Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday August Wednesday Tuesday 3333 4 Morning Meeting Daily Practice 10 11 th CC.1 – Counting to 100 by 1’s – Continue through 100 day (PASS Enrichment) 17 18 th NBT-1 Begin Place Value – Continue through 100 day (PASS Enrichment) Academic Vocabulary: above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to (G.1 & PASS 3.3) Shapes 24 PASS 3.1: Identify, name, and describe a variety of basic two-dimensional geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, (regular) hexagons, and (isosceles) trapezoids presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes of orientation) PASS: 3.2: Identify, name, and describe a variety of three-dimensional geometric shapes such as spheres, cubes, and cylinders. PASS 3.3: Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (e.g., students describe the relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over) G.2, G.3 & G.4 Squares and other Rectangles Lesson 7.1, pgs. 115-116 1 Day DB Sorting Shapes 25 PASS 3.1: Identify, name, and describe a variety of basic two-dimensional geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, (regular) hexagons, and (isosceles) trapezoids presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes of orientation) PASS: 3.2: Identify, name, and describe a variety of three-dimensional geometric shapes such as spheres, cubes, and cylinders. PASS 3.3: Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (e.g., students describe the relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over) G.1 Circles and Triangles Lesson 7.2, pgs. 117-118 1 Day DB Thursday Friday 5 6 7 12 13 14 In-Service Day 19 PASS Enrichment G.6 Making Shapes from other Shapes Lesson 7.3, pgs. 119-120 1 Day 20 Position Words PASS 3.3 Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (students describe relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over) G.1 Top, Middle, Bottom (Position) Lesson 2.3, pgs. 21-22 Before, After (Position) Lesson 2.4, pgs. 23-24 Problem Solving: Act it Out Lesson 2.6, pgs. 27-28 1 Day 26 Shapes Shapes DB PASS Enrichment G.4 & G.6 More Making Shapes from Other Shapes CC-7 Online Supplemental Lesson Day 1 of 2 DB 27 28 Day 2 of 2 31 PASS 1.1 Sort and group objects into a set and explain verbally what the objects have in common (color, size, shape). Same and Different Lesson 1.1, pgs. 3-4 1 Day CC: Counting & Cardinality OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) 21 PASS 3.3 Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (students describe relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over) G.1 Inside and Outside (Position) Lesson 2.1, pgs. 17-18 Over, Under, & On (Position) Lesson 2.2, pgs. 19-20 1 Day First Day Procedures Shapes Position Words MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday September Wednesday Tuesday Sorting 1 PASS 1.1 Sort and group objects into a set and explain verbally what the objects have in common (color, size, shape). MD.3 Sorting by One Attribute Lesson 1.2, pgs. 5-6 1 Day 7 Sorting Thursday 2 PASS 1.1 Sort and group objects into a set and explain verbally what the objects have in common (color, size, shape). MD.3 Sorting the Same Set in Different Ways Lesson 1.3, pgs. 7-8 1 Day 8 15 Curriculum Adjustment Numbers 0-5 21 Numbers 0-5 22 PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one from one through twenty. PASS 2.2 Pair and count objects using one-toone correspondence (e.g., one napkin for each child at snack time) PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC.4a, CC.4b, CC.4c & CC.5 Counting 4 and 5 Lesson 4.3, pgs. 55-56 1 Day DB PASS 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 CC-4.b & CC-5 Counting 4 & 5 in Different Arrangements CC-2 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day DB More, less, equal (0-5) More, less, equal (0-5) 28 PASS 2.1 Compare a group or set to another group, set, or numerical quantity and verbally explain which has more, less, or equivalent quantities. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) CC-6 More, Fewer, Same As Lesson 4.7, pgs. 63-64 Day 1 of 3 CC: Counting & Cardinality 29 Numbers 0-5 4 PASS 1.1 Sort and group objects into a set and explain verbally what the objects have in common (color, size, shape). MD.3 Problem Solving: Use logical reasoning Lesson 1.5, pgs. 11-12 1 Day 10 11 16 Numbers 0-5 17 Numbers 0-5 18 PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one from one through twenty. PASS 2.2 Pair and count objects using one-toone correspondence (e.g., one napkin for each child at snack time) PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC.4a, CC.4b, CC.4c & CC.5 Counting 1, 2, and 3 Lesson 4.1, pgs. 51-52 1 Day DB PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one from one through twenty. PASS 2.2 Pair and count objects using one-toone correspondence (e.g., one napkin for each child at snack time) PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC.4.b & CC.5 Counting 1, 2, 3, in Different Arrangements CC.1 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day DB PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. (Children still may be reversing some numerals) PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one from one through twenty. PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC.3, CC.4, CC.4a, CC.4c & CC.5 Reading and Writing 1, 2, 3 Lesson 4.2, pgs. 53-54 1 Day DB Numbers 0-5 Numbers 0-5 Numbers 0-5 23 PASS 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 CC-3, CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4.b, CC-4.c, CC-5 Reading and Writing 4 and 5 Lesson 4.4, pgs. 57-58 DB 1 Day DB More, less, equal (0-5) 30 Day 2 of 3 OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking Sorting DIBELS Adjustment Flexible Day In-Service Day 14 Friday 3 PASS 1.1 Sort and group objects into a set and explain verbally what the objects have in common (color, size, shape). MD.3 Sorting more than one attribute Lesson 1.4, pgs. 9-10 1 Day 9 Curriculum Adjustment Labor Day Sorting Day 3 of 3 NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) 24 PASS 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. (Children still may be reversing some numerals) CC-3, CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4.b, CC-4.c, CC-5 Reading and Writing 0 Lesson 4.5, pgs. 59-60 Day 1 of 2 DB Day 2 of 2 Morning Meeting: CC.1 and Pre-first – Counting to 100 by 1’s – Continue through 100th day NBT-1 and Pre-1st Begin Place Value – Continue through 100th day PASS 1.2 AB Pattern PASS 4.2b Identify the days of the week. Academic Vocabulary: above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to, Calendar: day, month, year, season (G.1 and PASS 3.3, 4.1d) MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry 25 Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday October Wednesday Tuesday Thursday 1 More (0-5) Morning Meeting Daily PracticeCC.1 – Counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s (PASS Enrichment) PASS 1.2 (see September) ABB Pattern PASS 2.3 (see 10/20) counting backwards from 10 PASS 4.2b (see September) Identify the days of the week. Academic Vocabulary: shorter, taller, longer, heavier, lighter, PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) PASS 2.1 Compare a group or set to another group, set, or numerical quantity and verbally explain which has more, less, or equivalent quantities. CC-6 1 and 2 More Lesson 4.8, pgs. 65-66 Day 1 of 2 Calendar: day, month, year, season (MD.2 & PASS 4.1b and 4.1d) 5 Friday 1 6 7 Curriculum Adjustment 1 More (0-5) 2 Day 2 of 2 8 9 Report Card Assessment 12 13 14 Report Card Assessment 15 Parent Teacher Conference Measurement 19 Measurement 20 Measurement 21 Measurement 16 Fall Break 22 Measurement 23 PASS 4.1b Compare objects according to observable attributes (e.g., long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; small, medium, large) PASS 4.1c Compare and order objects in a graduated order (e.g., shortest to tallest, thinnest to thickest) PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip, block). PASS 4.1d Identify the appropriate instrument used to measure calendar: day, month, year and season. MD-1 & MD-2 Compare and Order by Size Lesson 9.1, pgs. 153-154 1 Day PASS 4.1b Compare objects according to observable attributes (e.g., long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; small, medium, large) PASS 4.1c Compare and order objects in a graduated order (e.g., shortest to tallest, thinnest to thickest) PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip, block). PASS 4.1d Identify the appropriate instrument used to measure calendar: day, month, year and season. MD-1 & MD-2 Compare by Length Lesson 9.2, pgs. 155-156 1 Day PASS 4.1b Compare objects according to observable attributes (e.g., long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; small, medium, large) PASS 4.1c Compare and order objects in a graduated order (e.g., shortest to tallest, thinnest to thickest) PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip, block). PASS 4.1d Identify the appropriate instrument used to measure calendar: day, month, year and season. MD-1 & MD-2 Ordering by Length Lesson 9.3, pgs. 157-158 1 Day PASS 4.1c Compare and order objects in a graduated order (e.g., shortest to tallest, thinnest to thickest) PASS 4.1d Identify the appropriate instrument used to measure calendar: day, month, year and season. MD-1 & MD-2 Comparing Capacities Lesson 9.6, pgs. 163-164 1 Day PASS 4.1b Compare objects according to observable attributes (e.g., long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; small, medium, large) PASS 4.1c Compare and order objects in a graduated order (e.g., shortest to tallest, thinnest to thickest) PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip, block). PASS 4.1d Identify the appropriate instrument used to measure calendar: day, month, year and season. MD-1 & MD-2 Comparing Weights Lesson 9.8, pgs. 167-168 1 Day Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip, and block). PASS 4.1b Compare objects according to observable attributes (e.g., long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; small, medium, large). MD-1 Measuring Weight Lesson 9.9, pgs. 169-170 PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip and block). PASS 4.1b Compare objects according to observable attributes (e.g., long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; small, medium, large). MD-1 Measuring Length Lesson 9.4, pgs.159-160 Day 1 of 2 Problem Solving: Try, Check & Revise Lesson 9.10, pgs. 171-172 1 Day CC: Counting & Cardinality OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 27 28 Day 2 of 2 29 PASS 4.1a Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement (e.g., pencil, paper clip and block). PASS 4.1c Compare and order objects in a graduated order (e.g., shortest to tallest, thinnest to thickest) MD-1 & MD-2 Day 2 of 2 Problem Solving: Try, Check, & Revise Lesson 9.5, pgs. 161-162 Day 1 of 2 NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry 30 Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday Numbers 6-10 2 PASS 2.3 Count forward to twenty and backward from ten. PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one through twenty. PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-4 & CC-5 Counting 6 and 7 Lesson 5.1, pgs. 75-76 Day 1 of 2 DB Numbers 6-10 Day 2 of 2 Numbers 6-10 3 DB 10 November Wednesday Numbers 6-10 16 Numbers 6-10 17 4 PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals.CC-3: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-4c, CC-5 Reading and Writing 6 & 7 Lesson 5.3, pgs. 79-80 Day 1 of 2 DB Numbers 6-10 PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals CC-3, CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-4c, & CC-5 Reading and Writing 8 & 9 Lesson 5.6, pgs. 85-86 DB Day 1 of 2 Day 2 of 2 Numbers 6-10 Tuesday Numbers 6-10 11 Day 2 of 2 Numbers 6-10 5 DB 12 PASS 2.3 Count forward to twenty and backward from ten. PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one through twenty. PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-4c & CC-5 Counting 10 Lesson 5.7, pgs. 87-88 Day 1 of 2 Day 2 of 2 More, less, equal (0-10) Thursday Numbers 6-10 18 PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals CC-3, CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-4c & CC-5 Reading and Writing 10 Lesson 5.9, pgs. 91-92 DB 1 Day PASS 2.3 Count forward to twenty and backward from ten. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals CC-2 Ordering Numbers on a Number Line Lesson 5.10, pgs. 93-94 DB 1 Day PASS 2.1 Compare a group or set to another group, set, or numerical quantity and verbally explain which has more, less, or equivalent quantities. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) CC-6 & CC-7 Comparing Numbers to 5 Lesson 6.2, pgs. 103-104 Lesson 6.1, 101-102 1 Day DB 23 24 25 More, less, equal (0-10) Friday Numbers 6-10 Numbers 6-10 Day 2 of 2 19 PASS 2.1 Compare a group or set to another group, set, or numerical quantity and verbally explain which has more, less, or equivalent quantities. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) CC-6 & CC-7 Comparing Numbers to 10 Lesson 6.3, pgs. 105-106 1 and 2 More and Fewer Lesson 6.4, pgs. 107-108 1 Day DB 26 20 Curriculum Adjustment 27 Thanksgiving Break Solid Objects 30 PASS 3.1 Identify, name, and describe a variety of basic two-dimensional geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, (regular) hexagons, and (isosceles) trapezoids presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes of orientation). PASS 3.2 Identify, name, and describe a variety of three-dimensional geometric shapes such as spheres, cubes, and cylinders. PASS 3.3 Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (e.g., students describe the relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over. Solid Figures (Sphere) Lesson 7.6, pgs. 125-126 Day 1 of 4 DB CC: Counting & Cardinality Morning Meeting Daily Practice – CC.1 – Counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s PASS 1.2 (see September) AABB Pattern CC.2 – Counting Forward PASS 4.2b (see September) Identify the days of the week. Academic Vocabulary: number line, forward, backward, one more, one less (CC.2, CC-4c, CC.5) OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) MD: Measurement & Data 6 PASS 2.3 Count forward to twenty and backward from ten. PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one through twenty. PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. CC-4, CC-4a,CC-4b, CC-4c Counting 8 & 9 Lesson 5.4, pgs. 81-82 DB Day 1 of 2 G: Geometry Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday Tuesday Solid Objects 1 December Wednesday Solid Objects PASS 3.1 Identify, name, and describe a variety of basic two-dimensional geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, (regular) hexagons, and (isosceles) trapezoids presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes of orientation). PASS 3.2 Identify, name, and describe a variety of three-dimensional geometric shapes such as spheres, cubes, and cylinders. PASS 3.3 Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (e.g., students describe the relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over. Solid Figures (Sphere) Lesson 7.6, pgs. 125-126 Day 2 of 4 DB Day 3 of 4 2 Thursday Solid Objects DB Day 4 of 4 Friday 3 DB Solid Objects 4 PASS Enrichment G-4 Comparing Solid Figures Lesson 7.7, pgs. 127-128 PASS 3.1 Identify, name, and describe a variety of basic two-dimensional geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, (regular) hexagons, and (isosceles) trapezoids presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes of orientation). PASS 3.2 Identify, name, and describe a variety of three-dimensional geometric shapes such as spheres, cubes, and cylinders. PASS 3.3 Model and use words indicating relative position or direction (e.g., students describe the relationships between self and objects in space using on, above, below, beside, under, on top of, behind, and over. G-3, G-4 & G-5 Comparing Solid Figures Lesson 7.7, pp. 127-128 Flat Surfaces of Solid Figures Lesson 7.8, pgs.129-130 1 Day Measurement 7 PASS 4.1d Identify the appropriate instrument used to measure temperature: thermometer. Temperature and Thermometers Lesson 15-6, pgs. 281-282 1 Day DB Measurement 8 PASS 4.2a Tell time on digital and analog clocks to the hour. Clocks and Time Lesson 14.4 pgs. 261-262 DB 1 Day 14 Measurement PASS 4.2a Tell time on digital and analog clocks to the hour. Clocks and Time Lesson 14.5, pgs. 263-264 1 Day 15 Curriculum Adjustment 9 Ordinals 10 Ordinals PASS 2.7 Identify and use ordinal numbers to order objects first through tenth. Ordinals Lesson 8.4 and 8.5, pgs. 143-146 1 Day PASS 2.7 Identify and use ordinal numbers to order objects first through tenth. Ordinals Lesson 8.6, pgs. 147-148 1 Day 16 17 18 23 24 25 Report Card Assessment 21 22 Winter Break 29 30 31 Morning Meeting Daily Practice28– CC.1 – Counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s PASS 1.2 (see September) AABB Pattern CC.2 – Counting Forward PASS 4.2b (see September) Identify the days of the week. Academic Vocabulary: number line, forward, backward, one more, one less (CC.2, CC-4c, CC.5) CC: Counting & Cardinality DB 11 OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday January Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Morning Meeting Daily Practice – Winter Break CC.1 – Counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s PASS 1.2 (see September) AABB Pattern CC.2 – Counting Forward PASS 4.2b (see September) Identify the days of the week. 4 forward, backward, one more, one less 5 (CC.2, CC-4c, CC.5) 6 Numbers 11-20 7 Numbers 11-20 Academic Vocabulary: number line, PASS 2.2 Pair and count objects using one-to-one correspondence (e.g., one napkin for each child at snack time) PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set oneby-one through twenty. PASS 2.5 Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals. CC-3, CC-4a & CC-4b Counting, Reading, and Writing 11 & 12 Lesson 12.1, pgs. 213-214 DB Day 1 of 2 DIBELS Adjustment Record Day Numbers 11-20 11 Numbers 11-20 12 Numbers 11-20 PASS 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 & 2.6 CC-3, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-5 & CC-4c Counting, Reading, and Writing 13 – 14 – 15 Lesson 12.2, pgs. 215-216 DB Day 1 of 3 Day 2 of 2 18 Numbers 11-20 19 13 Day 2 of 3 Numbers 11-20 Numbers 11-20 14 Numbers 11-20 8 Day 2 of 2 Numbers 11-20 15 PASS 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 & 2.6 CC-3, CC-4a, CC-4b CC-5 & CC-4c Counting, Reading, & Writing 16 & 17 Lesson 12.3, pgs. 217-218 DB Day 1 of 3 Day 3 of 3 20 1 21 Numbers 11-20 22 PASS 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 & 2.6 CC-3, CC-4a, CC-4b CC-5 & CC-4c MLK Jr. Day Numbers 11-20 Day 3 of 3 CC: Counting & Cardinality Day 2 of 3 25 Place Value 10 & some more 26 PASS Enrichment NBT-1 Making 11, 12, 13 CC-9 Online Supplemental Lesson *Emphasis: Ten & Some More (ex. Ten Frames) Making 14, 15, 16 CC-9, 10 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking Counting & Reading 18, 19, 20 Lesson 12.4, pgs. 219-220 Day 1 of 3 Day 3 of 3 Place Value 10 & some more 27 PASS Enrichment NBT-1 Making 17, 18, 19 CC-11 Online Supplemental Lesson Creating Sets to 19 CC-12 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) Place Value 10 & some more Day 2 of 2 28 PASS Enrichment NBT-1 Parts of 11, 12, 13 CC-13 Online Supplemental Lesson Parts of 14, 15, 16 CC-14 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day MD: Measurement & Data Place Value 10 & some more PASS Enrichment NBT-1 Parts of 17, 18, 19 CC-15 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day G: Geometry 29 Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday February Wednesday Tuesday 11 100th Day Activities 2 100th Day Activities Addition 8 Addition PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Stories About Joining Lesson 10.1, pgs. 177-178 DB Day 1 of 2 FLUENCY! DB Addition 15 PASS 2.5 (See 10/20) PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals.CC-3: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). CC-4, CC-4a, CC-4b, CC-4c & CC-5 Writing Number Sentences for 6 & 7 CC-4 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day DB 100th Day Activities 9 Day 2 of 2 Addition DB 16 Addition PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-3 Writing Number Sentences for 8 & 9 CC-5 Online Supplemental Lesson DB 1 Day PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-3 & OA-4 Making 10 Lesson 5.8, pgs. 89-90 DB Day 1 of 2 29 PASS 1.3 & PASS 2.8 OA-1, OA-2, OA-5 Using the + sign Lesson 10.4, pgs.183-184 DB FLUENCY! Day 1 of 2 CC: Counting & Cardinality Addition 23 Friday 4 10 Addition 17 Addition 11 Addition Addition 24 Day 2 of 2 Addition 12 PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-3 Making 6 and 7 Lesson 5.2, pgs. 77-78 DB 1 Day 18 19 PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-3 Making 8 & 9 Lesson 5.5, pgs. 83-84 DB 1 Day Day 2 of 2 Addition 5 Curriculum Adjustment PASS 2.4 Count objects in a set one-by-one PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related from one through twenty. facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.2 Pair and count objects using one-toOA-3 one correspondence (e.g., one napkin for each Writing Number Sentences for child at snack time) 4&5 OA-3 CC-3 Online Supplemental Lesson DB Making 4 and 5 *Notice flexible placement of equal sign. Lesson 4.6, pgs. 61-62 DB 1 Day 1 Day PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 More Joining Lesson 10.2, pgs. 179-180 DB Day 1 of 2 FLUENCY! Addition Addition Thursday 3 25 PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.6 Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-3 Writing Number Sentences for 10 Online Supplemental Lesson 1 Day DB Zone Day Addition Morning Meeting Daily Practice – CC.1 – Counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s PASS 1.2 (see September) AABB Pattern CC.2 – Counting Forward PASS 4.2b (see September) Identify the days of the week. Academic Vocabulary: number line, forward, backward, one more, one less (CC.2, CC-4c, CC.5) OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) MD: Measurement & Data 26 PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Joining Groups Lesson 10.3, pgs. 181-182 FLUENCY! 1 Day G: Geometry Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday March Wednesday Tuesday Addition 1 PASS 1.3 & PASS 2.8 OA-1, OA-2, OA-5 Using the + sign Lesson 10.4, pgs.183-184 FLUENCY! Day 2 of 2 DB 7 Addition Thursday 2 PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Finding Sums Lesson 10.5, pgs. 185-186 DB Day 1 of 3 8 Friday Addition 3 Day 2 of 3 4 Day 2 of 3 9 Report Card Assessment Addition 10 11 17 18 24 25 Curriculum Adjustment 14 15 16 Spring Break Addition 21 Addition PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 74=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Addition Sentences Lesson 10.6, pgs.187-188 DB Day 1 of 2 Coins 28 22 Addition Day 2 of 2 Coins 23 Addition PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 7-4=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Problem Solving: Draw a Picture Lesson 10.7, pgs. 189-190 Day 1 of 2 29 Coins 30 Parent Teacher Conference Day 2 of 2 Morning Meeting Daily Practice – Number Patterns CC.2 , PASS 2.3,2.6 OA.2 Addition Word Problem of the Day (PASS 1.3, 2,8) MD.3 Sorting & Ordering by Collecting Data (PASS 1.1) PASS 4.3 Identify the coins penny, nickel and dime PASS 4.2b - Months of the year (See September) Vocab: add, join, put together, plus, combine, & total Coins 31 PASS 4.3 Lesson: Date-base CC: Counting & Cardinality Lesson: Date-base OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking Lesson: Date-base NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) Lesson: Date-base MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday April Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday 1 Morning Meeting Daily PracticeOA.2 Subtraction Word Problem of the Day (PASS 2.3, 2.8) MD.3 Sorting & Ordering by Collecting Data (PASS 1.1) Graph/Data Analysis PASS 5.1 & PASS 5.2 Lesson 16.1 4 Graph/Data Analysis PASS 5.1 7 PASS 5.2 Lesson 16.7 11 Subtraction Graph/Data Analysis PASS 5.1 & PASS 5.2 Lesson 16.2 Subtraction 18 Finding Differences Lesson 11.5, pgs. 203-204 Day 1 of 2 FLUENCY! DB Subtraction 25 CC: Counting & Cardinality 5 12 Graph/Data Analysis PASS 5.1 & PASS 5.2 Lesson 16.3 Subtraction PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 74=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Stories About Take Away Lesson 11.2, pgs. 197-198 Day 1 of 2 FLUENCY! Subtraction PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 74=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 PASS 1.3 & PASS 2.8 Lesson: Data-base PASS 4.3 Identify the coins penny, nickel, dime and quarter. Vocab (minus): minus, take away, separate, difference, & compare. 19 6 13 Graph/Data Analysis PASS 5.1 & PASS 5.2 Lesson 16.4 Subtraction 7 14 Graph/Data Analysis PASS 5.1 & PASS 5.2 Lesson 16.5 Subtraction PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 74=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Day 2 of 2 8 15 Day 2 of 2 Using the minus sign Lesson 11.4, pgs. 201-202 DB Day 1 of 2 FLUENCY! Subtraction Subtraction PASS 1.3 Use objects to demonstrate “related facts” such as 3 + 4 =7; 74=3. PASS 2.8 Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller.) OA-1, OA-2 & OA-5 Day 2 of 2 Snow Day 21 Subtraction 22 PASS 1.3 & PASS 2.8 Lesson: Data-base Day 2 of 2 Subtraction Sentences Lesson 11.6, pgs. 205-206 Day 1 of 2 FLUENCY! DB Subtraction PASS 1.3 & PASS 2.8 Lesson: Data-base OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 26 27 28 29 DIBELS Adjustment NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry Kindergarten Math– 2015-2016 Monday May Wednesday Tuesday 2 PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Addition Topic: 10 Problems of the Day PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Addition Topic: 10 Problems of the Day 9 PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Subtraction Topic: 11 Problems of the Day Thursday 3 4 PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Addition Topic: 10 Problems of the Day 10 PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Subtraction Topic: 11 Problems of the Day Friday 5 PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Subtraction Topic: 11 Problems of the Day 6 PASS 1.3, 2.8, 5.1 Word Problems - 0-10 Subtraction Topic: 11 Problems of the Day 11 12 13 Report Card Assessment 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 Curriculum Adjustment Last Day of School Curriculum Adjustment 30 Memorial Day CC: Counting & Cardinality Records Day or Last day of school if 2nd snow day is needed Morning Meeting Daily PracticeOA.2 Subtraction Word Problem of the Day (PASS 2.3, 2.8) MD.3 Sorting & Ordering by Collecting Data (PASS 1.1) PASS 4.3 Identify the coins penny, nickel, dime and quarter. Vocab (minus): minus, take away, separate, difference, & compare. OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking NBT: Number & Operations in Base 10 DB: Data Base (search by keyword on the Database located on the Math website) MD: Measurement & Data G: Geometry