Pre-AP Spanish III Policies and Procedures

Classroom Procedures and Policies for Pre-AP Spanish III
Ms. Velasco
1. Be on time with all materials. The school’s tardy and absence policy will be followed.
Two tardies equal an unexcused absence. Students are allowed 10 ½ unexempt absences
each semester.
2. Respect your teacher and your fellow classmates. This includes keeping hands, feet, and
other objects to yourself and cooperating with your classmates and teacher.
3. Keep the classroom neat and clean. The floor and shelves are not your personal trashcan!
If you need to throw something away please use the trashcan.
4. Respect the classroom equipment. This includes the computer, the TV/DVD player, the
language lab equipment, the SMART Board, and all other classroom
equipment/materials. These are not toys. Do not mess with them!
5. Bottled water only please! No food allowed, no beverages other than water allowed.
Disciplinary Steps
Warning and/or change of seat.
20 minute lunch detention
Parent contact and additional detention
Referral to assistant principal
** Severe clause: Any student who chooses to severely disrupt the class will be sent to the
office immediately.
Daily Supplies
Expect to come to class every day with all your materials (including any homework). Your job
right now is as a student. Be prepared! Each day you will need to bring the following materials
to class:
1. Three ring binder (not a folder!) with 6 dividers. The five sections for your binder are:
bell work, grammar notes, vocabulary notes, in class work, and culture. Make sure you
date all of your papers and notes and keep them in order!
2. your textbook and workbook
3. pencil or pen (blue or black ink only)
4. paper
It is also strongly recommended that you purchase a Spanish dictionary for home because the
glossary in the back of the textbook is very limited.
Make Up Work
Finding out what you missed is your responsibility! If you are absent, check the absent work
binder to see about any notes or assignments you might have missed. Do not rely on me or other
classmates to tell you what you missed. Check the absent binder! If you have checked the binder
and you are still confused, then you can ask me to clarify. For each day that you are absent you
will receive one class day to make up assignments you missed.
Classroom Procedures and Policies for Pre-AP Spanish III
Ms. Velasco
Late Work
Expect to turn things in ON TIME. All homework assignments are due when the bell rings to
start class. If you don’t turn something in when I ask for it, it’s late! Work that is not turned in
on time will be accepted 1 day late for half credit.
If you missed a test or quiz while you were absent you must make it up before school, at lunch, or
after school. You will not be allowed to make up tests and quizzes during class time! There
will be a deadline to make up tests and quizzes so make sure you have taken them before it is too
late! The deadline will be posted in the absent work binder.
Cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone found cheating or helping someone cheat will receive a
zero. This goes for tests as well as regular assignments.
Grades will be based on class participation, daily work, homework, quizzes, tests, and your
binder. Other projects may be assigned. Your 3 ring binder will be turned in for a 100 point
grade (in my class 100 points is a huge grade) once every semester. Participation will be graded
on a weekly basis. Participation points can be taken away. Grades are not weighted.
Cell Phones
Cell phone use is not allowed during class time. Your phone will be confiscated and given to
your grade office if it is out and/or you are using it.
Hall Passes
You will be allowed 5 hall passes each semester. If you need to write a pass, use the hall passes
in your agenda. Each unused hall pass (out of your 5 allowed hall passes) will equal 4 extra
credit points on your semester test (20 points maximum). Trust me, you will want those bonus
points on the test so think carefully before you use a pass!
Class dismissal
At the end of the hour I will dismiss you. The bell doesn’t dismiss you. Stay in your seat until
the bell rings. Please don’t line up or stand by the door.
Other Expectations
Expect to be challenged. I know that not all of you will go to college, but I am treating this as a
college prep class. Therefore, yes, you will be pushed to THINK and CREATE! Gasp! Guess
what? I believe you can do it. And you will do GREAT!
Expect to work. Yes, we will have homework. Yes, we will do projects. The homework and
projects are there not to punish you, but for you to practice your Spanish.
Expect to be treated like adults. I WILL NOT spoon feed you. It will be up to YOU to make
sure you are on track in my class. I am not your babysitter!
Expect not to use on-line translators. They don’t always work and it will hurt you in the long run.
I consider this to be a form of cheating and I can tell when you have done the work yourself or
Classroom Procedures and Policies for Pre-AP Spanish III
Ms. Velasco
Behavior Agreement
I, the undersigned parent/guardian, have read and understood the classroom policies for Ms.
Velasco’s class. I am also aware that progress
reports will be sent home
with my child approximately every 3 weeks.
(date signed)
(parent/guardian signature)
I, the undersigned student, have read and understood the classroom policies for Ms. Velasco’s
class. I agree to follow these policies, will do my best to maintain a positive learning
environment, and will accept the consequences for my failure to comply with these policies while
in Ms. Velasco’s classroom.
(date signed)
(student signature)
Student name: __________________________________________________________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) name(s): _____________________________________________________
Home phone number: ____________________________________________________________
Mom’s work phone number: _______________________________________________________
Dad’s work phone number: ________________________________________________________
Mom’s e mail address: ___________________________________________________________
Dad’s e mail address: ____________________________________________________________
Is it ok to contact you at work by phone?
Does your child have any medical conditions I should know about? Please specify:
Other information you’d like me to know about your child: