qualify for benefit of state income tax deduction from federal income tax.


Continue to hear state will be running out of money shortly, which will not affect our salaries.


Fiscal Services still working to close books; county still posting entries through Tuesday.


No news about possible fee increases. Moving forward with Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset

Program (COTOP) collection process. Collected $765,000+ in short period of time.


Online California Budget Project news about plans to address anticipated cash shortfall: May revision projects State will have sufficient cash to repay entire $8.8B Revenue Anticipation

Notes (RANS) which is the State’s equivalent to TRANs. Is the Board of Governor’s budget combined with community colleges’ total? Usually the Governor’s website does combine both.


Current projected enrollment is at 86% - are we on target? Down 1% compared to last year. 1500

FTES over cap last year or $7M in lost revenue. Added back 31 sections from number cut last year. Enrollment should be about the same as last year. Anticipate possible mid-year budget reduction or enrollment fee increase. Would have to make changes in winter and spring according to fall enrollment figures. Drop for non-payment would affect enrollment strategy, too.

Although returning students know they could be dropped for non-payment, not seeing increase in


timely payments because of larger number of new students this fall. Next drop deadline on

August 23 rd . Heavily advertised drop for non-payment policy last spring, but not as much this fall. Students who register for classes are dropped from all classes for non-payment by deadline date. At Cal State Long Beach years ago, if students registered and didn’t pay, they were placed on a wait list until they paid.


Targeted FTES is 19,400 for 2010-11. Funded FTES is 18,900.

Miscellaneous Items


PBC committee members were introduced to and welcomed the new ASO representative and

Director of Finance, Rio Enomoto.


The Academic Senate Faculty Development Committee requested information about the planning process. A. Spor and L. Widman developed a presentation on the planning process in general and will focus on what PBC is about and what the committee does and doesn’t do. The workshop is scheduled on 8/26 from 11:00am-11:50am in H-102.


Budget not ready, books not closed. Blue books may not be ready by next week; asked to bring preliminary partial copies to have time to review before the 8/26 meeting. President Fallo will be at meeting next week (8/19) to discuss 2010-11 budget assumptions; 8/26 and 9/2 meetings will be used to walk through the final budget. Expect to make budget recommendation to President

Fallo in time for September 7 th

Board meeting.


Auxiliary budget affects many service programs on campus. Uncertainty with categorical programs prompted program personnel to ask if auxiliary budget could be spent on staff.

Discourage programs from using auxiliary funds to hire staff, but few exceptions involved funding student help. Funds must be directly allocated to benefit students. Must go through

Board of Trustees to use funds to cover negative check off (where students sign a waiver so they aren’t charged the student activities fee). Thinking of increasing ASB sticker fees to help increase auxiliary funds.

The next meeting is scheduled on August 19th.

The meeting ended at 1:44 p.m.

