Speaker bylaws changes(.docx)

Minor changes to the bylaws to be consistent with the recent amendment to the constitution to
elect a speaker in May
Article IV
Section 2: The Vice President:
Pursuant to the Constitution, Article VI, Section 4, The Vice President shall be responsible for
calling and chairing the first GSA Assembly meeting of the academic year, and facilitating the
election of an Assembly Speaker at that meeting. Pursuant to the Constitution, Article VI,
Section 3, in the absence of an Assembly Speaker, the Vice President shall act as chairperson of
a GSA Assembly meeting.
Section 2: The Vice President:
Pursuant to the Constitution, Article VI, Section 4, The Vice President shall be responsible for
calling and chairing the first GSA Assembly meeting of the academic year, and facilitating the
election of an Assembly Speaker at that meeting. Pursuant to the Constitution, Article VI,
Section 3, in the absence of an Assembly Speaker, the Vice President shall act as chairperson of
a GSA Assembly meeting.
Rationale – the clause does not need to exist now that the Speaker is elected in May and the
current speaker facilitates that election. The existing language in the constitution covers the issue
if the speaker is running for re-election. No extra language is required.
Section 9: Assembly Speaker: The Assembly Speaker shall be elected from the GSA Assembly
voting membership to serve for that academic year. The Assembly Speaker chairs and sets the
agenda for GSA Assembly meetings, shall be responsible for attending all GSA Assembly
meetings, and shall represent the GSA Assembly as a non-voting member at Executive Board
meetings. The Assembly Speaker will prepare a call for each assembly meeting and arrange to
post the listerv and website the date, location, and the time of all GSA Assembly Meetings. The
speaker is also responsible for working with the Vice President to maintain an accurate roll of all
voting members in the assembly and will track attendance at meetings for the purposes of
quorum. Emergency GSA Assembly meetings may be called at the discretion of the Assembly
Speaker pursuant to the Constitution, Article VI, Section 3.
Section 9: Assembly Speaker: The Assembly Speaker shall be elected from the GSA Assembly
voting membership to serve for one year or until their successor is elected that academic year.
The Assembly Speaker chairs and sets the agenda for GSA Assembly meetings, shall be
responsible for attending all GSA Assembly meetings, and shall represent the GSA Assembly as
a non-voting member at Executive Board meetings. The Assembly Speaker will prepare a call
for each assembly meeting and arrange to post the listserv and website the date, location, and the
time of all GSA Assembly Meetings. The speaker is also responsible for working with the Vice
President to maintain an accurate roll of all voting members in the assembly and will track
attendance at meetings for the purposes of quorum. Emergency GSA Assembly meetings may be
called at the discretion of the Assembly Speaker pursuant to the Constitution, Article VI, Section
Rationale – Phrasing the term of office as fix OR until their successor is elected is the wording
that according to Robert’s Rules Chapter 20 Section 62 allows the Assembly Speaker to be
removed by an Assembly vote and does not require an investigation process. Section 62 also
speaks to the right to of the Assembly to declare vacancy of the chair and elect a new one so this
language is consistent with both parts of that section. The removal of the term “voting” allows a
speaker to be re-elected or a non-voting member to be elected. It broadens the pool of people
who are eligible to run to all fee paying graduate students.
Article V
Section 2: Membership: Pursuant to the Constitution, Article VIII, Section 1, the Judicial Board
shall be composed of three voting members from the GSA Assembly. Judicial Board members
shall be elected from the GSA Assembly at the first meeting of each academic year after the
election of the Assembly Speaker. The Judicial Board shall serve until the election of a new
Judicial Board at the first meeting of the following academic year. Any member of the GSA
Assembly may announce their candidacy. If there are more than five candidates, a poll shall be
conducted to select the three most favored candidates. Approval of the five most favored
candidates shall then be voted on. Approval of a candidate for the Judicial Board shall require a
simple majority of the GSA Assembly. Should a Judicial Board member resign, a new member
shall be elected by the GSA Assembly at the following GSA Assembly meeting.
Section 2: Membership: Pursuant to the Constitution, Article VIII, Section 1, the Judicial Board
shall be composed of three voting members from the GSA Assembly. Judicial Board members
shall be elected from the GSA Assembly at the first meeting of each academic year after the
election of the Assembly Speaker. The Judicial Board shall serve until the election of a new
Judicial Board at the first meeting of the following academic year. Any member of the GSA
Assembly may announce their candidacy. If there are more than five candidates, a poll shall be
conducted to select the three most favored candidates. Approval of the five most favored
candidates shall then be voted on. Approval of a candidate for the Judicial Board shall require a
simple majority of the GSA Assembly. Should a Judicial Board member resign, a new member
shall be elected by the GSA Assembly at the following GSA Assembly meeting.
Rationale – this is from the Judicial Board section. It just strikes unnecessary language.