U.S. His. Syllabus Spring 2016

Welcome to U.S. History!! I am excited to have the opportunity to work with each of you this semester. I believe that each of
you can not only pass this class, but master the California State Standards in U.S. History. During the semester we will study the
World War II, and move on to the 1950’s, the Cold War, Civil Rights movement and the 1960’s, Vietnam, the 1970’s up
through the 2000’s along with understanding the emergence and impact of new technology and a corporate economy while
learning more about the world you live in. This course introduction has been prepared to outline the expectations, coursework,
and classroom policies that you will be responsible for. Please read this carefully with your parents/guardians and
both of you sign the Course Acknowledgment Form. Please return the signed form to class no later than
Friday, January 15, 2016.
The content of our class will cover the California State Standards for U. S. History. The complete list of standards can be found
at http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/standards/, then choose 11th grade. In US History B we will cover these topics and standards:
Week 1-3 = World War II
U.S. History California Standards 11.7 - Students analyze America’s participation in World War II.
Week 4 - 5 = World War II / 1950’s Post War Economy
U.S. History California Standards 11.7 - Students analyze America’s participation in World War II. (11.8) Students analyze
the economic boom and social transformation of post–World War II America.
Week 6 - 8 = The Cold War
U.S. History California Standards - (11.9) Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.
Week 9 - 10 = Kennedy Administration
U.S. History California Standards - (11.9) Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.
Week 11 - 13 = The Sixties and Civil Rights Movement
U.S. History California Standards 11.10 - Students analyze the development of federal civil rights and voting rights.
Week 14 - 15 = Vietnam War
U.S. History California Standards 11.9 - Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.
Week 16 - 20= 1970’s - 2000
U.S. History California Standards 11.9 & 11.11 – (11.9) Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.
(11.11) Students analyze the major social problems and domestic policy issues in contemporary American
 Respect — peers, teachers, administrators, visitors, textbooks, supplies and facilities
 Responsibility and Accountability – Be responsible and accountable for all YOUR actions! Including
swearing, derogatory comments and put downs.
 Be on time to class with all materials, in other words, Be Prepared.
 All school rules will be enforced according to the Canyon High Handbook.
 Electronics Policy: Cell phones. iPods and any other electronic devices will NOT be allowed for use during
class time. Any violation will result in confiscation of item which will be turned in to the student’s Assistant
Principal’s office. If you choose to disrupt the learning environment of our class there are many possible
consequences. You will always receive a warning before any further actions are taken. Other possible actions
include phone call to parent/guardian, detention with teacher, conference with parent/guardian, or referral to an
January 18th – Martin Luther King Holiday
January 20th – 21st – Every 15 Minutes
February 11th – 3rd Quarter Progress Report
February 12th and 15th – No School (15th = President’s Day)
March 17th – Open House (Minimum Day)
March 18th – End of 3rd Quarter
April 4th – 8th – Spring Break
April 29th – 4th Quarter Progress Report
May 30th - Memorial Day
May 31st – June 2nd – Finals
Attendance, Makeup Work, Tardies
Attendance at school is vital. All absences need to be excused and any class that is missed becomes the student’s
responsibility to learn what they missed. You can always come by during brunch or lunch to find out what you missed
only after checking with your fellow students, these are your assignments so please be responsible. There will be a
table of contents for you to check and your fellow students are your first sources of information. If you have access to
e-mail, send me a message during the school day you are missing and I will try to let you know what you need to do.
If you know you will be missing class, please talk with me about any upcoming work which can be completed while
you are absent.
LATE/ABSENT WORK- All homework and/or class work will be required to be turned in regardless of absence.
Late or absent work will be able to receive a score of 70% if the late or absent work is completely finished. In
addition, each quarter grading period will mark the end of when late work can be turned in for that period of time.
This policy avoids students being able to pull their grade up at the end of the semester by turning in work that was
due months earlier.
MISSING TESTS— If you know that you will miss a test, you will need to make arrangements prior to your absence
for a makeup test. Makeup tests must be taken on your own time, during lunch.
PROJECTS & PRESENTATIONS—Projects and Presentations can be accepted late (same rules will apply as Late /
Absent Work), students will have the opportunity to make up presentations during lunch or before school if an
appointment is made. Due dates are given in advance and projects (only) will be accepted early.
TARDIES—Being late to class disrupts the learning environment. Tardies will be recorded and in order to receive
credit for assignments or quizzes at the beginning of class students must be in class. Students who are not inside the
classroom will be considered tardy. Several tardies could affect your grade, due to missed warm-up activities, lecture
notes, or quizzes at the beginning of class, along with any other consequences from Canyon High School policies.
1. Quizzes
Regular assessments to check for student understanding of material. Most quizzes will consist of 10 questions from the
chapter section we are studying. There will be several quizzes throughout the semester.
2. Unit Tests
Multiple choice, matching, short answer and essay questions that ask students to show mastery of the state standards.
In order to encourage students to learn the material and fix their mistakes, they will have the opportunity to do test
corrections on any unit test (not mid-terms or finals). Doing test corrections entails coming in during teacher office
hours or making (and keeping) an appointment. The student will get the test and their answer sheet. They may use
their notes, review sheets and textbook to correct the answers they got wrong. The teacher will re-grade the test and
the student will then earn a maximum of 70%. Students are greatly encouraged to use this opportunity to improve
grades and relearn material.
3. Formal Assessments
During the semester, formal assessments will be used to determine students understanding of specific state standards. The
methods of the assessments will be different for each category that has been studied in class.
4. Final Exam
The final exam is a formal assessment through which students will show their subject matter knowledge from the semester.
Students will NOT be able to do test corrections on these tests.
5. Class Work
The purpose of class work will be to extend learning of presented material, gather knowledge for class activities and
discussion, and provide students with opportunities to enhance their research and study skills. Most work will be
completed in class assuming that a student uses their class work time well.
6. Projects
The purpose of projects is for the students to go in depth with the materials we are studying. Using the information from
lectures, the textbook activities, and assessments, students will be able to research different periods of History and
complete visual projects while also being able to communicate new information with their peers in class.
7. Writing Assignments
The purpose of the writing assignments will be to introduce and allow the students to have an understanding of writing to a
historical viewpoint. The students will have the ability to argue their knowledge through different means of writing.
A variety of videos will be shown throughout the semester as a visual aide to enhance student learning and course material.
Videos used in this class will be documentary videos (History Channel) or clips of feature films to illustrate historical points. No
films with a rating higher than PG–13 will be shown in class and all videos will be approved by the administration prior to being
shown. Video’s from the 10 Days that Unexpectedly Change America collection and World War II collection from The History
Textbook—Student's will have these at home, upon teacher's discretion, students may need to bring in textbooks for use during class, and
students will be notified ahead of time.
Favorite writing instrument—pencil, pen—any color you want to use is fine, except red
Notebook – You will need paper for notes, quizzes, and other items which will not be supplied in class.
I use a total point grading system, meaning that all unit exams, quizzes, projects and presentations will have a point
total attached to them. The total point accumulation will be approximately 1,000 points. The points that you earn on
each of these is then divided by the total points. The approximate breakdown is as follows;
Standard Based Exams – 5 at 50 points
250 total points
= 25% of grade
Standard Based Section Quizzes – 10 at 10 points =
100 total points
= 10% of grade
Summative exam at end of Unit Section
Progress quiz(s) during Unit Section
Standard Based Projects – 2 at 50 points
100 total points
= 10% of grade
Research Project – 1 at 150 points
150 total points
= 15% of grade
Unit Assignment Checks – 6 at 50 points
300 total points
= 30% of grade
Final Exam – 1 at 100 points
100 total points
= 10 % of grade
End of the semester
100% of grade
Exams, Projects, and assignments are scheduled for the semester and could be altered by the teacher
during the semester.
Grading SCALE
Grades will be determined using the following scale:
A = 92.5-100%
B- = 79.5% - 83.49%
D+ = 66.5-69.49%
A- = 89.5% - 92.49%
C+ = 76.—79.49%
D = 63.5—66.49%
B+ = 86.5—89.49%
C = 73.5—76.49%
D- = 59.5-63.49%
B = 83.5—86.49%
C- = 69.5—73.49%
F & below = 59.49% and below
Mr. John Quam:
Email: jquam@hartdistrict.org
Phone: 661-252-6110 x327
*Email is the fastest way to contact me. Please use your first and last name along with the class name and
period number in the subject line when contacting me. Students can come by during brunch or lunch to talk,
please check with me first to make sure I will be in my classroom during those times. If you would like to see
me at a different time, please make an appointment
Canyon High School
“The Future Begins Here”
Our mission is to develop responsible citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and
experience necessary for either beginning post-secondary education or entering the
Canyon High School
“The Future Begins Here”
· Actively engage in asking essential questions and weighing critical evidence
· Employ critical thinking strategies to analyze and interpret information and solve problems creatively
· Access and analyze a variety of resources effectively
· Write with clarity, speak with purpose, and read with comprehension
· Successfully listen, interpret, and synthesize information
· Proficiently present ideas using technology
· Understand that problem-solving takes initiative and may require several attempts to find an effective solution
· Identify and implement resources to analyze problems and use innovative strategies to solve them
· Understand and practice conflict resolution skills
· Use the tools of learning to access knowledge across the curriculum as well as in everyday, social situations
· Read and comprehend written material and write in a logical and coherent manner
· Use technology and other resources to organize, analyze, and present data
· Prepare and adapt to a global job market with ever-changing technology
· Develop goals and use effective learning strategies for post high school self-improvement
· Understand and appreciate the importance of continued personal growth and development through the
pursuit of healthy lifestyles, civic responsibility, and cultural awareness
Turn in the signed portion and keep the policies for your records.
Course Acknowledgement Form— We have read the Course Information Sheet provided to the student
enrolled in Mr. Quam’s US History B class. We understand the class policies or will contact Mr. Quam for more
information if needed. By signing this you understand and agree to abide by the guidelines outlined in
the Course Information Sheet.
Print Student Name: ______________________________________________
Period: ___________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: _____________
Print Parent Name: _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________
Parent Contact Phone Numbers:
Home: _____________________________
Work: ______________________________
Cell: _______________________________
Parent Email Address (optional): ___________________________________________________________
(It is often easier to contact parents via email if you check it regularly)
Please list any other information that would be important for me to know in order to help make this a successful semester for
you (for example, you have difficult seeing from the back of the room, you prefer to sit in the front/back, you have family
commitments outside of school that may prevent you from completing your work, or any other information you think may be
Please sign and return this page by Friday, January 15, 2016.
This is worth 10 points. Thank you.