What to do if your roommate is ill with the... A person with the flu is contagious (able to infect... know they have the flu (before symptoms of flu begin)...

What to do if your roommate is ill with the flu.
A person with the flu is contagious (able to infect others) for 24 hours before they even
know they have the flu (before symptoms of flu begin) so it is possible you have already
been exposed. But to decrease further risk, consider following these precautions.
If at all possible maintain a distance of 6 feet from your ill roommate. The virus
drops out of the air between 3 and 6 feet after a person coughs.
Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face mouth or eyes.
Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces.
Encourage your roommate to follow the guidelines in Flu Tips for UAlbany
Students (link). Having the ill person wear a facemask (available from Residential
Life) can decrease the chances of them spreading the virus to others.