Mottoes p. 3 quiz

Quotes and
Quiz 3
errare humanum
to err is human
et cetera
and the rest
et tu, Brute
and you, Brutus?
Roman author Plutarch account that Caesar
resisted his attackers until he realized that
Brutus, his trusted ally, had joined the
ever upward
motto of the state of
New York
exempli gratia
for instance
for the sake of example
ex facto
from the fact or
ex libris
from the library
ex officio
by virtue of
an executive officer of a corporation will
usually serve as a member on various
committees because of his position in the
facta, non verba
deeds, not words
action is what is needed
festina lente
make haste slowly
Wisdom from the 1st emperor Augustus
who moved cautiously, step by step, to
transform Rome from a republic to an
fiat lux
let there be light
the Latin version of one of the
opening lines of Genesis
fortes fortuna
fortune favors
the brave
habeas corpus
you must have the
a law that protects an individual against arbitrary
imprisonment by requiring that any person
arrested be brought before the court for formal
id est (i.e.)
that is to say
to clarify a statement just made
in absentia
in one’s absence
someone can be convicted of a
crime in absentia because they are
beyond the reach of the law
In hoc signo vinces
in this sign thou
shalt conquer
Emperor Constantine, on his way to battle,
is said to have seen a cross appear in the
sky, carrying these words. He had the
message painted on his standard and went
on to victory.
in loco
in the place of
in memoriam
in the memory
In vino veritas
wine loosens the
literal meaning “in wine the truth,” tells us
that people under the influence of wine or
other spirits will say things they ordinarily try
to conceal.
ipso iure
by the operation
of the law
Juris Doctor
doctor of law
Labor omnia vincit
work conquers all
motto of Oklahoma - affirming that our pioneers
knew how to tame the wilderness and,
apparently, how to farm successfully