1 El Camino College: Spring 2010 English A: 6212 Writing the College Essay Tuesdays 8 – 10:05 a.m. in H-313 (computer lab) Thursdays 8 – 10:05 a.m. in H-309 Learning Community link with Mr. Cheung’s English 84: 6093 MW 8-10:05 am Counselor: ________________ SSVC 214 English A: 6234 Writing the College Essay Tuesdays 10:15 a.m – 12:20 p.m. in H-313 (computer lab) Thursdays 10:15 a.m – 12:20 p.m..in H-309 Instructor: Ms. Jennifer Annick Phone (310) 660-3593 x 5193 Email jannick@elcamino.edu Office Humanities 321H Office Hours Mon. & Wed. 12:30 -1:30 p.m. Tues & Thurs. 12:30 - 1 p.m. Required Materials “Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.” - historian Barbara Tuchman 1 English A packet with “Ms. Annick” on the cover $4 2 And Still We Rise – Miles Corwin - about $15 3 Primus customized textbook for ENGL A & ENGL 84: J. Annick & M.Cheung on cover – about $20 4 PC formatted flash drive (needed for labwork!), 882-E scantron, stapler, hi-lighter, 3 ring binder 5 Optional- Rules for Writers 6th edition – Diana Hacker $37 Course Description “I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” -architect Frank Lloyd Wright We are committed to you. We want you to make a commitment to your success. This class is designed to strengthen your ability to express yourself clearly in speaking and writing about literature and your life. We will write academic essays, learn about standard English grammar, research responsibly, discuss literature and practice the skills that will help you to be even more successful in the future. The 3 credits given for earning a Pass (P) in ENGL A are based on the Carnegie unit: for every hour in class, you are expected to do two hours of work outside of class! Student Learning Outcome Write a 500-word multi-paragraph expository essay that responds to a text discussed in class. The essay should include an introductory paragraph with a thesis, 2-4 body paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details, and a concluding paragraph. Supporting details should include at least one direct quotation from an outside source. The essay should use basic rules of grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation so that the writer’s ideas are clear. Essays should follow the rules of MLA style for heading, title, running header, indentation, in-text citation, and Works Cited page. Follow the ABCs! Anticipate! Before class begins, hand in work, open your binder, turn on computer… Be your best! Eat well, get rest, and take the time to do your work well. Create solutions! Ask for help. If you are absent, get and do the missed work. 2 Course Objectives 1. Read and apply critical thinking skills to college-level expository prose for the purposes of writing and discussion. 2. Apply appropriate strategies in the writing process including prewriting, composing, revising, and editing techniques. 3. Demonstrate ability to incorporate into draft revision information received in peer review and one-on-one tutorials. 4. Plan, write, and revise 500-word multi-paragraph expository essays including an introduction and conclusion, exhibiting coherence and unity, avoiding major grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning, and demonstrating awareness of audience, purpose, and language choice. 5. Utilize MLA guidelines to format a document, to cite sources in the text of an essay, and to compile a Works Cited list. Linked Course Objectives 1. establish and maintain a welcoming and supportive community 2. provide students with a more connected learning experience 3. coordinate course content, assignments and reading between classes 4. encourage shared learning, open communication, and respect for each other’s ideas and experiences 5. apply learning from one course to another Course Grading Attendance, preparation and participation 1050 Points 75 Student profile& syllabus quiz, books, chapter presentations 70 Novel and article questions (4 sets @ 20 points each) 80 Quizzes (partner grammar quiz & reading quizzes) (5 @ 20 points each) 100 Papers (3 @ 100 points) narrative, example, comparison and contrast 300 on-line grammar exercises (2 sets @ 25 points each) 50 Volunteer work/ field trip 50 Research project Group proposal Researching worksheet Individual sources and annotations Group research paper outline 1st draft Final draft Presentation 10 20 50 25 25 25 20 Midterm and final exam 150 To receive a grade of Pass (P), you must earn over 73% or ____ points and show the ability to plan and write an academic essay, research effectively, and use standard grammar and MLA formatting that passes the Student Learning Outcome and rubric for ENGL A. To calculate your grade: 1 Add all the points you have earned. 2. Divide by all the points possible to that point. 3. Multiple by 100 = your % Course Evaluation Attendance and participation Keep track of your attendance each day on this syllabus. 3 Students must be in class, on time, on task, alert with their heads off the desk, with their own books, and participating appropriately and respectfully. Please treat others as you want them to treat you. Please turn off and put away all electronic devices, music and sunglasses before class begins. No work from other classes is allowed during our class time. No personal grooming. All language, topics, and essays must be appropriate to an academic setting. Positive body language and attention to any speaker is required! Like the lottery, “You have to be in it, to win it” MYTH #1 College is cool because you don’t have to attend class. FACTS: Missing more than three classes = You are dropped from class. - After the first absence each 5 weeks, you lose 10 points from your attendance grade. - Do NOT schedule appointments during class time. - There are no ‘excused’ absences. However, please talk with me about emergency situations or extreme illness. - If you are absent, you must contact a classmate and come to the office for any handouts you miss BEFORE the next class meets so you aren’t even further behind. MYTH #2 Not much happens the first week of class. FACT: If you miss the first or second day of class, you will be dropped from the class. MYTH #3 If a student has a good reason, it’s okay to be a little late or leave a little early. FACTS: After the first tardy or early leave each 5 weeks, you lose 10 points from your attendance grade. -Missing more than thirty minutes of class = absence - If you are tardy, you must see me after class for the “tardy party” to be marked present - Be courteous. If you leave early, you must let me know before class begins. MYTH #4 It is okay to use electronic devices and surf the web during class. FACTS: It is rude to everyone to not be fully focused on class. - If you are checking or using any electronic device, you will be asked to leave class and be marked absent. PLEASE NOTE: If you are absent for just one day, do not call me. Instead, follow the syllabus assignments and contact a classmate: Name _________________________Phone number(s) _______________________ Email ______________________ Name _________________________Phone number(s) _______________________ Email ______________________ If you are absent two classes in a row, you should contact me! If you are absent three classes in a row and do not contact me, I assume want to be dropped from our class. Homework: Responses are graded on thoughtfulness, completeness, formatting and proofreading. This class is designed to train you as a college student. Only two assignments will be accepted late with no penalty. Those assignments must be turned in the next class with the NQA (No Questions Asked) half sheet in this syllabus stapled on top. After that, late work can only earn up to half credit and will only be accepted the next class day. No makeup work is given for missed work.. If you know you will miss a class, you can turn in work early for full credit. All assignments must be completed before class starts and handed in during the first 5 minutes of class or it is late. 3 Ring Binder You must have your syllabus, the packet and then all handouts in the order given to you in the rings of the binder. Please have a separate section for your notes which should have a date and heading. Quizzes and Exams All quizzes and exams are cumulative and may include questions on writing, grammar, and reading. You must have the required book on your desk to be eligible to take the quizzes. Grammar exercises Online exercise directions are in your English A packet. To complete those exercises, you must score 80% or better. Student advice: “If you do it carefully, it really helps.” Lab time If you are not focused during the lab time, you will be asked to leave and it will be counted as an absence. Save all work as Microsoft.doc so your disk will work in the ECC labs. 4 Papers are worth 100 points. You will be given instructions for each paper. You must complete each step to earn a grade. All drafts must be typed in 12 point font, double spaced, stapled once, and use the MLA format we learn in class. Please staple all steps in the left corner in the order to have the paper evaluated: 1 completed outline checked by instructor or tutor on due date (25 points) If absent, you must see me during office hours or meet with a Writing Center tutor 2 1st draft (25 points) 3 peer editing sheet carefully completed with proof that questions and answers were used in 2 nd draft If missing, incomplete, or not used to revise your paper, you do not get a grade for the 2 nd draft 4 2nd draft (50 points) You will sit with me or a tutor as we go over you paper together. This important grade is based on how well you used the outline, peer editing, and grammar we learned. 5 To get your grade for the 2nd draft, complete a 3rd draft due at the beginning of next class with the changes and additions you made highlighted. Revisions must include any changes suggested by me or the tutor to the topic sentence(s), addition of specific details, lengthening the paper, and/or improving grammar or spelling. If you miss or skip more than three corrections or suggestions, you will not receive a grade. 2nd draft Scoring Rubric *Grading Criteria A Superior 45-50 points B Very Good 40-44 points C Satisfactory 35-39 points D Weak 30-34 points F Poor 10-29 points 5 Purpose & Organization Development and Support Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar MLA Format Thesis is strong, clearly focused, and presents a position. Essay has a strong introductory paragraph, body paragraphs with relevant topic sentences and transitions, & a concluding paragraph. Thesis is clearly focused and presents a position. Essay has an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs with topic sentences, some transitions, and a concluding paragraph. Thesis presents a position/opinion. Essay has a brief introductory paragraph, some body paragraphs with topic sentences and transition signals, and a concluding paragraph. Thesis announces the topic but does not present a position/opinion. Essay has weak introductory and concluding paragraphs, vague or missing topic sentences, and very few transition signals. Thesis is never stated. Essay has no introductory or concluding paragraphs, no topic sentences and/or transition signals. Essay has specific, thoughtful, relevant supporting details & at least one appropriate quotation that is effectively & grammatically incorporated. Essay has several relevant specific supporting details and includes at least one effectively incorporated quotation. Essay has supporting details, but some may be too general, repetitious, irrelevant, or illogical. Essay includes at least one relevant quotation Essay has few supporting details, and details are general, repetitious and/or irrelevant. No analysis. Essay does not include a relevant quotation. Essay lacks supporting details and/or has details that are irrelevant. Essay does not include a quotation. Word choice is appropriate with college vocabulary and correct spelling. Essay has few grammatical or punctuation errors, and a reader can easily understand the writer’s ideas. Word choice is mostly appropriate and most words are spelled correctly. Essay has minor grammatical and punctuation errors, but a reader can understand the writer’s ideas. Word choice and spelling may be confusing at times. Essay has some errors in grammar and punctuation that might prevent a reader from easily understanding some of the writer’s ideas. Words are frequently misused and/or spelled incorrectly. Essay has so many grammar and punctuation errors that a reader often has trouble understanding the writer’s ideas Words are consistently misused and/or misspelled. Essay has so many grammar & punctuation errors that a reader can’t understand the writer’s ideas. Correct MLA format is used. There are only a few minor errors in MLA format. There are some errors in MLA format. There are many errors in MLA format. MLA format is not followed. 0 points - The paper is late, plagiarized, or is missing the approved outline, completed peer editing, or revision. Some papers may not fit these categories exactly. This rubric is intended to be applied to an end-of-the-semester essay. We will work toward these goals with each paper assignment. Plagiarism is using someone else's ideas or words from any other source including the Internet or copying someone else’s work without giving credit. The consequences of academic theft are severe: a zero on the assignment, failure in the course, suspension, and/or dismissal from ECC. The solution is simple: use the MLA format including parenthetical references, see me, the tutor, or the Writing Center, and do your own work. 6 Resources The Writing Center located in Humanities 122 offers help with writing. You can meet with a tutor, use on-line tutoring, type your papers, or do Hacker grammar exercises. Log in and out using your student ID number. All work must be academic. No appointment needed. You must bring the assignment page for essay help. 660-3873. Computers and printers for students are available in The Writing Center and the LMTC in the East Lower Level of the Library. The Special Resource Center and ADA provides for testing for academic accommodations. If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please let me know. You may speak to me after class, during office hours, by phone or e-mail. Your privacy will be protected. You are also encouraged to contact the Special Resource Center on campus (310) 660-3295 to discuss what services are available. If you have had trouble learning successfully, contact these specialists about possible enrollment in Educational Development 29. The Textbook Depot located on the main floor of the library at the periodicals/ reserve window has many of the textbooks used in ECC classes. You may borrow these books for two hours, but you must use them in the library. Student Health Center (located next to the Pool) offers free or low cost doctor appointments, psychological counseling, HIV and STD testing, blood tests, pregnancy tests and immunizations. (310)660-3643 Office Hours Please use this time for extra help, to check grades, for questions or to makeup missed quizzes. You do not need to make an appointment. You can also call or leave a message that I will return by the next scheduled office hours. Advice from English A graduates “Do all the work; it helps.” “Use your time wisely.” “Do the essays and especially the outlines.” “Read and come to class every day.” “Study the grammar.” “Absences can really hurt your grade because there is so much covered in one class.” “Always do homework right after class.” “Be on time.” “Bring all your books to class.” “It’s very crucial not to miss class.” “Keep an eye on your grade by using your syllabus.” Notes This syllabus and the assignments, like life itself, are subject to change. If these guidelines do not fit your expectations, please speak to me immediately to consider better options for you. I look forward to working with you! Class schedule and homework Please bring all books every day. Rise = And Still We Rise All numbered sections are from the optional book Rules for Writers. “Titles” are from Primus Customized textbook To follow this schedule: In plain type are the topics that we cover together during class that day. In italics at the bottom of each box is homework (HW) due at the beginning of the next class. 7 Week Tuesdays – computer lab 1 2/16 Tardy Absent Present Read & ENGL program overview Syllabus “How to Mark a Book” overview Read Rise prologue Introductions/puzzles http://patrickhickeyjr.tripod.com/milescorwinintervi ew.html/ Presentation And Still We Rise Prologue Chapter presentation sign ups Your chapter ___ Your partner ___________________ Your date ____/____ You will record your grade at week 6 Note: If a book or novel is mentioned in your chapters, you MUST include that as an idea you researched! Grammar verbs & subjects 62c & 63a Review packet Narrative essay assigned & begin outline (skip introduction until next week) Homework Complete student profile & Syllabus quiz ___/10 Homework Read & annotate Rise Intro and Chapter1 & 2 annotate Rise Intro, Prologue, Ch 12 Points Early departure Thursdays Points 2/18 Tardy Absent Present Early departure Purchase Rise,, A packet and flash drive & bring to class ___/10 Read & annotate Rise Introduction and Prologue 2 2/23 Tardy Absent Present Early departure 2/25 Tardy Absent Present Early departure Read & MLA format: see packet Word overview 5a & 7 Begin Rise journal entry 1 Rise quiz Rise Chapter presentations Grammar fragments 19 www.chompchomp.com Introductions 2a and packet Conclusions 2c Preview drafting annotate Rise Ch 37 Continue narrative outlines ___/20 Field trip/volunteer information & forms 3 Homework Read & annotate Rise for quiz HW finish narrative outline 3/2 3/4 T A P E T A P ___/25 E Meet tutor _________________ Outlines checked Begin 1st Draft Chapter presentations Grammar run-on sentences 20 http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/ppt/run-ons.pps www.chompchomp.com Titles worksheet Peer editing modeling Volunteer/ Field trip Site Proposal forms HW Rise Journal entry1 ( in syllabus) to Ms. Annick ___/20 HW typed & printed narrative 1st draft with flash drive ___/25 8 4 3/9 read & Peer editing using “Edit” & “Find” revision annotate Rise Ch 11,12, 14,1517, 22 & 23 T A P E 3/11 T A P E Quiz: Ch 11, 12, 14 (closed book on desk) ___/20 Chapter presentations Grammar Commas 32 & 33 http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ppt/com mas.pps Abbreviations 40 Numbers 41 On-line grammar skills introduced preview grading rubric HW DUE MONDAY BY 1 p.m. in my office or under my office door at Hum 321H: Narrative 2nd draft with peer editing HW Read & annotate Rise completed with steps stapled in order given in syllabus on page 4 ___/50 5 3/16 I must cancel our class today. I will hold office hours. If you want to know more about Olivia, go to http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction= user.viewprofile&friendID=10953928 3/18 T A P E Partner grammar quiz ___/20 Attendance & participation ___/25 Absences (- 10 for each after 1st) = - ___ Tardies (-5 for each after 1st) = - ___ Chapter presentations Sample of completed paper Example paper assigned & begin outline Transitions 4d Review introductions HW To get grade on your 2nd draft of the narrative paper, revise and reprint narrative final draft with steps stapled in the order given on syllabus page 4 & with changes hi-lited by hand or by computer HW finish example outline 6 3/23 Read & Example paper outlines checked 1st draft due by end of class ? annotate Rise Ch. 26,27 29,36 Afterword &Epilogue T A P E 3/25 T A P ___/25 E Chapter presentations finish Your chapter presentation grade ___/20 Grammar Apostrophes 36 http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ppt/apo strophe.pps Capital Letters 45 http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ppt/capit als.pps Words that Sound Alike 43b Group Research Project assigned Review Rules for Writers Conducting research 49a-49e Managing info/ avoiding plagiarism 51a-51c Evaluating sources 50a-50c & Wikipedia Group research proposal assigned: questions 49a Progress Report total ____/____ 9 HW typed & printed example 1st draft with flash drive ___/25 7 3/30 T A P E 4/1 Peer editing Turnitin.com Revision Using quotations review : ____ wrote/said, “________” (Corwin 23). T A P E Meet in Library Demonstration Center (LDC) in library basement (toward West Wing to the left of LRC stairs) at start of class! DO NOT MISS THIS! Library and internet research Group research proposal due at end of class___/10 HW answer Rise journal entry 2 ___/20 (For 8 am LC class due to Mr Cheung) Note: You must answer at least 1 of the 2 Rise question sets to receive a grade for the example paper. HW on-line grammar Part 1 8 4/6 T A P HW example paper 2nd draft with peer editing completed with steps stapled in order given in syllabus on page 4 ___/50 ___/25 E 4/8 Papers evaluated & revision Partners: complete Researching worksheet: NO partial credit ___/20 Continue sources research & annotations HW To get grade on your 2nd draft, revise and reprint example final draft with steps stapled in the order given on syllabus page 4 & with ALL ADDITIONS & CHANGES hi-lited T A P E Primus Reader book check Primus articles selected for presentations Article ________________ pages ______ Presentation date _____ Your partner ___________ * You must include a visual aid ** Be an expert on your article! ***Record your grade at week 13 Midterm HW review for midterm Conferences: progress report & research HW bring Primus Reader to class 4/13 SPRING BREAK – no class Continue research & annotations! ___/10 4/15 SPRING BREAK – no class Enjoy! ___/50 10 9 4/20 T A P E 4/22 Reminder: start on-line grammar skills: Part 2 http://www.smc.edu/tutoring/english_humanities/P roofreading%20Techniques.ppt Group research paper assigned Research paper MLA sample 56b T A P E Article presentations Grammar pronouns 22 & 23 http://www.lexington1.net/technology/instruct/ppts/ LAppts/35/Pronouns.ppt Review midterms Intro. Handout: Life is Beautiful & begin movie Group Research paper outline: (due next week) 1 thesis & topic sentences completed 2 two sources for each body paragraph 3 name of student typing each section Preview articles 10 HW Typed and printed research sources using MLA format and 3 annotated sources attached (each missing source = -15 points on final grade) ___/50 HW Read & annotate for quiz “Back to Basics: Test Scores Don’t Lie” p 6 “Money for Morality” p 13 HW group research paper outline 4/27 4/29 T A P E Group Outlines checked Drafting of your sections of research paper *only the author of the first paragraph uses the 4 line heading with all the students names ** use only YOUR last name in your header ***REMEMBER: Use signal phrases and ( ) for EACH sentence using ANY research from ANY source besides you. T A P ___/25 E Article quiz 1 ___/20 Attendance & participation ___/25 Absences (- 10 for each after 1st) = - ___ Tardies (-5 for each after 1st) = - ___ Article presentations Citing sources & avoiding plagiarism 53a Integrating sources 54 a and b On-line Electronic Research Exercises – part 3 Continue Life is Beautiful Preview articles HW Read & annotate for quiz “The Ignored Lesson of Anne Frank” p 39 “Why People Don’t Help in a Crisis” p 49 HW article question set 1to Ms. Annick Please proofread carefully! ___/20 HW Printed 1st draft of Group research paper including Works Cited ___/25 11 5/4 T A P E Group research paper peer editing by group Turnitin.com Revision Online grammar exercises 5/6 T A P E Article presentations Comparison & contrast paper preview Articles Talk Show prep and presentation 11 12 HW Read & annotate for quiz “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” p 61-65 only “The Lonely, Good Company of Books” p 76 HW Group research paper final draft with Works Cited & peer editing ___/25 5/11 5/13 T A P E Comparison & contrast essay assigned Outlining: thesis & topic sentences quotation selection: packet T A P E Article quiz 2 Article presentations finish Your article presentation grade: finish movie/talk shows ___/20 ___/20 Note: Last day to drop with W is Friday, May 14th 13 14 HW Read & annotate “Graduation Day” p 86 “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” p 96 HW finish outline including 6 quotations on outline with page number for any credit ___/25 5/18 5/20 T A P E T A P E Comparison & contrast outlines checked Drafting including 3 direct quotations Article partner gallery walk: 1 summary: 8 sentences in your own words only 2 your reaction to the article with at least one quotation sandwiches HW article question set 2 ___/20 ( For 8am LC class due to Mr Cheung) Please proofread outloud before printing! HW typed & printed comparison and contrast 1 st draft with at least 6 direct quotations tied into paper with flash drive ___/25 5/25 5/27 T A P E Peer editing of compare & contrast paper Turnitin.com On-line grammar T A P E Total grades Final exam info and review Sample questions Packet – page 4 back Thesis Practice ENGL 1A prompts HW 2nd draft with peer editing completed with steps stapled in order given in syllabus on page 4 ___/50 15 6/1 T A P E Comparison & Contrast Papers evaluated Carefully revise group research paper checking: ___1all sources introduced with a signal phrase ___2 EVERY Works Cited entry is in the paper ___3 ALL research is cited properly and matches with a Works Cited entry ___4 ALL changes given by instructor are made THEN, reprint research paper Research paper presentation rehearsal each student reads section include visual 6/3 T A P E Presentations ___/20 Attendance & participation ___/25 Absences (- 10 for each after 1st) = - ___ Tardies (-5 for each after 1st) = - ___ LAST DAY WRITTEN WORK IS ACCEPTED! 12 discuss 2 research challenges & 2 tips HW To get grade on your 2nd draft of the C & C paper, revise and reprint final draft with steps stapled in the order given on syllabus page 4 & with changes hi-lighted HW on-line grammar part 2 16 6/8 T A P ___/25 E Final Exam: Grammar & Writing HW Review for final exam 6/10 ___/100 Grades available in office Humanities 321H during class time Total points ____/1050 Phew! Extra Credit options: Show to Ms. Annick after class or during office hours for 5 points each ____Current public library card ____Voting in local or ECC election (voting stub as proof) ____Annotating (thoughtfully underlining or commenting in margins) in book or articles as you read