2D Studio Art I

2D Studio Art I
Moore High School
Fall 2015
Ms. A. Guthrie
Room # 901
E-Mail: Ashleyguthrie@mooreschools.com
Course Description: 2D Art is an introduction to the basic principles and elements
of two-dimensional design. Through direct experience with the art making process,
this course will help you solve visual problems, improve your ability to discuss
artwork, and allow you to gain a solid understanding of the elements and principles
of design. This class will introduce you to various artistic media, processes, artists,
and art criticism. The importance of presentation and craftsmanship is emphasized.
The course is intended for students of all experience levels.
Course Objectives: (1) Students will design individual artworks based on design
elements and principles as well as responses to historical, philosophical and cultural
prompts. (2) Students will use appropriate vocabulary in the verbal and written
description and analysis of their work. (3) Students will participate in historical and
cultural discussions about the philosophy of art. (4) Students will create artwork of
acceptable quality using a variety of techniques.
2D Studio Art Curriculum
The Elements of Art - line, color, form, shape, texture, value, and space
Principles of Design - balance, contrast, movement, variety, emphasis,
rhythm and repetition
Media - Pencil, pen, collage, colored pencil, charcoal, tempera/ acrylic paint
and watercolors
Units of Study- Art History, line, composition, value, perspective,
color/painting, figure drawing and portraiture, mixed media, and film
Class Procedures
 Always wear your I.D.
 Be respectful of all people in the classroom. You should be respectful of the
teacher and your classmates by having a good attitude and coming in quietly
if you are late.
 Be respectful of the art materials. The materials are to be treated in a
professional manner. Take proper care of the brushes. Do not be wasteful of
paint or paper. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TABLES. Do not touch art tools
without the teacher’s permission.
 Effort. You are expected to participate fully in all classroom activities. No
student is expected to be an accomplished artist upon entering the class; you
will develop skills through practice. You will use all class time for ART
assignments ONLY.
 Horseplay in the classroom. ABSOLUTELY NO HORSEPLAY of any kind will
be tolerated. Horseplay endangers others as well as putting creative
endeavors at risk.
 Food. School and district policy states that food and beverages are not
allowed in the classroom.
 Cell Phones. School and district policies will be followed. It is NEVER okay to
have your cell phone out to text, or to receive a call. At times, the lesson may
include you needing to look up information on your phone; ONLY by the
teachers’ permission. If you have your phone out texting or answering the
phone during class, it will be taken up and sent to your grade level office
where you will pick it up at the end of the day.
 Preparation. You must bring pen, pencil and sketch book to class
 Communication. If you are having a problem with this class do not assume
that I know. It is your responsibility to communicate with me, so that you
will have a successful experience.
 Class Dismissal. You are dismissed by the teacher after all supplies and
materials are accounted for, stored properly and the room is clean. You will
not line up or leave before the bell rings.
Alternative assignments will be given to you if you do not properly use each
class period or the supplies. Examples of behaviors that would warrant alternative
assignments are miss use of art materials, distracting behavior or disrespectful
1st Offense: Visual/verbal warning by teacher.
2nd Offense: Discussion with teacher about infraction - Possible Detention!
3rd Offense: Written behavior plan - Detention!
4th Offense: Grade office referral.
*See student handbook for discipline procedures.
(1) Absences and tardies interfere with your learning and success.
Please, be on time. (2) Absences are excused by a Doctors note or other
documentation that is taken to the office. (3) IF you are absent, it is YOUR
RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed and to make it up ASAP!
The due dates for any project will be posted in class each day. Late work will
be evaluated according to handbook policies. Please communicate
difficulties/emergencies with me as needs arise. District policy is one day
extra fir each day of absence.
Grading Policy
The following is how every assignment will be graded.
Care/Effort – Is the work appropriate to the style?
Attention to details- Craftsmanship.
Work habits – Efficient use of the time, asking questions,
recording thoughts, and experimenting.
Growth and progress – How does the work compare to previous work?
Creativity/Originality – Developed your own idea thoroughly and not
copied by someone else.
Following instructions – You have met the criteria outlined for
100-90 A = Excellent, outstanding, exemplary
89-80 B = Above average, very good, acceptable
79-70 C = Average, good, not yet acceptable
69-60 D = Below average, needs improvement, barely acceptable
59 and below = Unsatisfactory, poor, unacceptable
Your overall course grade will be computed according to the following
In Class Participation/Daily
Students Name __________________________________ Class Period _________
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the Art Program at Moore High School. I am looking Forward to a
productive and exciting year. This semester, we will explore many different types of
art, past to present, and work with different tools and techniques to create art that is
well-crafted to expresses thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
In order for us to provide the best studio art experience, it is necessary that
an Art Fee be assessed from each student.
The ART FEE is $10.00 per student for 2D Studio Art I.
FEES are due by Thursday, September 17, 2015.
This fee will cover all art supplies except for their sketchbooks. The sketchbooks
can be found at Hobby Lobby or other art supply stores. Sketchbooks will be a
combination of the student’s daily work, class work and homework. The books will
be turned in at the end of the semester.
I look forward in working with your student to create a positive and creative
work environment. Art education is for all students. It provides learning
opportunities for the artistically talented, as well as for students who may never
produce art outside the classroom. In whichever category your child is in, art class
will be a learning, encouraging and enriching part of your student’s day.
Please read, check the appropriate blanks, sign and return this form.
_______ I have read the course description and syllabus.
_______ I have read and understood the art rules and consequences.
_______ Art Fees are attached. (Send in sealed envelope.)
_______ Art fees are not attached but will send by _______________ or before Thursday,
September 17, 2015.
Parent Signature ______________________________________________
Student Signature ______________________________________________
Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Ashley Guthrie
E-mail: Ashleyguthrie@mooreschools.com