Procurement Steps: Complete Needs Assessment Yes Can it be bought from A Preferred Source? Preferred Source No Yes Is the item/service already on an OGS Contract? No No OGS Contract Yes Are needs met by Competitive Bid? Is your item/service exclusively available from one vendor? Yes Sole Source* Competitive Bid Is price the sole criteria for selection, provided contractors satisfy minimum specification? No Yes No Yes Even though more than one contractor meets our needs, is there substantial basis for selecting a single contractor? Single Source* * Sole and single sources are special processes that require preapproval of the Office of the State Comptroller. Prior to entering into either a sole or single source transaction, the Office of Purchasing and Contracts must be contacted. Invitation For Bid Develop specifications and request quotes from multiple vendors; choose based on lowest price Request For Proposals Develop specifications and request proposals from multiple vendors; Choose based on stated Evaluation criteria