December 2, 2010

Planning & Budgeting Committee
Date: December 2, 2010
Enomoto, Ryuichiro (Rio) – ASO
Ott, Jonathan – Campus Police
Patel, Dipte – Academic Affairs
Quinones-Perez, Margaret – ECCFT
Reid, Dawn – Student & Community Adv.
Shenefield, Cheryl – Administrative Svcs.
Spor, Arvid – Chair (non-voting)
Turner, Gary – ECCE
Tyler, Harold – Management/Supervisors
Widman, Lance – Academic Senate
OTHERS ATTENDING: Francisco Arce, Sharon Asher, Connie Fitzsimons, Alice Grigsby, Jo Ann
Higdon, Ken Key, Luis Mancia, Regina Smith, John Wagstaff
Handouts: Erik Skinner Email; California’s Economic Outlook and Proposition 98 (School Services of
California); Draft Fiscal Overview; Equipment, Supplies, and Classroom Furniture Proposals Memo;
Planning and Budgeting Calendar
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
Approval of November 4, 2010 Minutes
1. Page 1; Budget Update #1 – Clarified that ECC is up-to-date on all State apportionments received.
2. Page 1, #6 – Budget book page numbers are referenced on the Equipment, Supplies and Classroom
Furniture memo.
3. Page 2, Planning Process – During Accreditation team visit, Bill Scroggins stressed need for formal,
evaluative process for planning. Suggestion was made for PBC to form sub-committee/task force to
develop evaluation process and discuss at PBC and at the annual planning summit in March. Margaret
Quinones-Perez volunteered. A. Spor will email request to all PBC members for more volunteers.
4. Do PBC members send the minutes to their constituent groups or recommend they read them? L.
Widman adds them to the Academic Senate packet. PBC minutes are mentioned at quarterly ECCE
meetings, at faculty union executive board meetings twice a month and sometimes in faculty union
newsletter Proof.
5. The minutes were approved with no changes.
Budget Update:
1. State-wide shortfall of $25.3 billion in 19-20 month period. According to last page of Erik Skinner’s
email, LAO estimates $230 million share of cuts for community colleges. ECC’s share of cuts in relation
to other community colleges is 1.67% or $3.84 million and .50% or $1.16 million for Compton. But
ECC’s total net shortfall will be reduced to $170,000 because the college: 1) did not budget 2.20% or
$2.09 million of this revenue (did not assume growth monies), 2) will not spend $1.00 million budgeted
for adjunct faculty salaries due to reduction in number of courses offered, and 3) will not use $580,000 of
one-time funding for equipment from Fund 11. ECC is in good position fiscally compared to other
colleges in the state.
2. GASB is still included in the budget – projection did not eliminate allocation, but commitment could
change if shortfall increases.
3. Workload reductions most often affect part-time positions. An elimination of a program would affect
full-time positions.
4. Comment was made that although partnership with Compton is contracted, funding could change.
Funding Memo Discussion:
1. Is there a deadline date to use funds (i.e. April 1st purchasing deadline)? ITS has many projects to
complete within four month period (Library rewiring, updating three I&T labs, etc.) which creates
warehousing equipment issues. May exempt April deadline for ITS projects on the technology equipment
list, but not for all purchases. Would like to adhere to deadline for Fund 11 purchases.
2. Tying references on memo to pages in budget book:
a. Bond fund ($2,041,257) – located on page 20 of budget book, under Capital Outlay, object code
6400 - New Equipment. Amounts do not match because total in budget book ($2,986,521)
includes additional items.
b. Funds 11 and 15 ($1,278,000) – located on pages 6 and 76.
i. Page 6, object code 6400, Equipment, notation m) at bottom of page – increase to support
College equipment update needs - $430,000
ii. Page 76, Fund 15, V. – Equipment and Supplies $770,000, and a portion of Emergency
Equipment Replacement/Repair $100,000.
c. Block grant ($51,928) – included in Total Instructional Equipment ($86,693.00), not by
department, on page 60. Funding is pulled back if not spent by April 1st.
3. This is not mid-year spending. Requests from Funds 11, 15 and block grant already budgeted in budget
book with the exception of emergencies or unforeseen situations. The lists were provided to show
process and transparency, not intended to review every item. The bond fund is reviewed and numbers
revalidated every three to four years.
4. Concern was voiced about priorities approved in Behavioral and Social Sciences. Appeared on Bond
Fund list that only priorities #1 and #9 were granted. Tracked priority requests #2 through #8 to ensure
nothing was missed. Most were listed on Equipment and Supplies and Classroom Furniture requests for
Funds 11 and 15 (1, 2, 3, and 4). Priority #5 (bulbs) was moved to the LRC supplies budget. Priority #6
(laptop computers) was funded last year. Priority #8 (computer upgrade) will be covered as part of new
building. Priority #7 (decoders) was funded earlier. Comment was made that use of bond money is not
quick or fast process and needs to be measured.
5. Next year, all areas will use standard format listing Plan Builder plan numbers, strategic initiatives and
Updated PBC Calendar:
1. Made changes to calendar from recommendations suggested at the November 4th PBC meeting. A. Spor
will revise planning process documents to match changes.
2. Concern was expressed about key budget decisions being made during peak times when members are
busy serving students. Delayed finalization of the State budget (due June 30th) delays discussions at the
college level until August or later.
3. Suggestion was made to add staff to “Program faculty and managers” in Responsible column.
1. President Fallo will select a replacement for the Management/Supervisors representative (Harold Tyler’s
position) on PBC before the next meeting in January.
2. Need to keep updated on multi-year budget forecast. J. Higdon will email draft to PBC committee
possibly this month.
3. PBC agreed to cancel the December 16th meeting. The next meeting is scheduled on January 6, 2011.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.