Constitutional Amendment CURRENT LANGUAGE ARTICLE VI: THE GSA ASSEMBLY Section 2: Representative Membership: Each Recognized Graduate Student Organization (RGSO) shall have one voting representative (and alternate) in the Assembly. A RGSO with forty (40) or more GSA members shall have one additional voting representative. A RGSO may select any of its members to serve as its voting representative(s) to the GSA Assembly, provided that individual is also a member of the GSA. Every university department or intra-departmental program with GSA members is entitled to one representative in the Assembly. Departments or intra-departmental programs with forty (40) or more GSA members within said program shall be allotted one additional Assembly Representative. Each department or intra-departmental program is also entitled to declare one alternate for each Assembly Representative. Representatives and alternates must be chosen from graduate students enrolled in the department who are members of the GSA. University departmental and intra-departmental representatives will not be included in the quorum for voting. PROPOSED LANGUAGE Section 2: Representative Membership: Each Recognized Graduate Student Organization (RGSO) shall have one voting representative (and alternate) in the Assembly. A RGSO may select any of its members to serve as its voting representative to the GSA Assembly, provided that individual is also a member of the GSA. Every university department or intra-departmental program with GSA members is entitled to up to two representatives in the Assembly. Departments or intra-departmental programs with seventy-five (75) or more GSA members within said program shall be permitted one additional Assembly Representative, for a total of three (3). Each department or intra-departmental program is also entitled to declare one alternate for each Assembly Representative. Representatives and alternates must be chosen from graduate students enrolled in the department who are members of the GSA. The number of representatives for each department or intra-departmental program will be determined based upon a list of department enrollment obtained by the GSA Vice President in July/August of each year from the Department of Institutional Research. University departmental and intra-departmental representatives will not be included in the quorum for voting. RATIONALE The RGSO Sub-Committee met and discussed how we might change our representation structure. Our peer organizations in NYS only have department reps but we decided we do not want to eliminate RGSO reps (or department reps) so we moved to a discussion of how the two can best be represented. Our proposal is ultimately based on the idea of the US House and Senate. RGSOs will all get the same representation based upon the fact that they are all student created groups some of which pull membership from multiple departments (e.g. GSS), some are created by small departments (e.g. Philosophy or Africana Studies), and others pull membership from the entire graduate student population, regardless of department (e.g. Yes+). We wanted to ensure equal representation for all groups. Also, given that many groups, regardless of the size of the department they are from, have similarly sized “membership” numbers on my involvement, which are smaller than their department size. We did not suggest 2 reps from each RGSO because many groups currently have a hard time finding one rep and we want to ensure RGSO representation is equal, so we decided to suggest 1. We decided that departments, which do vary in size considerably, should be granted representation based (somewhat) upon that size. We considered a scale, as was previously proposed, but ultimately decided to suggest the median of department size (75) as a cutoff point between getting 2 or 3 representatives. We felt this allowed departments or programs who want additional representation or are more actively engaged in GSA activities to have the opportunity to be represented without putting added strain on RGSOs or the Assembly’s ability to meet quorum. OUR NOTES FROM THE MEETING Department representation for department reps Myinvolvement for rgso membership Get more members for the number of students who sign up for your page Rewarding involvement Get rid of department reps? Not used very much Department reps based upon size (scale like I suggested) RGSOs all get 1 rep and that is it – only one rep and not two because we don’t want to put more strain on RGSOs RGSOs = Senate Department = House Could push us out of meeting at the other campuses and only meeting uptown Under 75 (median) you get 2 department reps Over 75 (median) you get 3 department reps